Introduction: Autism spectrum disorders are a set of early onset neurological development disorders characterized by difficulties in social interaction and communication, the presence of narrow interests and repetitive and stereotyped behaviors. People affected by this complex clinical condition need a comprehensive and lifelong socio-health care. Objective: the study aims to deepen the role of the professional educator, specifically the educational project and the description of the methodology for educational interventions for children with autism spectrum disorders. The objective is to outline the more practical aspects concerning this professional figure. He is committed to supporting these children in their growth while respecting their resources and potential, in multidisciplinary social and health context. Research strategy: this bibliographic thesis with case study was created through a review of scientific texts and articles in scientific literature, regulatory references in the health sector, private documents (belonging to the "Villa Maria" Rehabilitation Center) of a social and health sector to drafting of the case study and the presentation of the individualized educational project. Discussions: the professional educator is a socio-health professional figure with skills in the disciplinary, methodological and personal area, closely linked to the educational relationship he establishes with the person or groups of people he supports; he plans individualized educational projects and organizes, manages and verifies his professional activities within social and health services in coordinated and integrated manner with other professionals. In structuring the educational project, he is called upon to analyze the problematic situation and define an educational diagnosis, define the educational objectives. He chooses the most appropriate educational methods and strategies for the project and the person, define the resources and the intervention program, structure a evaluation plan: ex-ante, in itinere and ex-post. In the educational and rehabilitation sector of the developmental age in the case of children with autism spectrum disorders, the methodology is included in some intervention programs such as Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH), most commonly tested, recognized and used on the international scene. They derive from cognitive-behavioral psychology and offer descriptions of strategies, techniques and tools to educate children with ASD specific skills acquire them, consolidate them and generalize them in various life contexts; decrease the manifestation of problematic behaviors. The presentation of a case study and the individualized educational project of a girl with ASD known in the internship and work experience will bring a concrete example of all this. Conclusions: the behavioral intervention programs ABA and TEACCH enjoy both positive and critical aspects. The professional educator must know them and know how to use them on the basis of the characteristics of the reference person, the shortcomings and the resources to be strengthened, with the utmost respect for his dignity. Keywords: ASD, DSM-5, education, educational project, ABA.
Introduzione: i disturbi dello spettro autistico sono un insieme di disturbi dello sviluppo neurologico ad insorgenza precoce, caratterizzati da difficoltà nell’interazione e nella comunicazione sociale, dalla presenza di interessi ristretti e di comportamenti ripetitivi e stereotipati. Le persone affette da questa condizione clinica complessa necessitano di una presa in carico socio-sanitaria globale e che perduri per tutta la vita. Obiettivo: lo studio mira ad approfondire il ruolo dell’educatore professionale, nello specifico la pratica progettuale educativa e la descrizione della metodologia per gli interventi educativi e riabilitativi per i bambini con disturbi dello spettro autistico; per delineare gli aspetti più pratici che riguardano questa figura professionale impegnata a sostenere nella crescita questi bambini, nel rispetto delle loro risorse e potenzialità, in un contesto multidisciplinare socio-sanitario. Strategia di ricerca: la presente tesi bibliografica con studio di caso è stata realizzata attraverso una revisione dei testi e articoli scientifici presenti in letteratura scientifica, riferimenti normativi nel settore sanitario, documenti privati (propri del Presidio Riabilitativo “Villa Maria”) di natura socio-sanitaria per la stesura dello studio di caso e della presentazione del progetto educativo individualizzato. Discussioni: l’educatore professionale è una figura professionale socio-sanitaria con competenze in area disciplinare, metodologica e personale strettamente legato alla relazione educativa che instaura con la persona o gruppi di persone che affianca; egli programma progetti educativi individualizzati e organizza, gestisce e verifica le proprie attività professionali all’interno di servizi sociosanitari in modo coordinato e integrato con altre figure professionali. Nella strutturazione del progetto educativo è chiamato ad analizzare la situazione problematica e definire