BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY - T-cell Large Granular Lymphocyte Leukemia (T-LGLL) is a rare and chronic lymphoproliferative disorder characterized by T-LGL expansion. The pathogenesis in not completely understood even though it is clear how JAK/STAT signaling pathway plays a central role. Neutropenia is the main clinical feature of T-LGLL and it has been associated with CD8+ and STAT3 mutated leukemic clones. Since current treatments are mostly ineffective, understanding T-LGLL pathogenesis is necessary for the discovery of new druggable targets. The identification of the new STAT3-miR-146b-FasL axis in CD8+ T-LGLL suggests an involvement of non-coding RNA in the pathogenetic mechanisms of the disease. Among non-coding RNA, circular RNA have been demonstrated to play a role in tumorigenesis, nevertheless further investigations are still needed to explore the detailed mechanism and potential clinical application. AIM OF THE STUDY – The study aims to investigate the role of circRNA in T-LGLL, in order to understand their involvement in the pathogenesis of the disease. Moreover, given the already known connection between miR146b deregulation and STAT3 activity, in order to assess whether the constitutional activation of STAT3 might be involved in other ncRNA expression, the level of the deregulated circRNA have been evaluated after STAT3 in-vitro inhibition. The overall purpose of the research is to provide further indications about the pathogenesis of T-LGLL through the characterization of circRNA. MATERIALS AND METHODS - CircRNA identification and quantification was assessed by a collaborator group, through a RNAseq analysis. RT-PCR and Sanger sequencing were performed on purified LGLs from an independent validation cohort to confirm RNAseq results. Jurkat cells and immunomagnetically purified LGL have been cultured in the presence of scalar concentrations of STATTIC, a STAT3 inhibitor. The drug’s cytotoxicity has been evaluated by flow cytometry, whereas its activity by Western Blot and RT-PCR. RESULTS – Bioinformatic analysis of circRNA expression showed a clear separation of CD8+ STAT3 mutated group from controls and other subtypesCircRNA with a higher absolute expression and variations has been selected for further investigations. CircRNA quantification in the validation cohort confirmed their dysregulation in T-LGLL, allowing to distinguish differential expression patterns in CD8+ STAT3 mutated clones than in the other subtypes. Then the putative connection between circRNAs dysregulation and the constitutional activation of STAT3 was assessed in Jurkat cells and in LGLs from two patients with a CD8+ STAT3 mutated clone. It has been demonstrated that Jurkat cell line does not represent a suitable model for studying circRNA in T-LGLL, while the inhibition of STAT3 in two CD8+ T-LGLL cases suggests a putative connection between circRNAs expression and STAT3 activation. CONCLUSIONS – The results suggest a link between circRNA dysregulation and the development of clinically different forms of the pathology. In particular preliminary data highlighted a dependence between circRNAs expression and STAT3 activation. Further investigations are necessary to clarify circRNA functional role in T-LGLL pathogenesis and their contribute to the development of symptomatic forms of the disease.
PRESUPPOSTI DELLO STUDIO – La Leucemia a Grandi Linfociti Granulati di tipo T (T-LGLL) è un raro disordine linfoproliferativo cronico caratterizzato dall'espansione clonale di linfociti T citotossici. La patogenesi non è ancora completamente nota, ma si sa che l'attivazione costitutiva dell'asse JAK-STAT gioca un ruolo fondamentale. La principale manifestazione clinica della T-LGLL è la neutropenia, che si associa al fenotipo CD8+ e alla presenza della mutazione nel gene STAT3. Data la mancata efficacia delle terapie attuali, è indispensabile chiarire la patogenesi della malattia, individuando così nuovi bersagli farmacologici. L’identificazione del nuovo asse STAT3-miR146b-FasL nella T-LGLL CD8+ suggerisce come i meccanismi patogenetici possano coinvolgere anche non-coding RNA. Tra questi è stato dimostrato che i circular RNA hanno un ruolo nell’oncogenesi, anche se sono necessarie ulteriori indagini per comprendere i loro meccanismi d’azione e le potenziali applicazioni cliniche. SCOPO DELLO STUDIO – Questo elaborato si è focalizzato sulla caratterizzazione degli RNA circolari, con lo scopo di studiarne l’eventuale potenzialità prognostica nella T-LGLL. Inoltre, avendo già dimostrato che l’alterazione dell’espressione di miR146b in LGL leucemici è dipendente da STAT3, per valutare se essa sia rilevante anche nel controllo dell’espressione dei circRNA, la loro espressione è stata valutata anche dopo inibizione di STAT3 in-vitro. L’obiettivo è quello di fornire ulteriori indizi sulla patogenesi della malattia attraverso la caratterizzazione funzionale di questi trascritti. MATERIALI E METODI – L’identificazione e la quantificazione dei circRNA è stata effettuata da un gruppo collaboratore attraverso un’analisi di RNAseq. Per confermare questi dati sono state svolte analisi di RT-PCR e sequenziamento Sanger sui LGL purificati da una coorte