The following abstract reports on a teaching research intervention carried out in two fifth-grade Primary School classes during the 2021/22 school year. This research follows the experimental research model and is characterised by the proposal of an innovative teaching intervention in the subject area of geometry. An active methodological approach is adopted with the aim of making children excellent observers, interpreters and solvers of geometric objects. Pleasure and interest in the discipline are also stimulated. The intervention presents activities, where the child are in a situation of problem solving, discovery and construction of their own knowledge, and metacognitive awareness of strategies. The topic of research concerns the discovery of the area of both known and unknown geometric figures. The children at each meeting are prompted to solve the questions through observation, their own knowledge and manipulation of the figures to discover a way of detecting the area. The figures to be analysed individually and independently are triangle, parallelogram, rhombus and trapezoid. The last one is irregular and is the surface of Italy, analysed in groups. These activities lead the child to acquire awareness of the concept of area, its meaning and the cognitive process. Following the experimental research model, the innovative approach is proposed to only one class, the experimental group, while the other class, the control class, approaches the subject through a “traditional” teaching methodology. This is characterised by the transmission of knowledge and the replication of formulas without significant awareness of the process. The difference between the two didactic methodologies gives the possibility, at the end of the intervention, to analyse the levels of competence achieved by comparing the data from a final test that allows the research hypothesis to be demonstrated. In fact, the results show that the experimental class had higher and more significant scores due to the use of constructive cognitive strategies. The quality of the skills was measured by the quantitative analysis of the answers but also qualitatively with respect to the reasoning that emerged during the meetings and in the final test. This proves the hypothesis, according to which, by proposing working methods that stimulate pupils to activate cognitive processes and strategies, the autonomous and conscious resolution of geometric situations of planning and calculating areas is facilitated. Developing cognitive strategies fosters meaningful and lasting learning, suitable for any cross-curricular situation requiring the use of mathematical and metacognitive skills. The two groups were also given an initial test, which enabled the children's pre-knowledge to be identified. Two very similar classes were described (fundamental to the veracity of the research) as knowing geometric figures, the area of the rectangle and the square; and having the same need to discover areas. This geometry project was chosen because the National Indications encourage the adoption of active teaching-learning models. They have been shown to develop active, constructive and meaningful geometric thinking. In fact, the project is based on in-depth research into the history of geometry and methodological teaching theory tested in Italy and elsewhere. In particular, the methodological aspect is fundamental because it is the determining factor of the experimental research hypothesis. The skills developed concern knowing how to see, which is useful for discovering the areas of geometric figures, and the conceptualisation of geometric objects through awareness, reflection and sharing among peers.
Il seguente Abstract riporta un intervento di ricerca didattica svolta in due classi di quinta di Scuola Primaria durante l’anno scolastico 2021/22. Tale ricerca segue il modello di ricerca sperimentale ed è caratterizzata dalla proposta di un intervento didattico innovativo nel campo disciplinare della geometria. Si adotta un approccio metodologico attivo che ha come scopo quello di far diventare i bambini degli ottimi osservatori, interpreti e risolutori degli oggetti geometrici. Si stimolano anche il piacere e interesse verso la disciplina. L’intervento presenta attività che pongono il bambino in una situazione di problem solving, di scoperta e costruzione delle proprie conoscenze, e consapevolezza metacognitiva delle strategie. Il tema della ricerca riguarda la scoperta dell’area di figure geometriche note e non. I bambini ad ogni incontro vengono sollecitati alla risoluzione dei quesiti tramite l’osservazione, le proprie conoscenze e la manipolazione delle figure per scoprire un modo di rilevazione dell’area. Le figure da analizzare in maniera individuale e autonoma sono differenti e sono triangolo, parallelogramma, rombo e trapezio. L’ultima è irregolare ed è la superficie dell’Italia, analizzata a gruppi. Tali attività portano il bambino ad acquisire la consapevolezza del concetto di area, del suo significato e del processo cognitivo. Seguendo il modello di ricerca sperimentale, l’approccio innovativo viene proposto solo ad una classe, gruppo sperimentale, mentre l’altra classe, di controllo, affronta la tematica attraverso una metodologia “tradizionale”. Essa è caratterizzata dalla trasmissione delle conoscenze e dalla replicazione delle formule senza una significativa consapevolezza del processo. La diversità fra le due proposte didattiche dà la possibilità, al termine dell’intervento di analizzare i livelli di competenza raggiunti dal confronto dei dati ricavati da un test finale che permettono di dimostrare l’ipotesi di ricerca. Infatti, dai risultati emerge che la classe sperimentale ha avuto punteggi più elevati e significativi