The idea of developing a paper by deepening the still submerged issue of pathological gambling disorder was born and developed during the curricular internship carried out at Ulss 5 UOC Ser.D, headquarters of Badia Polesine, or the Addiction Service. The questions asked and which led to wanting to write on this topic are: Is there an addiction without substance, so ingrained that it has the same power in people and in their lives as that of a drug? If it exists, how is it acted upon, how is it cured? Is it possible to detect the degree of problem and impairment of the patient? The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly contributed to intensifying the phenomenon in question, in fact, many young people have begun to approach the world of gaming through platforms and online sites, easily accessible and often with a free initial connection; those who started out of boredom, some out of curiosity, some to try their luck, some of these people now find themselves depending, in whole or in part, on gambling, so much so that they base their lives on this addiction. Added to this is the degrading action that the player brings within the family and friends, not forgetting the serious repercussions that can be found on the economic level. The paper delves into the origins of gambling, briefly discussing the history of this ancient activity, subsequently making an excursus of the different types of existing games and the types of players that may exist. Through this thesis we want to emphasize gambling understood as a real pathology, or gambling addiction, an addiction without substance that however has symptoms and a course very similar to other addictions. With Custer's scheme, the phases that a pathological player goes through in the course of his life are described in depth. As regards the theme of the DGA (gambling disorder), it must be said that unfortunately, in Italy there is a lack of large-scale research, studies of great social impact, and a scientific attention well anchored to the risks and drifts of the disease of Gambling. The following is intended to highlight the fact that gambling has assumed significant dimensions in our country as well, and carries with it a risk which, particularly in highly vulnerable and therefore more fragile groups of people, can lead to behavioral addiction. , in a real disorder that can create serious inconvenience for the person and at the same time, the possibility of generating social and financial problems as well as coming into contact with criminal organizations of illegal gaming. From a social point of view, it can be imagined that subjects affected by ADI present a high risk of personal financial impairment that has evident repercussions in the family and work environment, and can even lead to serious indebtedness and the request for usurious loans. However, it should be remembered that gambling is a legitimate source of pleasure, and therefore cannot be prohibited or prohibited in the society in which we live. To have a fundamental action in the treatment of this behavioral addiction are the addiction departments, in particular the professional figures of social workers, who, working in close connection with the patient and the other professionals of the Equipe, provide help paths individualized.
L’idea di sviluppare un elaborato approfondendo la tematica, ancora sommersa, del disturbo da gioco d’azzardo patologico, nasce e si sviluppa durante il percorso di tirocinio curriculare svolto presso l’Ulss 5 UOC Ser.D, sede di Badia Polesine, ovvero il Servizio per le Dipendenze. Le domande poste e che hanno portato a voler scrivere su questo argomento sono: Esiste una dipendenza senza sostanza, così radicata da avere lo stesso potere nelle persone e nella loro vita di quello di una sostanza stupefacente? Se esiste, come si agisce su di essa, come si cura? È possibile rilevarne il grado di problematicità e compromissione del paziente? A intensificare il fenomeno in argomento, ha sicuramente contribuito la pandemia da COVID-19, infatti, molti giovani hanno iniziato ad avvicinarsi al mondo del gioco tramite piattaforme e siti online, facilmente fruibili e spesso con un aggancio iniziale gratuito; chi ha iniziato per noia, chi per curiosità, chi per tentare la fortuna, una quota di queste persone ora si ritrova a dipendere, del tutto o in parte, dal gioco d’azzardo, tanto da basare la propria vita su questa addiction. A ciò si aggiunge la degradante azione che il soggetto giocatore porta all’interno del nucleo familiare e amicale, non dimenticando le gravi ripercussioni riscontrabili sul piano economico. Nell’elaborato si vanno ad approfondire le origini del gioco d’azzardo, trattando brevemente la storia di questa antica attività, facendo successivamente un excursus dei differenti tipi di giochi esistenti e delle tipologie di giocatori che possono esistere. Tramite questa tesi si vuole porre l’accento sul Gambling inteso come una patologia vera e propria, ovvero la ludopatia, una dipendenza senza sostanza che ha però una sintomatologia e un decorso molto simile alle altre dipendenze. Con lo schema di Custer vengono descritte in maniera