BACKGROUND Pain control is one of the world’s most important health goals and an essential aspect of obstetric care. The pain experienced by the woman during childbirth is singular and requires personalized clinical management. In particular, within the pharmacological techniques is that of peridural analgesia. This antalgic technique is associated on the one hand, with a lengthening of the times of labor; in particular of the second stage, and consequently to an increased rate of operating parts (PO), on the other hand to the transient reduction of uterine contractile activity and cervical resistance, which would lead to a reduction of the dilating period. As for perineal health, however, the present studies are conflicting. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The objective of this study was to conduct a case-control analysis between two different populations of patients, one represented by patients undergoing peridural analgesia and the other consisting of patients not subjected to peridural analgesia, divided by parity, to determine whether and how this antalgic technique can affect perineal health. MATERIALS AND METHODS It is an observational retrospective case-control study; the data were collected through the analysis of clinical records relating to the period from January to May 2022 at the Gynecology and Obstetrics Unit of Padua. Data were collected from single pregnant nulliparous and pluriparous women whose pre and postpartum perineum assessment was available and who had both peridural analgesia and who had not been affected. For each patient, information was collected on anthropometric and anamnestic data and data on pre- and post-partum perineal evaluations (the presence of hemorrhoids, dyspareunia, the characteristics of CTP and DAV) and data on childbirth (the gestational period at birth, the mode of delivery (PO), the induction of labor, the perineal lacerations and the request or not to carry out peridural analgesia). The study population was divided into the nulliparous (A) and the pluriparous (B) groups, which were themselves divided between the cases (patients who had performed analgesia) and the controls (patients who had not performed analgesia) RESULTS The results obtained about the characteristics of labor and delivery show that the duration of labor was significantly longer in cases than in controls, both in group A and group B. Within group A, the controls had significantly more dyspareunia postpartum and within group B, The cases showed significantly more OPs and second-degree perineal lacerations while the controls showed significantly more DAV. Finally, for both groups (A and B), no statistically significant differences in the characteristics of the CTP were found. As for hemorrhoids within Group A, the number of affected patients was significantly higher in controls than in cases already in the perineal pre-partum evaluation CONCLUSIONS The delivery analgesia leads to lengthening of the time of labor both in nulliparous and in pluriparous even if it is not linked to an increased rate of perineal lacerations in nulliparous patients, but only in multiple patients (increased incidence of operative birth in this group). Moreover, the delivery of analgesia is not related to an increased incidence of hemorrhoids and in the nulliparas, it seems to protect against dyspareunia. Further studies are needed to confirm our results.
BACKGROUND Il controllo del dolore è uno degli obiettivi sanitari più importanti a livello mondiale e un aspetto essenziale dell'assistenza ostetrica. Il dolore provato dalla donna durante il travaglio di parto è singolare e richiede una gestione clinica personalizzata. In particolare, all’interno delle tecniche farmacologiche figura quella dell’analgesia peridurale. Questa tecnica antalgica è associata da un lato, ad un allungamento dei tempi del travaglio; in particolare del secondo stadio e di conseguenza ad un aumentato tasso di parti operativi (PO), dall'altro alla riduzione transitoria dell'attività contrattile uterina e della resistenza cervicale, che porterebbero ad una riduzione del periodo dilatante. Per quanto concerne la salute perineale invece, gli studi presenti risultano essere contrastanti OBIETTIVO DELLO STUDIO L’obiettivo di questo studio è stato quello di condurre un’analisi caso-controllo tra due diverse popolazioni di pazienti, l’una rappresentata da pazienti sottoposte ad analgesia peridurale e l’altra costituita da pazienti non sottoposte ad analgesia peridurale, suddivise per parità, per stabilire se e in che modo questa tecnica antalgica possa influire sulla salute perineale. MATERIALI E METODI Si tratta di uno studio osservazionale retrospettivo caso controllo; i dati sono stati raccolti tramite l’analisi delle cartelle cliniche riferibili al periodo da Gennaio a Maggio 2022 presso l’Unità Operativa di Ginecologia e Ostetricia di Padova. Sono stati raccolti i dati di donne gravide nullipare e pluripare con gravidanza singola di cui era disponibile la valutazione del perineo pre e post partum e sono state selezionate sia partorienti che avevano effettuato l’analgesia peridurale sia partorienti che non l'avevano effettuata. Per ogni paziente sono state raccolte le informazioni relative ai dati antropometrici e anamnestici e i dati relativi alle valutazioni perineali pre e post partum (la presenza di emorroidi, la dispareunia, le caratteristiche del CTP e la DAV) e i dati relativi al parto (l’epoca gestazionale