BACKGROUND. The incidence of the chronic disease "obesity" is continuously increasing due to modern lifestyles, adversely affecting the health status of the individuals. The "exercise pill" is very impactful in the long-term treatment of this disease and its comorbidities. However, exercise must be individually adapted and precisely prescribed. AIM OF THE STUDY. The purpose is thus to identify which is the most feasible and accurate method for prescribing relative aerobic exercise intensity in patients with obesity. MATERIALS AND METHODS. The selected population consisted of 568 patients who underwent bariatric surgery from 2014 to 2022 and were evaluated at 6-month follow-up after surgery at the Sports and Exercise Medicine Division of the University Hospital of Padova. Exercise intensity classes (low, moderate, high, very high as defined by the 2020 European Society of Cardiology guidelines) determined by relative calculation methods were compared with intensity classes identified by ventilatory thresholds obtained by cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET). The methods evaluated were based on % of maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max), % of maximal heart rate (%HRmax; measured and calculated), and %HR reserve (measured and calculated). The results were then further analyzed by BMI subclasses (normal weight, overweight, class I, II, and II obesity) and gender. RESULTS. The relative exercise prescription method that correctly assigned most patients to moderate exercise intensity at the first ventilatory threshold (VT1) and to high intensity at the second ventilatory threshold (VT2) was the %VO2max. This was observed both for the entire study population as well as for the subgroups with different BMI classes or gender. Furthermore, at the second ventilatory threshold in patients assigned to high exercise intensity, no statistically significant difference was observed when the measured %HRmax was compared with the %VO2max. This absence of significance was also maintained in the different BMI classes and was confirmed for both genders. CONCLUSIONS. The use of relative methods for prescribing exercise intensity in patients undergoing bariatric surgery could lead to inaccurate recommendations of the intensity at which to perform structured exercise, resulting in a less effective "exercise pill" and possible adverse events. It is recommended to rely on CPET for individualised exercise prescription; measured %HRmax was shown accurate for prescribing high exercise intensity.
PRESUPPOSTI DELLO STUDIO. L’incidenza della patologia cronica “obesità” è in continuo aumento in ragione dei moderni stili di vita, influendo negativamente sullo stato di salute dell’individuo. L’“exercise pill” risulta molto impattante nel trattamento a lungo termine di tale patologia e delle sue comorbidità. Perciò, la prescrizione dell’esercizio fisico dovrebbe essere precisa e individualizzata. SCOPO DELLO STUDIO. Lo scopo è quello di identificare quale sia il metodo più accurato e indicato per la prescrizione dell’intensità relativa di esercizio aerobico in pazienti con obesità. MATERIALI E METODI. La popolazione selezionata si compone di 568 pazienti sottoposti a chirurgia bariatrica dal 2014 al 2022 a 6 mesi di follow-up dall’intervento presso l’U.O.C. di Medicina dello Sport e dell’esercizio dell’Azienda Ospedale Università di Padova. Sono state confrontate le classi di intensità di esercizio (low intensity, moderate intensity, high intensity, very high intense exercise come definite dalle linee guida dell’European Society of Cardiology del 2020) determinate attraverso metodiche di calcolo relative con le classi di intensità identificate dalle soglie ventilatorie determinate con il test da sforzo cardiopolmonare (CPET). I metodi relativi confrontati sono stati la % massima di consumo di ossigeno (VO2max), % della frequenza cardiaca massima (%FCmax teorica e misurata al test) e %FC di riserva (teorica e misurata al test). I risultati sono stati poi ulteriormente analizzati per sottoclassi di BMI (normopeso, sovrappeso, obesità di classe I, II e III) e per genere. RISULTATI. Il metodo relativo per la determinazione dell’intensità di esercizio che ha assegnato correttamente il maggior numero di pazienti all’intensità di esercizio moderate alla prima soglia ventilatoria (VT1) e high alla seconda soglia ventilatoria (VT2) è stata la %VO2max. Ciò si è osservato sia per tutta la popolazione oggetto di studio che per i sottogruppi osservati per classe di BMI e per genere. Alla seconda soglia ventilatoria nei pazienti assegnati all’intensità di esercizio high non si è osservata una differenza statisticamente significativa del metodo %FCmax determinata durante il test rispetto alla %VO2max. Tale assenza di significatività si è mantenuta anche nei sottogruppi per BMI e genere. CONCLUSIONI. L'utilizzo di metodi relativi per la prescrizione dell'intensità di esercizio in pazienti sottoposti a chirurgia bariatrica potrebbe portare a una imprecisa indicazione dell’intensità alla quale eseguire esercizio fisico strutturato, con conseguente perdita dell’efficacia dell’"exercise pill" e di possibili eventi avversi. È preferibile basarsi sul CPET per la prescrizione individualizzata di esercizio. La %FCmax test si è dimostrata accurata per la prescrizione di intensità di esercizio high.
Differenze tra metodi per la prescrizione dell’intensità di esercizio fisico in pazienti sottoposti all’intervento di chirurgia bariatrica
BACKGROUND. The incidence of the chronic disease "obesity" is continuously increasing due to modern lifestyles, adversely affecting the health status of the individuals. The "exercise pill" is very impactful in the long-term treatment of this disease and its comorbidities. However, exercise must be individually adapted and precisely prescribed. AIM OF THE STUDY. The purpose is thus to identify which is the most feasible and accurate method for prescribing relative aerobic exercise intensity in patients with obesity. MATERIALS AND METHODS. The selected population consisted of 568 patients who underwent bariatric surgery from 2014 to 2022 and were evaluated at 6-month follow-up after surgery at the Sports and Exercise Medicine Division of the University Hospital of Padova. Exercise intensity classes (low, moderate, high, very high as defined by the 2020 European Society of Cardiology guidelines) determined by relative calculation methods were compared with intensity classes identified by ventilatory thresholds obtained by cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET). The methods evaluated were based on % of maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max), % of maximal heart rate (%HRmax; measured and calculated), and %HR reserve (measured and calculated). The results were then further analyzed by BMI subclasses (normal weight, overweight, class I, II, and II obesity) and gender. RESULTS. The relative exercise prescription method that correctly assigned most patients to moderate exercise intensity at the first ventilatory threshold (VT1) and to high intensity at the second ventilatory threshold (VT2) was the %VO2max. This was observed both for the entire study population as well as for the subgroups with different BMI classes or gender. Furthermore, at the second ventilatory threshold in patients assigned to high exercise intensity, no statistically significant difference was observed when the measured %HRmax was compared with the %VO2max. This absence of significance was also maintained in the different BMI classes and was confirmed for both genders. CONCLUSIONS. The use of relative methods for prescribing exercise intensity in patients undergoing bariatric surgery could lead to inaccurate recommendations of the intensity at which to perform structured exercise, resulting in a less effective "exercise pill" and possible adverse events. It is recommended to rely on CPET for individualised exercise prescription; measured %HRmax was shown accurate for prescribing high exercise intensity.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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