Background: the aim of the present paper is to carry out a review of the literature to determine the prevalence, differential diagnosis, clinical appearance, etiology and treatment of MIH. Methods: an electronic database search was conducted using PUBMED, WEB OF SCIENCE, SCOPUS and GOOGLE SCHOLAR. The titles of the papers resulting from the research were screened in order to select the publications that met the inclusion criteria. The full texts were further evaluated and selected based on their relevance. Results: from the initial research 2870 references were obtained, of which 42 were included in this paper. Six of these are systematic review of the literature with meta-analysis. The results showed a high worldwide prevalence of MIH and they also established that its etiology is unknown, but most likely multifactorial. Different treatment approaches such as desensitizing and remineralizing products, resin infiltration, fissure sealant, atraumatic restorative treatment, resin composite restoration, onlays, crowns and extractions associated or not with orthodontic treatment of the permanent first molars (PFMs) were reported on. Conclusions: MIH is highly prevalent worldwide and has most likely a multifactorial etiology. Different treatment approaches according to the degree of severity of lesions are reported on. More well-designed clinical trials and high standard systematic reviews are necessary to elucidate MIH characteristics and treatment outcomes.
Introduzione. Lo scopo del presente elaborato è effettuare una revisione della letteratura per determinare prevalenza, diagnosi differenziale, aspetto clinico, eziologia e trattamento dell’MIH. Materiali e metodi. Per condurre il presente lavoro è stata effettuata una ricerca elettronica completa e sistematica in MEDLINE tramite PUBMED, nei database WEB OF SCIENCE, SCOPUS e GOOGLE SCHOLAR. I titoli dei lavori risultanti dalla ricerca sono stati vagliati al fine di selezionare le pubblicazioni che soddisfacessero i criteri di inclusione. I testi integrali sono stati ulteriormente valutati e selezionati in base alla loro rilevanza. Risultati. Da 2870 articoli sono stati estrapolati 42 articoli idonei che sono stati inclusi nel presente elaborato. Di questi, 6 sono revisioni sistematiche della letteratura con meta-analisi. I risultati hanno mostrato un’alta prevalenza di MIH a livello mondiale e una natura eziologica ancora sconosciuta, ma probabilmente multifattoriale. Sono stati riportati diversi approcci terapeutici, tra cui prodotti remineralizzanti, infiltrazioni di resina, sigillature di solchi e fossette, trattamenti di restauro atraumatici (ART), restauri in resina composito, restauri tramite corone e intarsi e estrazioni con o senza trattamento ortodontico. Conclusioni. L’MIH ha un’alta prevalenza a livello mondiale ed eziologia probabilmente multifattoriale. Diversi approcci terapeutici sono stati riportati a seconda della severità della lesione. Sono necessari ulteriori studi clinici e revisioni sistematiche di alto livello per ottenere risultati più chiari e obiettivi riguardo alle caratteristiche e agli approcci terapeutici dell’MIH.
Molar Incisor Hypomineralization: prevalenza, diagnosi, eziologia e trattamento. Revisione sistematica della letteratura
Background: the aim of the present paper is to carry out a review of the literature to determine the prevalence, differential diagnosis, clinical appearance, etiology and treatment of MIH. Methods: an electronic database search was conducted using PUBMED, WEB OF SCIENCE, SCOPUS and GOOGLE SCHOLAR. The titles of the papers resulting from the research were screened in order to select the publications that met the inclusion criteria. The full texts were further evaluated and selected based on their relevance. Results: from the initial research 2870 references were obtained, of which 42 were included in this paper. Six of these are systematic review of the literature with meta-analysis. The results showed a high worldwide prevalence of MIH and they also established that its etiology is unknown, but most likely multifactorial. Different treatment approaches such as desensitizing and remineralizing products, resin infiltration, fissure sealant, atraumatic restorative treatment, resin composite restoration, onlays, crowns and extractions associated or not with orthodontic treatment of the permanent first molars (PFMs) were reported on. Conclusions: MIH is highly prevalent worldwide and has most likely a multifactorial etiology. Different treatment approaches according to the degree of severity of lesions are reported on. More well-designed clinical trials and high standard systematic reviews are necessary to elucidate MIH characteristics and treatment outcomes.The text of this website © Università degli studi di Padova. Full Text are published under a non-exclusive license. Metadata are under a CC0 License