The dissertation reports the results of the analysis of the dry grassland called «magredi», located in the riverbeds of the Meduna and Cellina streams in the high plain of Pordenone, which have been de-grained for decades. Indeed, the fauna and botany importance of these areas, demonstrated by their designation as SCZ, highlights the importance to monitor their conservation state over time. The purpose of the study was to examine the recolonization of the areas where gravel have been extracted in different times. Specifically, two types of surveys were used: a cartographic analysis based on historical orthophotos and the floristic survey on sampling areas in the central part of the Meduna riverbed. 7 groups of characteristic vegetation were identified by cluster analysis, which belong to different habitat types and are characterized by different times of recolonization. The research has shown that biodiversity, expressed as number of plant species, does depend neither on specific environmental factors nor on the time of recolonization but is instead linked to the random arrival of propagules on the ground, probably carried by floods. Indeed, very different recolonization stages do not differ by species number but by biological and ecological traits of the species composing the vegetation. There is a greater abundance of ruderal herbaceous species where the vegetation has been established for a few years. There is a large presence of composites, which spread thanks to the production of a large quantity of small seeds. In this case, the abundant presence of exotic species is also evident, which spread on bare soils, favored by anthropic interventions in the area. Over time, the evolution of the soil and the simple passage of time make it possible for native species to settle, especially hemicryptophytes, typical of more advanced stages, which propagate mainly by vegetative ways. This evolution brings the most advanced stages of recolonization closer to areas that have never been subjected to de-gravel operations, in which the vegetation has many species that grow in clumps as well as a more complex vertical structure, with the presence of high percentages of tree cover.
Vengono analizzati gli ambienti di prateria magra, denominati magredi, posti sugli alvei dei torrenti Meduna e Cellina nell’alta pianura pordenonese, sottoposti da decenni a interventi di sghiaiamento. L’importanza faunistica e botanica di queste aree, evidenziata dalla loro designazione come ZSC, ne rende infatti opportuno il monitoraggio dello stato di conservazione nel corso del tempo. Lo scopo dello studio è quello di esaminare gli effetti degli interventi di sghiaiamento compiuti in epoche diverse sulle caratteristiche della vegetazione di ricolonizzazione. Nello specifico, sono stati utilizzati due tipi di indagine: un’analisi cartografica basata su ortofoto storiche e il rilevamento floristico su aree di saggio nella zona centrale del Meduna. Tramite la cluster analysis sono stati individuati 7 gruppi di vegetazione, connessi sia con l’età della ricolonizzazione che con il contesto ambientale dei magredi. Le ricerche effettuate hanno mostrato come la biodiversità espressa in termini di numero di specie vegetali, non dipenda né da fattori ambientali specifici né dall’età della ricolonizzazione, ma che sia legata invece all’arrivo casuale di propaguli al suolo, portati probabilmente dalle piene. Stadi anche molto diversi della ricolonizzazione si differenziano infatti non per numero di specie ma per caratteristiche biologiche ed ecologiche delle specie componenti le fitocenosi. Dove la vegetazione si è insediata da pochi anni troviamo maggiore abbondanza di specie erbacee ruderali, in gran parte terofite, con grande presenza di composite, che sfruttano la grande quantità di piccoli semi per diffondersi. In questo caso, risulta evidente anche la presenza abbondante di specie esotiche, che attecchiscono facilmente su suoli nudi, favorite dagli interventi antropici sulla zona. Col passare del tempo, l’evoluzione del suolo e il semplice trascorrere del tempo rendono possibile l’insediamento di specie native, soprattutto emicriptofite, tipiche di stadi più evoluti, che si propagano prevalentemente per via vegetativa. Questa evoluzione avvicina gli stadi di ricolonizzazione più evoluti alle aree mai sottoposte a sghiaiamento, in cui la vegetazione presenta grande quantità di specie cespitose oltre che una struttura verticale più complessa, con presenza di alte percentuali di copertura arborea.
Dinamiche temporali della ricolonizzazione in aree sghiaiate dei magredi friulani
The dissertation reports the results of the analysis of the dry grassland called «magredi», located in the riverbeds of the Meduna and Cellina streams in the high plain of Pordenone, which have been de-grained for decades. Indeed, the fauna and botany importance of these areas, demonstrated by their designation as SCZ, highlights the importance to monitor their conservation state over time. The purpose of the study was to examine the recolonization of the areas where gravel have been extracted in different times. Specifically, two types of surveys were used: a cartographic analysis based on historical orthophotos and the floristic survey on sampling areas in the central part of the Meduna riverbed. 7 groups of characteristic vegetation were identified by cluster analysis, which belong to different habitat types and are characterized by different times of recolonization. The research has shown that biodiversity, expressed as number of plant species, does depend neither on specific environmental factors nor on the time of recolonization but is instead linked to the random arrival of propagules on the ground, probably carried by floods. Indeed, very different recolonization stages do not differ by species number but by biological and ecological traits of the species composing the vegetation. There is a greater abundance of ruderal herbaceous species where the vegetation has been established for a few years. There is a large presence of composites, which spread thanks to the production of a large quantity of small seeds. In this case, the abundant presence of exotic species is also evident, which spread on bare soils, favored by anthropic interventions in the area. Over time, the evolution of the soil and the simple passage of time make it possible for native species to settle, especially hemicryptophytes, typical of more advanced stages, which propagate mainly by vegetative ways. This evolution brings the most advanced stages of recolonization closer to areas that have never been subjected to de-gravel operations, in which the vegetation has many species that grow in clumps as well as a more complex vertical structure, with the presence of high percentages of tree cover.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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