The demographic prospects for the next two decades suggest a particularly interesting picture of the United States of America, a country that by 2040 will see a dramatic increase in the number of inhabitants on its territory. The increase in population is, in itself, an interesting fact, but it does not allow us to grasp the real scope of the coming change. According to estimates, in fact, the characteristics of this population will be essentially two: elderly and multiethnic. The peculiarities of the demos of the future stars and stripes will open controversial scenarios that will affect every aspect of the U.S. architecture, from voting mechanisms, through the functioning of the institutions, to political representation. Knowing the composition of the population is a factor of primary importance for political actors who, basing themselves on this data, can study their strategy and consequently understand which electorate to address and with which message, a difficult task considering the great impact of the populist and neo-nationalist winds that have blown over Western politics in the last decade. American neo-nationalism will be investigated several times in this paper, shedding light on some stages of American history. that have irreversibly favored the advent of this sentiment among the militants, especially of the Republican Party. The polarization and the progressive radicalization of the debate, are themes inextricably linked to these feelings, cultivated with the complicity of the great sociocultural changes that have helped to crumble the four great narratives on which the social, political and economic principles of the Nation have always been based: The Triumphant Individual, The Bevevolent Community, The Rot at the Top and The Mob at the Gates. This climate led in 2016 to the election of Donald Trump to the White House, an event of total rupture with respect to the previous terms of Barack Obama, a fact that, with hindsight, appears consistent with respect to the maturity of neo-nationalist sentiment that found in the election of the first African American president the sap necessary to emerge. However, to reduce the phenomenon of polarization to the Trump presidency would be a mistake. Over the past seventy years, there have been social, cultural, and economic events that have progressively pushed circumstances in this direction, and analyzing them is the most comprehensive way possible to arrive at a picture of clarity. In different measures, Sixty-Eight, the economic crisis of 2008, Black Lives Matter, and deepening economic inequalities have put parties in the position of repositioning themselves step by step. In a system where the center is gradually disappearing in an increasingly polarized and intolerant society, the parties, in an attempt to accommodate the demands of the largest slice of the electorate, follow the path giving rise to what we might call the "crisis of compromise". What we are wondering about considering the state of health of the demos and democracy itself, is not how long it will last but how. Whether the effects of woke culture and right-wing extremism will be the exclusive product of a complex historical period, or whether this new, extremely intolerant and divisive social order will lay the groundwork for civil conflicts in the wake of the assault on Capitol Hill. This complex question requires the analysis of complex phenomena: in this paper the main events and contexts will be investigated.
I prospetti demografici dei prossimi due decenni suggeriscono una fotografia degli Stati Uniti d’America particolarmente interessante, un Paese che entro il 2040 vedrà crescere vertiginosamente il numero di abitanti sul proprio territorio. L’aumento della popolosità è di per sé un dato interessante, ma non ci permette di cogliere la reale portata del cambiamento che verrà. Secondo le stime, infatti, le caratteristiche di questa popolazione saranno essenzialmente due: anziana a multietnica. Le peculiarità del demos del futuro a stelle e strisce apriranno scenari controversi che interesseranno ogni aspetto dell’architettura statunitense, dai meccanismi di voto, passando per il funzionamento delle Istituzioni, approdando alla rappresentanza politica. Conoscere la composizione della popolazione è un fattore di primaria importanza per gli attori politici che basandosi su questi dati possono studiare la propria strategia e comprendere di conseguenza a che elettorato rivolgersi e con quale messaggio, un compito arduo considerando il grosso impatto dei venti populisti e neonazionalisti che hanno soffiato sulla politica occidentale nell’ultimo decennio. Il neonazionalismo americano sarà indagato a più riprese in questo elaborato, facendo luce su alcune tappe della storia americana che hanno favorito irreversibilmente l’avvento di questo sentimento tra i militanti, in particolar modo, del Partito Repubblicano. La polarizzazione e la progressiva radicalizzazione del dibattito, sono temi legati indissolubilmente a questi sentimenti, coltivati con la complicità dei grandi cambiamenti socioculturali che hanno contributo a sgretolare le quattro grandi narrazioni su cui si basano da sempre i principi sociali, politici ed economici della Nazione: The Triumphant Individual, The Bevevolent Community, The Rot at the Top e The Mob at the Gates. Questo clima ha portato nel 2016 all’elezione di Donald Trump