In recent years, periculture in Italy has undergone a significant decline from the point of view of production due to a series of biotic and abiotic problems that have brought this important sector of the fruit department of Northern Italy down, such as the advent of Halyomorpha halys (asian bedbug), spring frosts, especially that of April 7, 2021, and brown spot. The latter is a biotic disease which in recent years arise itself abnormally especially in the cultivar Abate Fétel. Historically the fungus Stemphylium vesicarium is considered the causal agent, but recently an involvement of the fungus Alternaria spp. has also been hypothesized. A reduction in the permitted active ingredients and in the dosages allowed in integrated pest management, together with a series of agronomic practices that are not always adequate, have probably allowed the potential etiological agents of this disease to be more aggressive, causing serious damage to the producers of Abate Fétel. This thesis work was carried out with the aim of evaluating both agronomic and chemical solutions and was organized in three phases. The first, which took place between the spring and summer of 2021, consisted of field monitoring to understand whether it was possible to reduce the inoculum of potential etiological agents with adequate agronomic management measures for the turf. The second was subsequently, it carried out with the isolation of the fungal species from the symptomatic fruits collected in the monitored orchards to identify those potentially responsible for the development of the disease. Finally, the last activity consisted in testing the main fungicides registered and used in chemical and biological control to verify if brown spot’s resistance/tolerance phenomena have developed over the years.
Negli ultimi anni la pericoltura in Italia ha subito una notevole flessione dal punto di vista della produzione a causa di una serie di problematiche biotiche e abiotiche che ha messo in ginocchio questo importante settore del reparto ortofrutticolo del Nord Italia, quali l’avvento di Halyomorpha halys (cimice asiatica), le gelate primaverili, in particolar modo quella del 7 aprile 2021, e la maculatura bruna. Quest’ultima è una malattia biotica che negli ultimi anni si è manifestata in modo anomalo soprattutto nella cultivar Abate Fetel. Storicamente il fungo Stemphylium vesicarium è considerato l’agente causale ma recentemente è stato ipotizzato anche un coinvolgimento del fungo Alternaria alternata. Una riduzione dei principi attivi ammessi e dei dosaggi consentiti nella difesa integrata, insieme ad una serie di pratiche agronomiche non sempre adeguate, hanno probabilmente permesso ai potenziali agenti eziologici di questa malattia di risultare più aggressivi, determinando gravi danni per i produttori di Abate Fetel. Questo lavoro di tesi è stato svolto con lo scopo di valutare soluzioni sia di tipo agronomico che chimico ed è stato organizzato in tre fasi. La prima, svoltasi tra primavera ed estate del 2021, è consistita in un monitoraggio di campo per comprendere se con adeguati accorgimenti agronomici di gestione del cotico era possibile ridurre l’inoculo dei potenziali agenti eziologici. La seconda si è svolta successivamente con l’isolamento dai frutti sintomatici raccolti nei frutteti monitorati delle specie fungine per identificare quelle potenzialmente responsabili dello sviluppo della malattia Infine, l’ultima attività è consistita nel testare i principali fungicidi registrati e usati nella lotta chimica e biologica per controllare la maculatura bruna per valutare se nel corso degli anni si siano sviluppati fenomeni di resistenza/tolleranza.
In recent years, periculture in Italy has undergone a significant decline from the point of view of production due to a series of biotic and abiotic problems that have brought this important sector of the fruit department of Northern Italy down, such as the advent of Halyomorpha halys (asian bedbug), spring frosts, especially that of April 7, 2021, and brown spot. The latter is a biotic disease which in recent years arise itself abnormally especially in the cultivar Abate Fétel. Historically the fungus Stemphylium vesicarium is considered the causal agent, but recently an involvement of the fungus Alternaria spp. has also been hypothesized. A reduction in the permitted active ingredients and in the dosages allowed in integrated pest management, together with a series of agronomic practices that are not always adequate, have probably allowed the potential etiological agents of this disease to be more aggressive, causing serious damage to the producers of Abate Fétel. This thesis work was carried out with the aim of evaluating both agronomic and chemical solutions and was organized in three phases. The first, which took place between the spring and summer of 2021, consisted of field monitoring to understand whether it was possible to reduce the inoculum of potential etiological agents with adequate agronomic management measures for the turf. The second was subsequently, it carried out with the isolation of the fungal species from the symptomatic fruits collected in the monitored orchards to identify those potentially responsible for the development of the disease. Finally, the last activity consisted in testing the main fungicides registered and used in chemical and biological control to verify if brown spot’s resistance/tolerance phenomena have developed over the years.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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