Prader Willi syndrome (PWS) is a rare genetic disease characterized by muscular hypotonia, hyperphagia with obesity, ligamentous hyperlaxity, hypogonadism, poor statural growth and GH deficit, psychiatric and cognitive alterations. As in other pathologies characterized by muscular hypotonia and ligamentous hyperlaxity, also in PWS there is an increased incidence of some musculoskeletal disorders, such as scoliosis. Currently, scoliosis treatment in children and adolescents with PWS is the same that is carried out in the population with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS), even though the etiology of the latest is different and, in fact, the therapy results are different. In some studies, it was found that, in subjects with scoliosis and PWS there is an asymmetry of the paravertebral muscle dimension, with an increased volume on the convex side of the scoliotic curve, contrary to what happens in the AIS population, in which there is an increased volume of the paravertebral muscle on the concave side. The aim of the present study is to compare the two populations of patients, the subjects with PWS and the ones with AIS, comparing them in turn with a group of healthy subjects. Moreover, the main characteristics of scoliosis in PWS are described and compared with the ones found in AIS. At last, data regarding paravertebral muscle dimension and postural control, in terms of spine mobility and other clinical characteristics, are analysed. The sample of the study consisted of 36 subjects: 12 subjects with a diagnosis of Prader Willi syndrome, 12 subjects with a diagnosis of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and 12 healthy subjects, The participants were assessed with the anamnesis collection, the clinical exam which included the detection of static and dynamic measurements of the spinal curves using the Inclimed®, and, lastly, the multifidus muscle ultrasound. The anamnestic data collected were in accordance with the evidence already existing in literature: in PWs the birth weight presented lower values than normal (2.07 ± 1.02 kg), the birth occurred mainly by caesarean section (91,7%) and in the preterm period (35.83 ± 4.34 gestational weeks), the totality of subjects showed neonatal hypotonia and the majority delayed the acquisition of the main stages of childhood. Compared with the group of subjects with AIS and healthy subjects, the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders was higher in PWs. Scoliosis was detected in 41,7% of PWs, with greater frequency of C-curves, thoracolumbar and lumbar, with predominant left convexity. In the group of subjects with AIS, the thoracic kyphosis angle was 25,33° ± 11,13° and the lumbar lordosis 22,5° ± 4,47°. Both values are lower than in PWs and healthy subjects. In the PWS group net lumbar flexion resulted greater (56° ± 22,39°) than net lumbar flexion in AIS subjects, whereas total lateral tilt of the lumbar spine (43,17° ± 10,50°) was lower than total lateral tilt of the lumbar spine in AIS and health subjects. PWs and healthy subjects did not show any asymmetries of the multifidus muscles, whereas it was found an asymmetry of the multifidus muscle at L5 in AIS subjects comparing the two side of the spine, with and increased muscle volume on the concave side (CSA 6,10 ± 1,37 cm2).
La sindrome di Prader Willi (PWS) è una malattia genetica rara caratterizzata da ipotonia muscolare, iperfagia con obesità, iperlassità ligamentosa, ipogonadismo, scarsa crescita staturale e deficit di GH, alterazioni psichiatriche e cognitive. Come in altre patologie caratterizzate da ipotonia muscolare e iperlassità ligamentosa, anche nella PWS vi è un aumento di incidenza di alcune anomalie dell’apparato muscolo-scheletrico, tra cui la scoliosi. Attualmente il trattamento della scoliosi nei bambini e ragazzi affetti da sindrome di Prader Willi è lo stesso che si attua nella popolazione con scoliosi idiopatica adolescenziale (AIS), anche se l’eziologia di quest’ultima è differente e diversi sono infatti i risultati della terapia. In alcuni studi è stato riscontrato che, in soggetti affetti da scoliosi e PWS, vi sia un’asimmetria nella dimensione volumetrica dei muscoli paravertebrali dei due lati, con un maggior volume dal lato della convessità della curva scoliotica, contrariamente a quanto accade nella popolazione con AIS, in cui si ha un maggior volume della muscolatura paravertebrale dal lato della concavità. Il presente studio ha l’obiettivo di confrontare queste due popolazioni di pazienti, i soggetti con PWS e quelli con AIS, raffrontandole a loro volta con un gruppo di controllo di soggetti sani. Oltre a ciò, sono state descritte le principali caratteristiche della scoliosi nella PWS, ponendole in confronto con quelle dell’AIS. Infine, sono stati analizzati i dati relativi alle dimensioni dei muscoli paravertebrali ed al controllo posturale, in termini di mobilità del rachide e di altre caratteristiche cliniche. Il campione oggetto dello studio è composto da 36 soggetti di cui: 12 soggetti con diagnosi di sindrome di Prader Willi, 12 soggetti con diagnosi di scoliosi idiopatica adolescenziale e 12 soggetti sani. I partecipanti sono stati valutati tramite la raccolta dell’anamnesi, l’esame obiettivo che comprendeva la