alla Casa Bianca, un evento di rottura totale rispetto ai precedenti mandati di Barack Obama, un fatto che, con il senno di poi, appare coerente rispetto alla maturità del sentimento neonazionalista che ha trovato nell’elezione del primo presidente afroamericano la linfa necessaria per emergere. Tuttavia, ridurre il fenomeno della polarizzazione alla presidenza Trump, sarebbe un errore. Nel corso degli ultimi settant’anni ci sono stati eventi sociali, culturali ed economici che hanno progressivamente spinto le circostanze in questa direzione ed analizzarle è il modo più completo possibile per giungere ad un quadro di chiarezza. In diverse misure, il Sessantotto, la crisi economica del 2008, il Black Lives Matter e le sempre più profonde disuguaglianze economiche hanno messo i partiti nella condizione di riposizionarsi passo dopo passo. In un sistema dove il centro va via via scomparendo in una società sempre più polarizzata e intollerante, i partiti, nel tentativo di accogliere le richieste della fetta più ampia di elettorato, seguono la via dando vita a quella che potremmo definire “crisi del compromesso”. Ciò su cui ci si interroga considerando lo stato di salute del demos e della democrazia stessa, non è quanto sia destinato a durare ma come. Se gli effetti della woke culture ed estremismo di destra saranno prodotto esclusivo di un periodo storico complesso, o se questo nuovo ordine sociale estremamente intollerante e divisivo getterà le basi per conflitti civili sull’onda dell’aggressione a Capitol Hill. Questa domanda complessa necessita l’analisi di fenomeni complessi: in questo elaborato verranno indagati i principali eventi e contesti.
La radicalizzazione socio politica negli Stati Uniti. L'ascesa del neonazionalismo e della Cancel Culture a partire dagli anni Settanta.
The demographic prospects for the next two decades suggest a particularly interesting picture of the United States of America, a country that by 2040 will see a dramatic increase in the number of inhabitants on its territory. The increase in population is, in itself, an interesting fact, but it does not allow us to grasp the real scope of the coming change. According to estimates, in fact, the characteristics of this population will be essentially two: elderly and multiethnic. The peculiarities of the demos of the future stars and stripes will open controversial scenarios that will affect every aspect of the U.S. architecture, from voting mechanisms, through the functioning of the institutions, to political representation. Knowing the composition of the population is a factor of primary importance for political actors who, basing themselves on this data, can study their strategy and consequently understand which electorate to address and with which message, a difficult task considering the great impact of the populist and neo-nationalist winds that have blown over Western politics in the last decade. American neo-nationalism will be investigated several times in this paper, shedding light on some stages of American history. that have irreversibly favored the advent of this sentiment among the militants, especially of the Republican Party. The polarization and the progressive radicalization of the debate, are themes inextricably linked to these feelings, cultivated with the complicity of the great sociocultural changes that have helped to crumble the four great narratives on which the social, political and economic principles of the Nation have always been based: The Triumphant Individual, The Bevevolent Community, The Rot at the Top and The Mob at the Gates. This climate led in 2016 to the election of Donald Trump to the White House, an event of total rupture with respect to the previous terms of Barack Obama, a fact that, with hindsight, appears consistent with respect to the maturity of neo-nationalist sentiment that found in the election of the first African American president the sap necessary to emerge. However, to reduce the phenomenon of polarization to the Trump presidency would be a mistake. Over the past seventy years, there have been social, cultural, and economic events that have progressively pushed circumstances in this direction, and analyzing them is the most comprehensive way possible to arrive at a picture of clarity. In different measures, Sixty-Eight, the economic crisis of 2008, Black Lives Matter, and deepening economic inequalities have put parties in the position of repositioning themselves step by step. In a system where the center is gradually disappearing in an increasingly polarized and intolerant society, the parties, in an attempt to accommodate the demands of the largest slice of the electorate, follow the path giving rise to what we might call the "crisis of compromise". What we are wondering about considering the state of health of the demos and democracy itself, is not how long it will last but how. Whether the effects of woke culture and right-wing extremism will be the exclusive product of a complex historical period, or whether this new, extremely intolerant and divisive social order will lay the groundwork for civil conflicts in the wake of the assault on Capitol Hill. This complex question requires the analysis of complex phenomena: in this paper the main events and contexts will be investigated.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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