Endothelin type A receptor (ETAR) is a G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) located on the endothelium and vascular smooth muscle that mediates many important functions, including vasoconstriction, cardiovascular remodelling, cell proliferation, and cell differentiation. ETAR is considered a "negative" receptor involved in the pathogenesis and development of various diseases, such as systemic and pulmonary hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and cardiac remodelling after myocardial ischemia. The presence of endothelin types A receptor-stimulating antibodies (ETARabs) has been studied in some diseases, such as systemic sclerosis, cystic fibrosis, pre-eclampsia and allograft, however, their implications in cardiovascular diseases, such as acute coronary syndromes, remain unclear. The phenomenon of no reflow is the failure to restore perfusion of an organ after the patency of the vessel supplying it has been restored: in a percentage of patients undergoing reperfusion by coronary angioplasty after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), the opening of the obstructed epicardial vessel does not achieve myocardial reperfusion. No reflow is associated with an unfavourable clinical outcome regardless of infarct size. The objectives set for our study were: to investigate the prevalence of ETARabs in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction; to assess the possible correlation of ETARabs with other factors, i.e., anamnestic characteristics of the patients examined, electrocardiographic and echocardiographic parameters, MRI and coronary arteriography data; to analyse the role of ETARabs on microvascular function at the cardiac level, evaluating their effect on the phenomenon of no reflow and thus on microvascular obstruction (MVO). Patients admitted to the Cardiology Intensive Care Unit of Padua Hospital with acute coronary syndrome of STEMI type were enrolled. Regarding these patients, biographical and anamnestic data, data on vital parameters, electrocardiogram on admission and electrocardiographic changes during hospitalization, transthoracic echocardiogram, coronarography and primary angioplasty, cardiac MRI, and hematochemical and laboratory tests were collected. Laboratory analysis included not only the assay of routine blood parameters, but also the isolation of patients' serum for subsequent antibody assay of the same (by ELISA method). Comparison of the data collected between ETARabs-positive and negative patients supported how the antibody title is associated with the peak troponin I value (p = 0,001), the need for administration of a GPIIb/IIIa inhibitor during the angioplasty procedure (p = 0,003), the number of diseased vessels (p = 0,018), the initial (p = 0.031) and final TIMI score (p = 0,044), the final degree of myocardial "blush" (p = 0,010) and the occurrence of complications during the procedure (p = 0,003). Within the study, the group of patients presenting on cardiac MRI with microvascular obstruction (MVO) was evaluated, who were seen to have higher antibody levels on average than patients who did not have MVO (p = 0,0014). In addition to the presence of MVO, autoantibody positivity was also associated with the extent of MVO (p = 0,008), but also with the size of the infarcted area (p = 0,033) and the haemorrhagic area (p = 0,003). In addition, it was shown that the presence of autoantibodies impacts the volumetric dysfunction data on MRI, however, in a manner dependent on the presence of MVO.
Il recettore di tipo A dell’endotelina (ETAR) è un recettore accoppiato a proteine G (GPCR) situato sull’endotelio e sulla muscolatura liscia vascolare che media molte funzioni importanti, tra cui la vasocostrizione, il rimodellamento cardiovascolare, la proliferazione cellulare e la differenziazione cellulare. ETAR è considerato un recettore “negativo” coinvolto nella patogenesi e nello sviluppo di varie patologie, come l’ipertensione sistemica e polmonare, l’aterosclerosi, il diabete ed il rimodellamento cardiaco dopo ischemia miocardica. La presenza di anticorpi stimolanti i recettori di tipo A dell’endotelina (ETARabs) è stata studiata in alcune patologie, quali la sclerosi sistemica, la fibrosi cistica, la pre-eclampsia e l’allotrapianto, tuttavia le loro implicazioni nelle malattie cardiovascolari, come le sindromi coronariche acute, rimangono ancora poco chiare. Il fenomeno del no reflow consiste nel mancato ripristino della perfusione di un organo dopo il ripristino della pervietà del vaso che lo irrora: in una percentuale di pazienti sottoposti a riperfusione mediante angioplastica coronarica dopo infarto miocardico con sopraslivellamento del tratto ST (STEMI), l’apertura del vaso epicardico ostruito non realizza la riperfusione miocardica. Il no reflow è associato ad un esito clinico sfavorevole indipendentemente dalle dimensioni dell’infarto. Gli obiettivi posti per il nostro studio sono stati: indagare la prevalenza degli ETARabs nei pazienti con infarto miocardico con sopraslivellamento del tratto ST; valutare l’eventuale correlazione degli ETARabs con altri fattori, ovvero caratteristiche anamnestiche dei pazienti presi in esame, parametri elettrocardiografici ed ecocardiografici, dati di risonanza magnetica e coronarografici; analizzare il ruolo degli ETARabs sulla funzionalità microvascolare a livello cardiaco, valutando il loro effetto sul fenomeno del no reflow e dunque sull’ostruzione microvascolare (MVO). Sono stati arruolati pazienti ricoverati nell’Unità di Cure Intensive Cardiologiche dell’Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova