BACKGROUND Meconium-stained amniotic fluid (MSAF) is universally recognized as a sign of fetal distress. In the literature, there are studies associating intrauterine passage of meconium with several fetomaternal factors leading to increased risk of perinatal morbidity and mortality, and risk of maternal infections. This study, in particular, given the numerous cases of MSAF found in the Ethiopian hospital setting, aims to observe these risk factors within the delivery of St Luke's Hospital, Woliso, an action designed to contextualize and rename these factors in relation to the economic possibilities and social status of the patients arriving in our delivery, with the aim of taking action in the prevention of these causes and in the reduction of the numerous cases of dyed fluid that face our hospital setting. MATERIALS AND METHODS For each patient in whom MSAF was found evaluated in line with the inclusion and exclusion criteria, data collection was performed through consultation of the medical record, in which the presence or absence of the main risk factors for the complication under analysis was analyzed, and the administration of a short questionnaire aimed at framing the socioeconomic situation and the level of daily stress to which the pregnant woman was subjected prior to admission. The data obtained were subsequently compared with equal numbers of control cases, detected by chart consultation and administration of the same questionnaire to patients with clear amniotic fluid followed in our delivery ward. RESULTS the totality of patients under analysis, are found to be living a daily home and work life leading to high levels of stress. The presence of MSAF was detected even in cases where there is no clinical risk factor present. CONCLUSIONS The study could highlight how the socioeconomic situation of patients entering the hospital setting in Wolisso could be considered a relevant risk factor in the occurrence of MSAF. In this perspective, a prevention that does not act exclusively on clinical risk factors but, on the contrary, keeps in mind the importance of favoring as much as possible, through the education of the population and an implementation of hospital logistics as efficient as possible, the performance by pregnant women of a daily routine subjected to less psycho-physical stress.
BACKGROUND Il liquido amniotico tinto di meconio (MSAF) è universalmente riconosciuto come segno di stress fetale. In letteratura, sono presenti studi che associano il passaggio intrauterino del meconio a diversi fattori fetomaterni che portano ad un aumento del rischio di morbilità e mortalità perinatale, e del rischio di infezioni materne. Questo studio, in particolare, dati i numerosi casi di MSAF riscontrati nel contesto ospedaliero etiope, si propone di osservare tali fattori di rischio all’interno della delivery del St Luke’s Hospital, Woliso, azione volta a contestualizzare e rinominare tali fattori in relazione alle possibilità economiche ed allo stato sociale delle pazienti che arrivano nella nostra delivery, con lo scopo di agire nella prevenzione di tali cause e nella riduzione dei numerosi casi di liquido tinto che si affacciano al nostro contesto ospedaliero. MATERIALI E METODI Per ogni paziente in cui è stato riscontrato MSAF valutata in linea con i criteri di inclusione ed esclusione è stata eseguita una raccolta dati attraverso il consulto della cartella clinica, in cui si è analizzata la presenza o assenza dei principali fattori di rischio per la complicanza in analisi e la somministrazione di un breve questionario volto ad inquadrare la situazione socio-economica ed il livello di stress quotidiano a cui la gravida era sottoposta antecedentemente al ricovero. I dati ricavati son stati successivamente confrontati con egual numero di casi controllo, rilevati tramite la consultazione cartella e la somministrazione del medesimo questionario a pazienti con liquido amniotico chiaro seguite nella nostra delivery ward. RISULTATI la totalità delle pazienti in analisi, risultano vivere una quotidianità casalinga e lavorativa che porta ad alti livelli di stress. È stata rilevata la presenza di MSAF anche nei casi in cui non vi è la presenza di alcun fattore di rischio clinico. CONCLUSIONI Lo studio potrebbe evidenziare come la situazione socio-economica delle pazienti che si affacciano al contesto ospedaliero di Wolisso possa essere considerata un fattore di rischio rilevante nel verificarsi di MSAF. In questa prospettiva, risulta di grande importanza una prevenzione che non agisca esclusivamente sui fattori di rischio clinici, ma che al contrario tenga presente l’importanza del favorire il più possibile, attraverso l’educazione della popolazione ed un’implementazione di una logistica ospedaliera il più efficiente possibile, lo svolgimento da parte delle donne in gravidanda di una quotidianità sottoposta in minor misura a stress psico fisico.
Analisi dei fattori clinici e socio-economici in gravide con liquido amniotico tinto di meconio afferenti all'ospedale St Luke, Woliso
BACKGROUND Meconium-stained amniotic fluid (MSAF) is universally recognized as a sign of fetal distress. In the literature, there are studies associating intrauterine passage of meconium with several fetomaternal factors leading to increased risk of perinatal morbidity and mortality, and risk of maternal infections. This study, in particular, given the numerous cases of MSAF found in the Ethiopian hospital setting, aims to observe these risk factors within the delivery of St Luke's Hospital, Woliso, an action designed to contextualize and rename these factors in relation to the economic possibilities and social status of the patients arriving in our delivery, with the aim of taking action in the prevention of these causes and in the reduction of the numerous cases of dyed fluid that face our hospital setting. MATERIALS AND METHODS For each patient in whom MSAF was found evaluated in line with the inclusion and exclusion criteria, data collection was performed through consultation of the medical record, in which the presence or absence of the main risk factors for the complication under analysis was analyzed, and the administration of a short questionnaire aimed at framing the socioeconomic situation and the level of daily stress to which the pregnant woman was subjected prior to admission. The data obtained were subsequently compared with equal numbers of control cases, detected by chart consultation and administration of the same questionnaire to patients with clear amniotic fluid followed in our delivery ward. RESULTS the totality of patients under analysis, are found to be living a daily home and work life leading to high levels of stress. The presence of MSAF was detected even in cases where there is no clinical risk factor present. CONCLUSIONS The study could highlight how the socioeconomic situation of patients entering the hospital setting in Wolisso could be considered a relevant risk factor in the occurrence of MSAF. In this perspective, a prevention that does not act exclusively on clinical risk factors but, on the contrary, keeps in mind the importance of favoring as much as possible, through the education of the population and an implementation of hospital logistics as efficient as possible, the performance by pregnant women of a daily routine subjected to less psycho-physical stress.The text of this website © Università degli studi di Padova. Full Text are published under a non-exclusive license. Metadata are under a CC0 License