ABSTRACT Background Spasticity is a chronic condition that affects almost half of individuals with stroke, beginning in the first few months after the event. It manifests itself as an abnormal muscle tone, which entails a series of negative consequences: it reduces residual motor skills, limiting the performance of daily activities and forces the affected limbs into forced postures that cause pain and make it necessary or aggravate the caregiver burden. Overall, spasticity reduces the chance of rehabilitative success and contributes to significantly lowering the quality of life. To date, botulinum toxin represents a first-line treatment of consolidated efficacy and safety. The effect of this drug is exhausted over time. Therefore, repeated treatment cycles are required. However, at present, little is known about the temporal evolution of the treated muscle patterns and the doses used in repeated cycles. Deepening these aspects could help improve the clinical management of spasticity. Aim The first objective of this study is to observe and quantify whether and how the muscle patterns treated, the respective doses administered and the length of intervals between cycles during long-term treatment with BoNT/A change. Secondly, this study aims to highlight the existence of correlations between individual variables and treatment variables, on the one hand, and trends in clinical outcome and subjective patient feedback. Materials and methods This observational cohort study was conducted retrospectively by selecting 25 adult individuals with chronic stroke and clinically detectable spasticity and with indication for botulinum toxin treatment. The identified patients were taken in charge at the physiatric clinic specialized in the Rehabilitation Clinic of the Hospital-University of Padua in a period of time between June 2015 and November 2021. Passive range of motion, residual muscle strength and spasticity were assessed using validated scales and clinical tests during the visits. Based on these parameters, the muscles and doses have been defined for possible treatment with toxin. Almost all the patients carried out cycles of targeted rehabilitation physiotherapy after each treatment session and were educated to perform exercises at home. After a few weeks, the patients were revisited, repeating the same clinical measurements and at least three months after the last cycle they were re-evaluated for reprocessing. Results This study found that the treated muscle patterns tend to repeat over time and the doses undergo significant fluctuations between one cycle and another. The average duration of the intervals between treatments is comparable with what has been published so far in the literature. Furthermore, improving trends have emerged for the reduction of spasticity only at the level of some muscle groups while in others the same therapeutic efficacy has not been achieved. The subjectively reported benefit proved satisfactory in long-term treatment. Conclusions The study highlights the importance of combining the physiatric evaluation with what the patient reported. It is also suggested the relevance of individualizing the therapeutic approach with botulinum toxin, as well as the global rehabilitation one, considering the important inter-individual variability and performing, when necessary, diagnostic investigations.
RIASSUNTO Presupposti dello studio La spasticità è una condizione cronica che colpisce quasi la metà degli individui affetti da ictus, esordendo nei primi mesi dopo l’evento. Si manifesta come un abnorme tono muscolare, che comporta una serie di conseguenze negative: riduce le abilità motorie residue, limitando lo svolgimento delle attività quotidiane e obbliga gli arti colpiti in posture forzate che causano dolore e rendono necessario o aggravano il compito del caregiver. Complessivamente la spasticità riduce la possibilità del successo riabilitativo e contribuisce ad abbassare significativamente la qualità di vita. Ad oggi la tossina botulinica rappresenta un trattamento di prima linea di efficacia e sicurezza consolidate. L’effetto di questo farmaco si esaurisce nel tempo; dunque, sono richiesti cicli di trattamento ripetuti. Tuttavia, allo stato attuale, poco si conosce riguardo l’evoluzione temporale dei pattern muscolari trattati e delle dosi utilizzate nei cicli ripetuti. Approfondire questi aspetti potrebbe contribuire a migliorare la gestione clinica della spasticità. Scopo dello studio Il primo obiettivo di questo studio è quello di osservare e quantificare se e come si modificano i pattern muscolari trattati, le rispettive dosi somministrate e la lunghezza degli intervalli fra cicli durante il trattamento a lungo termine con BoNT/A. In secondo luogo, la presente indagine si propone di evidenziare l’esistenza di correlazioni tra le variabili individuali e le variabili di trattamento, da una parte, e gli andamenti dell’outcome clinico e del feedback soggettivo del paziente. Materiali e metodi Questo studio osservazionale di coorte è stato condotto retrospettivamente selezionando 25 individui adulti con ictus in fase cronica e spasticità clinicamente rilevabile e con indicazione al trattamento con tossina botulinica. I pazienti individuati sono stati presi in carico