Introduction: a careful examination of subjects found driving under the influence of psychoactive substances (DUI) during driving licence regranting procedure is of paramount importance in preventing morbidity and mortality alcohol related. An integrated medico-legal and toxicological approach is usually carried out at national level. The most reliable biomarkers of long-term alcohol exposure are carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) in serum and ethylglucuronide on hair (hEtG). Aim: the main purpose of the study is to compare the performance of CDT and hEtG in a population of DUI subjects examined during driving license regranting procedures. The second aim of the study is to explore circumstantial, socio-demographic variables and clinical and toxicological data correlated to excessive alcohol use. Materials and Methods: this is a retrospective case-control study; the population was recruited in the period 1.1.2019 – 31.8.2022 at the Unit of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology of the Hospital-University of Padua. DUI of alcohol subjects were recruited. Personal data, socio-economic factors, clinical documentation, medical history, physical examination, toxicological analysis and data related to the episode of driving while intoxicated were collected during medico-legal examination. At the end of the evaluation process the subjects were considered fit or unfit to drive depending on whether they consumed excessively or not alcohol. An EtG concentration higher than 30 pg/mg was indicative of excessive alcohol consumption. Subjects with hEtG > 30 pg/mg were then included in the case group, while subjects with hEtG < 30 pg/mg were controls. Cohen's kappa coefficient was calculated on the anonymised data entered in an Excel sheet. Possible associations with unfitness to drive condition were analyzed using chi-squared and Mann-Whitney tests for dichotomous or continuous variables, respectively, with significance level set at p = 0.05. Variables that differed significantly between the two groups (p < 0.05) in the preliminary analysis were then included in a multivariate binary logistic regression model with significance set at 0.05, exploring possible predictors of unfitness to drive due to excessive alcohol intake. Results: the population study included 868 subjects (144 cases, 724 controls). CDT showed poor agreement (κ = 0.055) with hEtG as the reference test. The two groups differed in relation to mean age (p < 0.001); gender distribution (p = 0.035), tobacco consumption (p = 0.023), education (p < 0.001), employment situation (p = 0.002), GGT and CDT mean values (p < 0.001), the presence of an altered CDT value (p = 0.023), and the alcohol units declared at examination (p < 0.001). In the logistic regression model, occupation is a protective factor; consumption of more than 20 cigarettes per day and high mean GGT values were associated with the group of cases and therefore with the condition of heavy alcohol consumption. Discussion and Conclusion: the study confirmed the diagnostic performance of hEtG in identifying excessive alcohol consumption; serum CDT proved to be inadequate for the purpose in the population study. This result, probably linked to the different time window of the two markers, suggests the use of hEtG in this population. The consumption of more than 20 cigarettes per day was associated with excessive alcohol consumption and therefore, the analysis of this data during the examination could improve the medico-legal and toxicological assessment of DUI subjects.
Introduzione: la valutazione dell’assenza di problematiche alcol-correlate in soggetti con pregressa contestazione di guida in stato di ebbrezza è fondamentale ai fini della prevenzione della morbidità/mortalità alcol-correlata. La valutazione delle condizioni del soggetto si basa sull'analisi integrata di dati medico-legali e laboratoristici. I marcatori di consumo alcolico cronico maggiormente utilizzati in ambito clinico/medico-legale sono la transferrina carboidrato-carente (CDT) e la determinazione analitica dell’etilglucuronide (EtG) su matrice cheratinica. Scopi: l’obiettivo principale dello studio è confrontare la performance diagnostica della CDT sierica e dell’EtG su capello nell’identificazione del consumo eccessivo di alcol. L’obiettivo secondario è analizzare la correlazione tra dati circostanziali/socio-demografici/clinico-documentali/tossicologico-forensi ed il consumo eccessivo di alcol nella popolazione studiata. Materiali e Metodi: lo studio retrospettivo è di tipo caso-controllo; la popolazione, reclutata nel periodo 1.1.2019–31.8.2022, è costituita da soggetti fermati per guida in stato di ebbrezza e visitati presso la Medicina Legale e Tossicologia dell’Università di Padova per la verifica dei requisiti per l’idoneità alla guida. Per ogni soggetto sono stati raccolti dati personali, socio-economici, documentazione clinica, anamnesi, esame obiettivo, analisi tossicologica e dati relativi all’episodio di guida in stato di ebbrezza. L’epicrisi dei dati ha consentito di giudicare i soggetti esaminati idonei/non idonei alla guida. Il giudizio di inidoneità era legato a valori di EtG superiori a 30 pg/mg su matrice cheratinica, indice di consumo eccessivo di alcol. I soggetti con EtG>30 pg/mg sono stati inclusi nel gruppo dei casi, mentre i soggetti con EtG<30 pg/mg nel gruppo dei controlli. Sui dati anonimizzati e inseriti in un foglio di Excel è stato calcolato il coefficiente Kappa di Cohen. Possibili associazioni con la condizione di non idoneità alla guida sono state analizzate utilizzando i test del chi-quadrato e di Mann-Whitney