una diagnosi educativa, definire gli obiettivi educativi, scegliere i metodi e le strategie educative più adeguate al progetto e alla persona, definire le risorse e il programma d’intervento, strutturare un piano di valutazione: ex-ante, in itinere ed ex-post. Nell’ambito educativo e riabilitativo dell’età evolutiva, nel caso di bambini con disturbi dello spettro autistico, la metodologia, con strumenti e strategie educative che l’educatore può mettere in atto nei vari interventi educativi, è descritta in alcuni programmi di intervento quali Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) e Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH), sperimentati, riconosciuti e utilizzati più comunemente sul panorama internazionale. Essi derivano dalla psicologia cognitivo-comportamentale e offrono descrizioni su strategie, tecniche e strumenti per educare i bambini con ASD ad abilità specifiche, acquisirle, consolidarle e generalizzarle nei vari contesti di vita; decrementare la manifestazione di comportamenti problematici. La presentazione di uno studio di caso e del progetto educativo individualizzato di una ragazza con ASD conosciuta nell’esperienza di tirocinio e lavorativa porterà un esempio concreto di tutto questo. Conclusioni: i programmi di intervento comportamentale ABA e TEACCH godono di aspetti positivi quanto di criticità. L’educatore deve conoscerli e saperli utilizzare sulla base delle caratteristiche della persona di riferimento, delle mancanze e delle risorse da potenziare, nel massimo rispetto della sua dignità. Parole chiave: ASD, DSM-5, educazione, progettazione, intervento ABA.
I disturbi dello spettro autistico in età evolutiva e il ruolo dell'educatore professionale. Metodi e strategie di intervento educativo per bambini con ASD e presentazione di uno studio di caso.
Introduction: Autism spectrum disorders are a set of early onset neurological development disorders characterized by difficulties in social interaction and communication, the presence of narrow interests and repetitive and stereotyped behaviors. People affected by this complex clinical condition need a comprehensive and lifelong socio-health care. Objective: the study aims to deepen the role of the professional educator, specifically the educational project and the description of the methodology for educational interventions for children with autism spectrum disorders. The objective is to outline the more practical aspects concerning this professional figure. He is committed to supporting these children in their growth while respecting their resources and potential, in multidisciplinary social and health context. Research strategy: this bibliographic thesis with case study was created through a review of scientific texts and articles in scientific literature, regulatory references in the health sector, private documents (belonging to the "Villa Maria" Rehabilitation Center) of a social and health sector to drafting of the case study and the presentation of the individualized educational project. Discussions: the professional educator is a socio-health professional figure with skills in the disciplinary, methodological and personal area, closely linked to the educational relationship he establishes with the person or groups of people he supports; he plans individualized educational projects and organizes, manages and verifies his professional activities within social and health services in coordinated and integrated manner with other professionals. In structuring the educational project, he is called upon to analyze the problematic situation and define an educational diagnosis, define the educational objectives. He chooses the most appropriate educational methods and strategies for the project and the person, define the resources and the intervention program, structure a evaluation plan: ex-ante, in itinere and ex-post. In the educational and rehabilitation sector of the developmental age in the case of children with autism spectrum disorders, the methodology is included in some intervention programs such as Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH), most commonly tested, recognized and used on the international scene. They derive from cognitive-behavioral psychology and offer descriptions of strategies, techniques and tools to educate children with ASD specific skills acquire them, consolidate them and generalize them in various life contexts; decrease the manifestation of problematic behaviors. The presentation of a case study and the individualized educational project of a girl with ASD known in the internship and work experience will bring a concrete example of all this. Conclusions: the behavioral intervention programs ABA and TEACCH enjoy both positive and critical aspects. The professional educator must know them and know how to use them on the basis of the characteristics of the reference person, the shortcomings and the resources to be strengthened, with the utmost respect for his dignity. Keywords: ASD, DSM-5, education, educational project, ABA.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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