rilevazione delle misure statiche e dinamiche delle curve del rachide mediante l’Inclimed® e, infine, l’ecografia del muscolo multifido. I dati anamnestici raccolti sono risultati in linea con le evidenze già presenti in letteratura: nei PW il peso alla nascita ha presentato valori inferiori alla norma (2.07 ± 1.02 kg), la nascita è avvenuta prevalentemente con parto cesareo (91,7%) e in epoca pretermine (35,83 ± 4,26 settimane gestazionali), la totalità dei soggetti ha manifestato ipotonia neonatale e la maggior parte ritardo nell’acquisizione delle principali tappe psicomotorie nell’infanzia. Rispetto al gruppo di soggetti con AIS e ai soggetti sani, la prevalenza di disordini muscolo-scheletrici è risultata maggiore nei PW. La scoliosi è stata rilevata nel 41,7% dei PW, con maggior frequenza di curve a C, toracolombari e lombari, a prevalente convessità sinistra. Nel gruppo di soggetti con AIS l’angolo di cifosi toracica è risultato di 25,33° ± 11,13° e la lordosi lombare di 22,5° ± 4,47°, valori inferiori rispetto ai soggetti con PWS e sani. Nei soggetti con PWS l flessione lombare netta è risultata maggiore (56° ± 22,39°) rispetto ai soggetti con AIS, mentre l’inclinazione laterale totale del rachide lombare (43,17° ± 10,50°) si è rivelata inferiore rispetto ai soggetti con AIS e sani. I soggetti con PWS e i soggetti sani non hanno presentato asimmetrie a livello dei muscoli multifidi, mentre nei soggetti con AIS è stata riscontrata a livello di L5 un’asimmetria del volume dei muscoli paravertebrali ai due lati della colonna, con un aumento del volume muscolare dal lato della concavità (CSA 6,10 ± 1,37 cm2).
Relazione tra misurazione ecografica della muscolatura paravertebrale e mobilità del rachide in pazienti pediatrici con sindrome di Prader Willi e pazienti con scoliosi adolescenziale idiopatica: studio di confronto
Prader Willi syndrome (PWS) is a rare genetic disease characterized by muscular hypotonia, hyperphagia with obesity, ligamentous hyperlaxity, hypogonadism, poor statural growth and GH deficit, psychiatric and cognitive alterations. As in other pathologies characterized by muscular hypotonia and ligamentous hyperlaxity, also in PWS there is an increased incidence of some musculoskeletal disorders, such as scoliosis. Currently, scoliosis treatment in children and adolescents with PWS is the same that is carried out in the population with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS), even though the etiology of the latest is different and, in fact, the therapy results are different. In some studies, it was found that, in subjects with scoliosis and PWS there is an asymmetry of the paravertebral muscle dimension, with an increased volume on the convex side of the scoliotic curve, contrary to what happens in the AIS population, in which there is an increased volume of the paravertebral muscle on the concave side. The aim of the present study is to compare the two populations of patients, the subjects with PWS and the ones with AIS, comparing them in turn with a group of healthy subjects. Moreover, the main characteristics of scoliosis in PWS are described and compared with the ones found in AIS. At last, data regarding paravertebral muscle dimension and postural control, in terms of spine mobility and other clinical characteristics, are analysed. The sample of the study consisted of 36 subjects: 12 subjects with a diagnosis of Prader Willi syndrome, 12 subjects with a diagnosis of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and 12 healthy subjects, The participants were assessed with the anamnesis collection, the clinical exam which included the detection of static and dynamic measurements of the spinal curves using the Inclimed®, and, lastly, the multifidus muscle ultrasound. The anamnestic data collected were in accordance with the evidence already existing in literature: in PWs the birth weight presented lower values than normal (2.07 ± 1.02 kg), the birth occurred mainly by caesarean section (91,7%) and in the preterm period (35.83 ± 4.34 gestational weeks), the totality of subjects showed neonatal hypotonia and the majority delayed the acquisition of the main stages of childhood. Compared with the group of subjects with AIS and healthy subjects, the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders was higher in PWs. Scoliosis was detected in 41,7% of PWs, with greater frequency of C-curves, thoracolumbar and lumbar, with predominant left convexity. In the group of subjects with AIS, the thoracic kyphosis angle was 25,33° ± 11,13° and the lumbar lordosis 22,5° ± 4,47°. Both values are lower than in PWs and healthy subjects. In the PWS group net lumbar flexion resulted greater (56° ± 22,39°) than net lumbar flexion in AIS subjects, whereas total lateral tilt of the lumbar spine (43,17° ± 10,50°) was lower than total lateral tilt of the lumbar spine in AIS and health subjects. PWs and healthy subjects did not show any asymmetries of the multifidus muscles, whereas it was found an asymmetry of the multifidus muscle at L5 in AIS subjects comparing the two side of the spine, with and increased muscle volume on the concave side (CSA 6,10 ± 1,37 cm2).File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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