grazie all’uso di strategie cognitive costruttive. La qualità delle competenze è stata rilevata dall’analisi quantitativa delle risposte ma anche qualitativa rispetto ai ragionamenti emersi durante gli incontri e nei test finali. Si dimostra, così, l’ipotesi secondo la quale con la proposta di modalità di lavoro che stimolano gli alunni all’attivazione di processi e strategie cognitive si facilita la risoluzione autonoma e consapevole di situazioni geometriche di pianificazione e calcolo di aree. Sviluppando strategie cognitive si favorisce un apprendimento significativo e duraturo, adatto a qualsiasi situazione trasversale che richieda l’impiego di competenze matematiche e metacognitive. Ai due gruppi è stata somministrata anche una prova iniziale, per identificare le preconoscenze dei bambini. Si descrivono due classi molto simili (fondamentale per la veridicità della ricerca) che conoscono le figure geometriche, l’area del rettangolo e del quadrato; e hanno lo stesso bisogno di scoprire le aree. È’ stato scelto questo progetto di geometria in quanto le Indicazioni Nazionali stimolano l’adozione di modelli di insegnamento-apprendimento attivi, ma ancora oggi non è così frequente. È stato dimostrato che essi sviluppano un pensiero geometrico attivo, costruttivo e significativo. Il progetto infatti, si basa su una ricerca approfondita riguardante la storia della geometria e la teoria metodologica didattica sperimentata in Italia e non solo. In particolare, l’aspetto metodologico è fondamentale perché è il fattore determinante dell’ipotesi della ricerca sperimentale. Le competenze sviluppate riguardano saper vedere, utile per scoprire le aree delle figure geometriche, e la concettualizzazione degli oggetti geometrici attraverso la consapevolezza, la riflessione e la condivisione tra pari.
Vedere geometricamente la realtà per scoprire le figure. Un'esperienza didattica sul concetto di area attraverso approcci attivi in quinta Primaria.
The following abstract reports on a teaching research intervention carried out in two fifth-grade Primary School classes during the 2021/22 school year. This research follows the experimental research model and is characterised by the proposal of an innovative teaching intervention in the subject area of geometry. An active methodological approach is adopted with the aim of making children excellent observers, interpreters and solvers of geometric objects. Pleasure and interest in the discipline are also stimulated. The intervention presents activities, where the child are in a situation of problem solving, discovery and construction of their own knowledge, and metacognitive awareness of strategies. The topic of research concerns the discovery of the area of both known and unknown geometric figures. The children at each meeting are prompted to solve the questions through observation, their own knowledge and manipulation of the figures to discover a way of detecting the area. The figures to be analysed individually and independently are triangle, parallelogram, rhombus and trapezoid. The last one is irregular and is the surface of Italy, analysed in groups. These activities lead the child to acquire awareness of the concept of area, its meaning and the cognitive process. Following the experimental research model, the innovative approach is proposed to only one class, the experimental group, while the other class, the control class, approaches the subject through a “traditional” teaching methodology. This is characterised by the transmission of knowledge and the replication of formulas without significant awareness of the process. The difference between the two didactic methodologies gives the possibility, at the end of the intervention, to analyse the levels of competence achieved by comparing the data from a final test that allows the research hypothesis to be demonstrated. In fact, the results show that the experimental class had higher and more significant scores due to the use of constructive cognitive strategies. The quality of the skills was measured by the quantitative analysis of the answers but also qualitatively with respect to the reasoning that emerged during the meetings and in the final test. This proves the hypothesis, according to which, by proposing working methods that stimulate pupils to activate cognitive processes and strategies, the autonomous and conscious resolution of geometric situations of planning and calculating areas is facilitated. Developing cognitive strategies fosters meaningful and lasting learning, suitable for any cross-curricular situation requiring the use of mathematical and metacognitive skills. The two groups were also given an initial test, which enabled the children's pre-knowledge to be identified. Two very similar classes were described (fundamental to the veracity of the research) as knowing geometric figures, the area of the rectangle and the square; and having the same need to discover areas. This geometry project was chosen because the National Indications encourage the adoption of active teaching-learning models. They have been shown to develop active, constructive and meaningful geometric thinking. In fact, the project is based on in-depth research into the history of geometry and methodological teaching theory tested in Italy and elsewhere. In particular, the methodological aspect is fundamental because it is the determining factor of the experimental research hypothesis. The skills developed concern knowing how to see, which is useful for discovering the areas of geometric figures, and the conceptualisation of geometric objects through awareness, reflection and sharing among peers.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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