al parto, la modalità del parto (PO), l'induzione del travaglio, le lacerazioni perineali e la richiesta o meno di effettuare l’analgesia peridurale). La popolazione di studio è stata divisa nel gruppo delle nullipare (A) e in quello delle pluripare (B), suddivisi a loro volta tra i casi (pazienti che avevano effettuato l'analgesia) e i controlli (pazienti che non avevano effettuato l'analgesia) RISULTATI I risultati ricavati relativamente alle caratteristiche del travaglio e del parto mostrano che la durata del travaglio è risultata essere significativamente maggiore nei casi rispetto ai controlli, sia nel gruppo A che nel gruppo B. All’interno del gruppo A, i controlli hanno presentato un numero significativamente maggiore di dispareunia post partum e all’interno del gruppo B, i casi hanno presentato un numero significativamente maggiore di PO e di lacerazioni perineali di II grado mentre i controlli hanno presentato un numero significativamente maggiore di DAV. Infine, per entrambi i Gruppi (A e B), non sono state evidenziate differenze statisticamente significative per quanto riguarda le caratteristiche del CTP. Per quanto riguarda le emorroidi all’interno del Gruppo A, il numero di pazienti affette era significativamente maggiore nei controlli rispetto ai casi già nella valutazione perineale pre-partum CONCLUSIONI La partoanalgesia porta ad allungamento dei tempi del travaglio sia nelle nullipare che nelle pluripare anche se non risulta collegata ad un aumentato tasso di lacerazioni perineali nelle pazienti nullipare, ma solamente nelle pazienti pluripare (maggiore incidenza di PO in questo gruppo). Inoltre la partoanalgesia non risulta correlata ad un aumentata l'incidenza di emorroidi e nelle nullipare sembra proteggere dalla dispareunia. Ulteriori studi sono necessari per confermare i nostri risultati
Effetti della partoanalgesia sul pavimento pelvico: uno studio retrospettivo
BACKGROUND Pain control is one of the world’s most important health goals and an essential aspect of obstetric care. The pain experienced by the woman during childbirth is singular and requires personalized clinical management. In particular, within the pharmacological techniques is that of peridural analgesia. This antalgic technique is associated on the one hand, with a lengthening of the times of labor; in particular of the second stage, and consequently to an increased rate of operating parts (PO), on the other hand to the transient reduction of uterine contractile activity and cervical resistance, which would lead to a reduction of the dilating period. As for perineal health, however, the present studies are conflicting. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The objective of this study was to conduct a case-control analysis between two different populations of patients, one represented by patients undergoing peridural analgesia and the other consisting of patients not subjected to peridural analgesia, divided by parity, to determine whether and how this antalgic technique can affect perineal health. MATERIALS AND METHODS It is an observational retrospective case-control study; the data were collected through the analysis of clinical records relating to the period from January to May 2022 at the Gynecology and Obstetrics Unit of Padua. Data were collected from single pregnant nulliparous and pluriparous women whose pre and postpartum perineum assessment was available and who had both peridural analgesia and who had not been affected. For each patient, information was collected on anthropometric and anamnestic data and data on pre- and post-partum perineal evaluations (the presence of hemorrhoids, dyspareunia, the characteristics of CTP and DAV) and data on childbirth (the gestational period at birth, the mode of delivery (PO), the induction of labor, the perineal lacerations and the request or not to carry out peridural analgesia). The study population was divided into the nulliparous (A) and the pluriparous (B) groups, which were themselves divided between the cases (patients who had performed analgesia) and the controls (patients who had not performed analgesia) RESULTS The results obtained about the characteristics of labor and delivery show that the duration of labor was significantly longer in cases than in controls, both in group A and group B. Within group A, the controls had significantly more dyspareunia postpartum and within group B, The cases showed significantly more OPs and second-degree perineal lacerations while the controls showed significantly more DAV. Finally, for both groups (A and B), no statistically significant differences in the characteristics of the CTP were found. As for hemorrhoids within Group A, the number of affected patients was significantly higher in controls than in cases already in the perineal pre-partum evaluation CONCLUSIONS The delivery analgesia leads to lengthening of the time of labor both in nulliparous and in pluriparous even if it is not linked to an increased rate of perineal lacerations in nulliparous patients, but only in multiple patients (increased incidence of operative birth in this group). Moreover, the delivery of analgesia is not related to an increased incidence of hemorrhoids and in the nulliparas, it seems to protect against dyspareunia. Further studies are needed to confirm our results.The text of this website © Università degli studi di Padova. Full Text are published under a non-exclusive license. Metadata are under a CC0 License