con sindrome coronarica acuta di tipo STEMI. Relativamente a questi pazienti, sono stati raccolti dati anagrafici ed anamnestici, dati relativi ai parametri vitali, all’elettrocardiogramma all’ingresso ed alle variazioni elettrocardiografiche durante il ricovero, all’ecocardiogramma transtoracico, alla coronarografia e all’angioplastica primaria, alla risonanza magnetica cardiaca e ad esami ematochimici e di laboratorio. L’analisi di laboratorio comprendeva non soltanto il dosaggio dei parametri ematici routinari, ma anche l’isolamento del siero dei pazienti per il successivo dosaggio anticorpale dello stesso (tramite metodica ELISA). Il confronto dei dati raccolti tra i pazienti postivi e negativi agli ETARabs ha permesso di sostenere come il titolo anticorpale sia associato con il valore del picco di troponina I (p = 0,001), la necessità di somministrazione di un inibitore di GPIIb/IIIa durante la procedura di angioplastica (p = 0,003), il numero di vasi malati (p = 0,018), il punteggio TIMI iniziale (p = 0,031) e finale (p = 0,044), il grado finale di “blush” miocardico (p = 0,010) ed il verificarsi di complicanze durante la procedura (p = 0,003). All’interno dello studio, è stato valutato il gruppo di pazienti che presentavano alla risonanza magnetica cardiaca ostruzione microvascolare (MVO), i quali si è visto avere livelli anticorpali mediamente più alti rispetto ai pazienti che non presentavano MVO (p = 0,0014). Oltre alla presenza dell’MVO, la positività agli autoanticorpi è anche associata all’estensione della stessa (p = 0,008), ma anche alla grandezza dell’area infartuata (p = 0,033) ed all’area emorragica (p = 0,003). Inoltre, è stato evidenziato come la presenza di autoanticorpi impatti sui dati di disfunzione volumetrica alla risonanza, in maniera tuttavia dipendente dalla presenza dell’MVO.
Autoanticorpi stimolanti i recettori di tipo A dell’Endotelina nell’infarto del miocardio con sopraslivellamento del tratto ST
Endothelin type A receptor (ETAR) is a G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) located on the endothelium and vascular smooth muscle that mediates many important functions, including vasoconstriction, cardiovascular remodelling, cell proliferation, and cell differentiation. ETAR is considered a "negative" receptor involved in the pathogenesis and development of various diseases, such as systemic and pulmonary hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and cardiac remodelling after myocardial ischemia. The presence of endothelin types A receptor-stimulating antibodies (ETARabs) has been studied in some diseases, such as systemic sclerosis, cystic fibrosis, pre-eclampsia and allograft, however, their implications in cardiovascular diseases, such as acute coronary syndromes, remain unclear. The phenomenon of no reflow is the failure to restore perfusion of an organ after the patency of the vessel supplying it has been restored: in a percentage of patients undergoing reperfusion by coronary angioplasty after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), the opening of the obstructed epicardial vessel does not achieve myocardial reperfusion. No reflow is associated with an unfavourable clinical outcome regardless of infarct size. The objectives set for our study were: to investigate the prevalence of ETARabs in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction; to assess the possible correlation of ETARabs with other factors, i.e., anamnestic characteristics of the patients examined, electrocardiographic and echocardiographic parameters, MRI and coronary arteriography data; to analyse the role of ETARabs on microvascular function at the cardiac level, evaluating their effect on the phenomenon of no reflow and thus on microvascular obstruction (MVO). Patients admitted to the Cardiology Intensive Care Unit of Padua Hospital with acute coronary syndrome of STEMI type were enrolled. Regarding these patients, biographical and anamnestic data, data on vital parameters, electrocardiogram on admission and electrocardiographic changes during hospitalization, transthoracic echocardiogram, coronarography and primary angioplasty, cardiac MRI, and hematochemical and laboratory tests were collected. Laboratory analysis included not only the assay of routine blood parameters, but also the isolation of patients' serum for subsequent antibody assay of the same (by ELISA method). Comparison of the data collected between ETARabs-positive and negative patients supported how the antibody title is associated with the peak troponin I value (p = 0,001), the need for administration of a GPIIb/IIIa inhibitor during the angioplasty procedure (p = 0,003), the number of diseased vessels (p = 0,018), the initial (p = 0.031) and final TIMI score (p = 0,044), the final degree of myocardial "blush" (p = 0,010) and the occurrence of complications during the procedure (p = 0,003). Within the study, the group of patients presenting on cardiac MRI with microvascular obstruction (MVO) was evaluated, who were seen to have higher antibody levels on average than patients who did not have MVO (p = 0,0014). In addition to the presence of MVO, autoantibody positivity was also associated with the extent of MVO (p = 0,008), but also with the size of the infarcted area (p = 0,033) and the haemorrhagic area (p = 0,003). In addition, it was shown that the presence of autoantibodies impacts the volumetric dysfunction data on MRI, however, in a manner dependent on the presence of MVO.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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