Background- Nuchal Cord (NC) is the condition in which the umbilical cord makes at least a 360 degree turn around the foetus neck. This is a common condition during pregnancy, with a prevalence of 25-30% of the cases. It consists in a casual event, rarely associated on an unfortunate perinatal outcome. The main risk associated to NC is the compression of the umbilical vessels during labor and delivery: it can cause hypooxigenation of the foetus with possible sequelae short term as well as long term. Researches often show controversial results: accordingly to literature NC has been associated to neonatal acidosis, low Apgar count, meconium dyed amniotic fluid, long term neurological sequelae, intrauterine foetal death. Purpose of the study- The purpose of the study is of correlating the presence of one or more funicle loops around the neck with the main indicators of neonatal outcome, particularly natal acidosis. Considering the high prevalence of NC, the study is supposed to determine if a more attentive approach could be justified when noticing during pregnancy via ultrasound exam. Methods and materials- The study consists in a retrospective observational analysis in which the medical records of 2949 women who had vaginal delivery have been examined: newborns have been divided based on the number of loops of NC in the moment of birth (0, 1, 2 or more) and each group has been compared with each of the variable outcome through a statistical analysis that uses correlation test. The main-considerate variables are: blood gas parameters in umbilical vein and umbilical artery, Apgar count at minute I, V and X, the transfer of the newborn in Neonatal Pathology, the meconium dyed amniotic fluid. Results- From the statistical analysis it has emerged that it doesn’t exist significant-enough correlation between NC and arterial blood gas parameters (arterial pH, pCO2, pO2, BE); however, it does exist correlation with venous blood gas parameters (venous pH, pCO2, pO2, BE) which is statistically significant but clinically irrelevant. Also, there is no correlation between NC and arterial-venous pH difference. Regarding other indicators of neonatal outcome, a statistically-significant association has been encountered between NC and Apgar count at minute I and V, meconium dyed fluid and low natal weight. Once again though, those correlations are considerate clinically not very relevant. Instead, there is none statistically-significant association with Apgar count at minute X, transfer in Neonatal Pathology, induced delivery frequency and operative delivery. Conclusions- This study demonstrates that it doesn’t exist any significant correlation between NC and natal acidosis, nor between other indicators of neonatal outcome if not for the meconium dyed amniotic fluid and the Apgar count indicator at minute I and V, correlation though considered clinically not very significant. It also needs to be studied the association with low neonatal weight. The NC may then be considered a regular result and only rarely associated to complications; a more attentive approach when noticing during pregnancy is consequentially not justified.
Presupposti dello studio- Per Nuchal Cord (NC), o giro di funicolo intorno al collo, si intende la condizione in cui il cordone ombelicale si avvolge attorno al collo del feto di almeno 360 gradi. Si tratta di una condizione comune in gravidanza, con una prevalenza circa del 25-30%. È un evento casuale, raramente associato ad un outcome perinatale sfavorevole. Il principale rischio associato al NC è la compressione dei vasi ombelicali durante il travaglio e il parto, che può causare una ipossigenazione del feto con possibili sequele a breve e lungo termine. Gli studi mostrano spesso risultati controversi: il NC in letteratura è stato associato ad acidosi neonatale, punteggio di Apgar basso, liquido amniotico tinto di meconio, sequele neurologiche a lungo termine, morte endouterina. Scopo dello studio- Lo scopo dello studio è quello di correlare la presenza di uno o più giri di funicolo intorno al collo con i principali indicatori di outcome neonatale, prevalentemente l’acidosi alla nascita. Considerata l’elevata prevalenza del NC, lo studio si propone di determinare se può essere giustificata o meno un’aumentata attenzione nel caso questo venisse osservato in corso di gravidanza durante un’ecografia. Materiali e metodi- Lo studio consiste in un’analisi osservazionale retrospettiva in cui sono state analizzate le cartelle cliniche di 2949 donne che hanno partorito per via vaginale: i neonati sono stati suddivisi in base al numero di giri di funicolo alla nascita (0, 1, 2 o più) e ogni gruppo è stato comparato con ognuna delle variabili outcome, tramite un’analisi statistica con test di correlazione. Le principali variabili outcome considerate sono: i parametri emogasanalitici in arteria e vena ombelicale, il punteggio di Apgar a I, V e X minuto, il