approfondita le fasi che attraversa un giocatore patologico nel corso della sua vita. Per quanto riguarda il tema del DGA (disturbo da gioco d’azzardo), va detto che purtroppo, in Italia mancano ricerche su larga scala, studi di grande impatto sociale, e, un’attenzione scientifica ben ancorata ai rischi e alle derive della patologia del Gambling. Con quanto segue si vuole portare in evidenza il fatto che anche nel nostro Paese il gioco ha assunto dimensioni rilevanti, e porta con sé un rischio che, in particolare nei gruppi di persone ad alta vulnerabilità e quindi più fragili, può sfociare in una dipendenza comportamentale, in un vero e proprio disturbo che può creare gravi disagi per la persona e contemporaneamente, la possibilità di generare problemi sociali e finanziari oltre che entrare in contatto con organizzazioni criminali del gioco illegale. Da un punto di vista sociale, si può immaginare che i soggetti affetti da DGA presentano un elevato rischio di compromissione finanziaria personale che ha evidenti ripercussioni in ambito familiare e lavorativo, e può addirittura arrivare a gravi indebitamenti e alla richiesta di prestiti usuranti. Va però ricordato che il gioco d’azzardo risulta essere una fonte legittima di piacere, e quindi non può essere vietato o proibito nella società in cui viviamo. Ad avere un’azione fondamentale nella cura di questa dipendenza comportamentale sono i dipartimenti per le dipendenze, in particolare le figure professionali degli assistenti sociali, che lavorando in stretta connessione con il paziente e gli altri professionisti dell’Equipe, forniscono dei percorsi d’aiuto individualizzati.
Gambling: un'emergenza sociale. Analisi del fenomeno e prospettive di intervento nei servizi per le dipendenze
The idea of developing a paper by deepening the still submerged issue of pathological gambling disorder was born and developed during the curricular internship carried out at Ulss 5 UOC Ser.D, headquarters of Badia Polesine, or the Addiction Service. The questions asked and which led to wanting to write on this topic are: Is there an addiction without substance, so ingrained that it has the same power in people and in their lives as that of a drug? If it exists, how is it acted upon, how is it cured? Is it possible to detect the degree of problem and impairment of the patient? The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly contributed to intensifying the phenomenon in question, in fact, many young people have begun to approach the world of gaming through platforms and online sites, easily accessible and often with a free initial connection; those who started out of boredom, some out of curiosity, some to try their luck, some of these people now find themselves depending, in whole or in part, on gambling, so much so that they base their lives on this addiction. Added to this is the degrading action that the player brings within the family and friends, not forgetting the serious repercussions that can be found on the economic level. The paper delves into the origins of gambling, briefly discussing the history of this ancient activity, subsequently making an excursus of the different types of existing games and the types of players that may exist. Through this thesis we want to emphasize gambling understood as a real pathology, or gambling addiction, an addiction without substance that however has symptoms and a course very similar to other addictions. With Custer's scheme, the phases that a pathological player goes through in the course of his life are described in depth. As regards the theme of the DGA (gambling disorder), it must be said that unfortunately, in Italy there is a lack of large-scale research, studies of great social impact, and a scientific attention well anchored to the risks and drifts of the disease of Gambling. The following is intended to highlight the fact that gambling has assumed significant dimensions in our country as well, and carries with it a risk which, particularly in highly vulnerable and therefore more fragile groups of people, can lead to behavioral addiction. , in a real disorder that can create serious inconvenience for the person and at the same time, the possibility of generating social and financial problems as well as coming into contact with criminal organizations of illegal gaming. From a social point of view, it can be imagined that subjects affected by ADI present a high risk of personal financial impairment that has evident repercussions in the family and work environment, and can even lead to serious indebtedness and the request for usurious loans. However, it should be remembered that gambling is a legitimate source of pleasure, and therefore cannot be prohibited or prohibited in the society in which we live. To have a fundamental action in the treatment of this behavioral addiction are the addiction departments, in particular the professional figures of social workers, who, working in close connection with the patient and the other professionals of the Equipe, provide help paths individualized.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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