di validazione indipendente. Sono state allestite delle colture con cellule Jurkat e LGL purificati da pazienti, in presenza di concentrazioni scalari di STATTIC un inibitore di STAT3, e in seguito ne sono stati valutati gli effetti mediante analisi citofluorimetrica, Western Blot e RT-PCR. RISULTATI – L’analisi bioinformatica dei profili di espressione dei circRNA ha dimostrato una chiara differenza tra i casi di T-LGLL STAT3 mutati ed i controlli e casi di T-LGLL indolente. La quantificazione dei trascritti circolari nella coorte di validazione ha confermato la deregolazione di diversi circRNA nella T-LGLL, distinguendo un pattern di espressione differenziale in pazienti con mutazione di STAT3 rispetto agli altri sottotipi. Infine è stata valutata la dipendenza della deregolazione dell’espressione dei circRNA dall’attivazione di STAT3 in due pazienti con clone CD8+ STAT3 mutato e nelle cellule Jurkat. Nei due pazienti è emerso un trend di riduzione dell’espressione dei circRNA in seguito al blocco dell’attività di STAT3 tramite il farmaco STATTIC, mentre le cellule Jurkat si sono dimostrate un modello non adatto per lo studio dei circRNA. CONCLUSIONE – I risultati suggeriscono un legame tra la deregolazione dei trascritti circolari e lo sviluppo di forme di patologia clinicamente distinte. In particolare da dati preliminari è emersa una dipendenza tra le alterazioni dei circRNA e l’attivazione costitutiva di STAT3. Ulteriori studi sono necessari per chiarire il ruolo funzionale di questi trascritti nella patogenesi della T-LGLL e il loro contributo allo sviluppo di forme sintomatiche.
L’analisi degli RNA circolari nella Leucemia a Grandi Linfociti Granulati di tipo T contribuisce a distinguere le forme sintomatiche da quelle indolenti.
BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY - T-cell Large Granular Lymphocyte Leukemia (T-LGLL) is a rare and chronic lymphoproliferative disorder characterized by T-LGL expansion. The pathogenesis in not completely understood even though it is clear how JAK/STAT signaling pathway plays a central role. Neutropenia is the main clinical feature of T-LGLL and it has been associated with CD8+ and STAT3 mutated leukemic clones. Since current treatments are mostly ineffective, understanding T-LGLL pathogenesis is necessary for the discovery of new druggable targets. The identification of the new STAT3-miR-146b-FasL axis in CD8+ T-LGLL suggests an involvement of non-coding RNA in the pathogenetic mechanisms of the disease. Among non-coding RNA, circular RNA have been demonstrated to play a role in tumorigenesis, nevertheless further investigations are still needed to explore the detailed mechanism and potential clinical application. AIM OF THE STUDY – The study aims to investigate the role of circRNA in T-LGLL, in order to understand their involvement in the pathogenesis of the disease. Moreover, given the already known connection between miR146b deregulation and STAT3 activity, in order to assess whether the constitutional activation of STAT3 might be involved in other ncRNA expression, the level of the deregulated circRNA have been evaluated after STAT3 in-vitro inhibition. The overall purpose of the research is to provide further indications about the pathogenesis of T-LGLL through the characterization of circRNA. MATERIALS AND METHODS - CircRNA identification and quantification was assessed by a collaborator group, through a RNAseq analysis. RT-PCR and Sanger sequencing were performed on purified LGLs from an independent validation cohort to confirm RNAseq results. Jurkat cells and immunomagnetically purified LGL have been cultured in the presence of scalar concentrations of STATTIC, a STAT3 inhibitor. The drug’s cytotoxicity has been evaluated by flow cytometry, whereas its activity by Western Blot and RT-PCR. RESULTS – Bioinformatic analysis of circRNA expression showed a clear separation of CD8+ STAT3 mutated group from controls and other subtypesCircRNA with a higher absolute expression and variations has been selected for further investigations. CircRNA quantification in the validation cohort confirmed their dysregulation in T-LGLL, allowing to distinguish differential expression patterns in CD8+ STAT3 mutated clones than in the other subtypes. Then the putative connection between circRNAs dysregulation and the constitutional activation of STAT3 was assessed in Jurkat cells and in LGLs from two patients with a CD8+ STAT3 mutated clone. It has been demonstrated that Jurkat cell line does not represent a suitable model for studying circRNA in T-LGLL, while the inhibition of STAT3 in two CD8+ T-LGLL cases suggests a putative connection between circRNAs expression and STAT3 activation. CONCLUSIONS – The results suggest a link between circRNA dysregulation and the development of clinically different forms of the pathology. In particular preliminary data highlighted a dependence between circRNAs expression and STAT3 activation. Further investigations are necessary to clarify circRNA functional role in T-LGLL pathogenesis and their contribute to the development of symptomatic forms of the disease.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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