trasferimento del neonato in Patologia Neonatale, il liquido amniotico tinto di meconio. Risultati- In seguito all’esecuzione dell’analisi statistica è emerso che non vi è correlazione statisticamente significativa tra NC e i parametri emogasanalitici arteriosi (pH, pCO2, pO2, BE arteriosi); vi è invece una correlazione con i parametri emogasanalitici venosi (pH, pCO2, pO2, BE venosi) che è statisticamente significativa ma clinicamente irrilevante. Non vi è inoltre correlazione tra NC e differenza artero-venosa di pH. Per quanto riguarda gli altri indicatori di outcome neonatale, è stata riscontrata una associazione statisticamente significativa tra NC e punteggio di Apgar al I e V minuto, liquido tinto di meconio e basso peso alla nascita. Ancora una volta, però, queste correlazioni sono considerate clinicamente poco rilevanti. Non vi è invece un’associazione statisticamente significativa con il punteggio di Apgar al X minuto, trasferimento in Patologia Neonatale, frequenza di parto indotto e di parto operativo. Conclusioni- Questo studio dimostra che non esiste una correlazione significativa tra NC e acidosi alla nascita, né con altri indicatori di outcome neonatale se non il liquido amniotico tinto di meconio e l’indice di Apgar a I e V minuto, correlazione considerata però clinicamente poco significativa. Va studiata ulteriormente l’associazione con il basso peso alla nascita. Il NC può essere quindi considerato un reperto normale e solo raramente associato a complicanze; non è giustificata quindi un’aumentata attenzione nel caso questo venisse osservato in corso di gravidanza.
Impatto del cordone ombelicale intorno al collo sull'outcome perinatale
Background- Nuchal Cord (NC) is the condition in which the umbilical cord makes at least a 360 degree turn around the foetus neck. This is a common condition during pregnancy, with a prevalence of 25-30% of the cases. It consists in a casual event, rarely associated on an unfortunate perinatal outcome. The main risk associated to NC is the compression of the umbilical vessels during labor and delivery: it can cause hypooxigenation of the foetus with possible sequelae short term as well as long term. Researches often show controversial results: accordingly to literature NC has been associated to neonatal acidosis, low Apgar count, meconium dyed amniotic fluid, long term neurological sequelae, intrauterine foetal death. Purpose of the study- The purpose of the study is of correlating the presence of one or more funicle loops around the neck with the main indicators of neonatal outcome, particularly natal acidosis. Considering the high prevalence of NC, the study is supposed to determine if a more attentive approach could be justified when noticing during pregnancy via ultrasound exam. Methods and materials- The study consists in a retrospective observational analysis in which the medical records of 2949 women who had vaginal delivery have been examined: newborns have been divided based on the number of loops of NC in the moment of birth (0, 1, 2 or more) and each group has been compared with each of the variable outcome through a statistical analysis that uses correlation test. The main-considerate variables are: blood gas parameters in umbilical vein and umbilical artery, Apgar count at minute I, V and X, the transfer of the newborn in Neonatal Pathology, the meconium dyed amniotic fluid. Results- From the statistical analysis it has emerged that it doesn’t exist significant-enough correlation between NC and arterial blood gas parameters (arterial pH, pCO2, pO2, BE); however, it does exist correlation with venous blood gas parameters (venous pH, pCO2, pO2, BE) which is statistically significant but clinically irrelevant. Also, there is no correlation between NC and arterial-venous pH difference. Regarding other indicators of neonatal outcome, a statistically-significant association has been encountered between NC and Apgar count at minute I and V, meconium dyed fluid and low natal weight. Once again though, those correlations are considerate clinically not very relevant. Instead, there is none statistically-significant association with Apgar count at minute X, transfer in Neonatal Pathology, induced delivery frequency and operative delivery. Conclusions- This study demonstrates that it doesn’t exist any significant correlation between NC and natal acidosis, nor between other indicators of neonatal outcome if not for the meconium dyed amniotic fluid and the Apgar count indicator at minute I and V, correlation though considered clinically not very significant. It also needs to be studied the association with low neonatal weight. The NC may then be considered a regular result and only rarely associated to complications; a more attentive approach when noticing during pregnancy is consequentially not justified.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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