presso l’ambulatorio fisiatrico specializzato nell’Unità Operativa Complessa (UOC) di Riabilitazione dell’Azienda Ospedale-Università di Padova, in un arco di tempo compreso tra Giugno 2015 e Novembre 2021. Durante le visite sono stati valutati l’articolarità passiva, la forza muscolare residua e la spasticità mediante l’utilizzo di scale e test clinici validati. Sulla base di questi parametri sono stati definiti muscoli e dosaggi per un eventuale trattamento con tossina. La quasi totalità dei pazienti ha svolto cicli di fisioterapia riabilitativa mirata dopo ogni seduta di trattamento ed è stata educata a svolgere esercizi a domicilio. Dopo alcune settimane, i pazienti sono stati rivisitati, ripetendo le stesse misurazioni cliniche e a distanza di almeno tre mesi dall’ultimo ciclo sono stati rivalutati per il ritrattamento. Risultati Dallo studio è emerso che i pattern muscolari trattati tendono a ripetersi nel tempo e le dosi subiscono fluttuazioni significative tra un ciclo e l’altro. La durata media degli intervalli fra trattamenti risulta confrontabile con quanto pubblicato finora in letteratura. Sono, inoltre, emersi trend in miglioramento per la riduzione della spasticità solamente a livello di alcuni gruppi muscolari mentre in altri non si è raggiunta la stessa efficacia terapeutica. Il beneficio riferito soggettivamente si è rivelato soddisfacente nel trattamento a lungo termine. Conclusioni Lo studio mette in luce l’importanza di affiancare alla valutazione fisiatrica quanto riportato dal paziente. Si suggerisce, inoltre, la rilevanza di individualizzare l’approccio terapeutico con la tossina botulinica, quanto quello riabilitativo globale, tenendo conto dell’importante variabilità inter-individuale ed eseguendo, quando necessario, approfondimenti diagnostici.
ABSTRACT Background Spasticity is a chronic condition that affects almost half of individuals with stroke, beginning in the first few months after the event. It manifests itself as an abnormal muscle tone, which entails a series of negative consequences: it reduces residual motor skills, limiting the performance of daily activities and forces the affected limbs into forced postures that cause pain and make it necessary or aggravate the caregiver burden. Overall, spasticity reduces the chance of rehabilitative success and contributes to significantly lowering the quality of life. To date, botulinum toxin represents a first-line treatment of consolidated efficacy and safety. The effect of this drug is exhausted over time. Therefore, repeated treatment cycles are required. However, at present, little is known about the temporal evolution of the treated muscle patterns and the doses used in repeated cycles. Deepening these aspects could help improve the clinical management of spasticity. Aim The first objective of this study is to observe and quantify whether and how the muscle patterns treated, the respective doses administered and the length of intervals between cycles during long-term treatment with BoNT/A change. Secondly, this study aims to highlight the existence of correlations between individual variables and treatment variables, on the one hand, and trends in clinical outcome and subjective patient feedback. Materials and methods This observational cohort study was conducted retrospectively by selecting 25 adult individuals with chronic stroke and clinically detectable spasticity and with indication for botulinum toxin treatment. The identified patients were taken in charge at the physiatric clinic specialized in the Rehabilitation Clinic of the Hospital-University of Padua in a period of time between June 2015 and November 2021. Passive range of motion, residual muscle strength and spasticity were assessed using validated scales and clinical tests during the visits. Based on these parameters, the muscles and doses have been defined for possible treatment with toxin. Almost all the patients carried out cycles of targeted rehabilitation physiotherapy after each treatment session and were educated to perform exercises at home. After a few weeks, the patients were revisited, repeating the same clinical measurements and at least three months after the last cycle they were re-evaluated for reprocessing. Results This study found that the treated muscle patterns tend to repeat over time and the doses undergo significant fluctuations between one cycle and another. The average duration of the intervals between treatments is comparable with what has been published so far in the literature. Furthermore, improving trends have emerged for the reduction of spasticity only at the level of some muscle groups while in others the same therapeutic efficacy has not been achieved. The subjectively reported benefit proved satisfactory in long-term treatment. Conclusions The study highlights the importance of combining the physiatric evaluation with what the patient reported. It is also suggested the relevance of individualizing the therapeutic approach with botulinum toxin, as well as the global rehabilitation one, considering the important inter-individual variability and performing, when necessary, diagnostic investigations.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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