rispettivamente per variabili dicotomiche o continue, con livello di significatività p=0,05. Le variabili che differivano significativamente tra i due gruppi (p<0,05) nell'analisi preliminare sono state incluse in un modello di regressione logistica binaria multivariata con significatività fissata a 0,05, esplorando possibili predittori di un giudizio di inidoneità alla guida per eccessivo consumo di alcol. Risultati: sono stati inclusi nella popolazione 868 soggetti (casi 144, controlli 724). La CDT ha mostrato uno scarso accordo (κ=0,055) con l’EtG come test di riferimento. I due gruppi differivano in relazione all'età media (p<0,001), distribuzione di genere (p=0,035), consumo di tabacco (p=0,023), istruzione (p<0,001), situazione lavorativa (p=0,002), valori medi di GGT e CDT (p<0,001), la presenza di un valore alterato di CDT (p=0,023), e unità alcoliche dichiarate (p<0,001). Nel modello di regressione logistica l’occupazione si è dimostrata un fattore protettivo contro l’appartenenza al gruppo dei casi; un consumo superiore a 20 sigarette/die e valori medi di GGT elevati sono risultati associati al gruppo di casi e quindi al consumo giornaliero superiore a 5 unità alcoliche. Discussione e conclusioni: nella popolazione analizzata è confermata la migliore performance diagnostica dell’EtG rispetto ad un consumo eccessivo di alcol; la CDT sierica si è dimostrata inadeguata allo scopo nella nostra popolazione. Tale risultato, probabilmente legato alla diversa finestra temporale dei marcatori, suggerisce l’impiego dell’EtG nella popolazione studiata. Il consumo di più di 20 sigarette/die è risultato associato ad un consumo eccessivo di alcol; l’analisi di questo parametro potrebbe contribuire al miglioramento dell’accertamento medico-legale tossicologico-forense di soggetti fermati per guida in stato di ebbrezza.
Guida in stato di ebbrezza: Transferrina carboidrato carente ed etilglucuronide come marcatori di consumo eccessivo di alcol
Introduction: a careful examination of subjects found driving under the influence of psychoactive substances (DUI) during driving licence regranting procedure is of paramount importance in preventing morbidity and mortality alcohol related. An integrated medico-legal and toxicological approach is usually carried out at national level. The most reliable biomarkers of long-term alcohol exposure are carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) in serum and ethylglucuronide on hair (hEtG). Aim: the main purpose of the study is to compare the performance of CDT and hEtG in a population of DUI subjects examined during driving license regranting procedures. The second aim of the study is to explore circumstantial, socio-demographic variables and clinical and toxicological data correlated to excessive alcohol use. Materials and Methods: this is a retrospective case-control study; the population was recruited in the period 1.1.2019 – 31.8.2022 at the Unit of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology of the Hospital-University of Padua. DUI of alcohol subjects were recruited. Personal data, socio-economic factors, clinical documentation, medical history, physical examination, toxicological analysis and data related to the episode of driving while intoxicated were collected during medico-legal examination. At the end of the evaluation process the subjects were considered fit or unfit to drive depending on whether they consumed excessively or not alcohol. An EtG concentration higher than 30 pg/mg was indicative of excessive alcohol consumption. Subjects with hEtG > 30 pg/mg were then included in the case group, while subjects with hEtG < 30 pg/mg were controls. Cohen's kappa coefficient was calculated on the anonymised data entered in an Excel sheet. Possible associations with unfitness to drive condition were analyzed using chi-squared and Mann-Whitney tests for dichotomous or continuous variables, respectively, with significance level set at p = 0.05. Variables that differed significantly between the two groups (p < 0.05) in the preliminary analysis were then included in a multivariate binary logistic regression model with significance set at 0.05, exploring possible predictors of unfitness to drive due to excessive alcohol intake. Results: the population study included 868 subjects (144 cases, 724 controls). CDT showed poor agreement (κ = 0.055) with hEtG as the reference test. The two groups differed in relation to mean age (p < 0.001); gender distribution (p = 0.035), tobacco consumption (p = 0.023), education (p < 0.001), employment situation (p = 0.002), GGT and CDT mean values (p < 0.001), the presence of an altered CDT value (p = 0.023), and the alcohol units declared at examination (p < 0.001). In the logistic regression model, occupation is a protective factor; consumption of more than 20 cigarettes per day and high mean GGT values were associated with the group of cases and therefore with the condition of heavy alcohol consumption. Discussion and Conclusion: the study confirmed the diagnostic performance of hEtG in identifying excessive alcohol consumption; serum CDT proved to be inadequate for the purpose in the population study. This result, probably linked to the different time window of the two markers, suggests the use of hEtG in this population. The consumption of more than 20 cigarettes per day was associated with excessive alcohol consumption and therefore, the analysis of this data during the examination could improve the medico-legal and toxicological assessment of DUI subjects.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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