Neuroscientific studies report that the perception is a superior executive function which is a key component in children’s intellectual development. Specifically, the visual perception affects human activity and the interpretation of the world around. So, this intellectual function influences the whole human life. During the childhood the perception is precisely syncretic, and this aspect is showed by drawing. But, around the age of eight the child loses interest in this graphic activity, and he shows attraction by the powerful expression of new media. However, drawing can be re-employed in scientific observation like a documentary tool. From these considerations has been proposed an educative research which investigates the educative effects of an innovative didactical intervention regarding the movement perception. This research project supports the value of an interdisciplinary approach and it’s inspired by the Italian scholastic normative; so, it refers to Indicazioni Nazionali per il Curricolo (MIUR, 2012) and to Raccomandazioni del Consiglio (Consiglio U.E. 22 maggio 2018). In addition, the research theoretical framework links many subject areas: the scientific area is connected to the movement as a natural phenomenon; the artistic area is related to experimentation of new expressive techniques; the musical one is linked to corporeal interpretation of some tracks and the linguistic one refers to writing records experiences. To pursue the research objective an initial moment was dedicated to collect information about the socio-educative context of the school. This collection was made possible by telephonic exchanges with the teacher of the fourth class. Then, an initial questionnaire was administered to pupils to identify previous knowledge and their interest in Arts. Afterwards the didactical intervention could start. The activities were proposed to create a didactic opportunity to arouse curiosity in the animation by different steps: perceptive experiences, drawing, construction of pre-cimema tools and digital tools. During the didactic path a participative observation was done, as the researcher was able to collect some evidence through photos, audio records and some discussions with the teacher. Finally, when the experience was concluded, an online questionnaire has been administrated to pupils’ families. This questionnaire wanted to detect parent’s opinion of this didactic path. All collected data was integrated, so information about previous, post questionnaire and that one collected by children’s logbook was compared. After this analysis it can be said that this didactic project has an educational effectiveness. In fact, this intervention was validated by the increase of knowledge and curiosity towards the movement perception. Also, it was corroborated by a positive approach toward stop-motion animation and by a desire to learn more about expressive technic. In addition, parents’ answers to the questionnaire give back an appreciation of the activities. These answers confirm pupils’ curiosity and motivation during the path. Based on this research results, it can be said that the hypothesis was confirmed. Therefore, such a didactic project could be used to intrigue children to new functions of drawing and to increase artistic expression toward new media.
Come riportato dagli attuali studi neuroscientifici la percezione è una funzione esecutiva superiore che si rivela una componente fondamentale per lo sviluppo intellettivo del bambino. Più specificatamente la percezione visiva influenza l’attività umana e il modo in cui l’Individuo vive e interpreta il mondo circostante. Nell’età infantile la percezione ha la peculiarità di essere sincretica e quest’aspetto si ritrova nell’attività espressiva del disegno. Intorno agli otto anni il bambino perde l’interesse per la suddetta attività grafica, dimostrando di essere attratto dalle potenzialità espressive dei nuovi media. Tuttavia, l’attività grafica può trovare nuovi impieghi, ad esempio, come strumento di documentazione osservativa in campo scientifico. Alla luce di tali considerazioni si propone una ricerca educativa volta a indagare l’efficacia educativa di un progetto didattico innovativo inerente all’ambito percettivo del movimento. Questo progetto di ricerca prende a riferimento la normativa scolastica italiana sostenendo la valenza dell’interdisciplinarità sino alle attuali Indicazioni Nazionali (MIUR, 2012) e dalle Raccomandazioni del Consiglio (Consiglio U.E. 22 maggio 2018). Inoltre, il quadro teorico di riferimento intreccia tematiche inerenti a vari campi del sapere: il campo scientifico per la documentazione del movimento come fenomeno; quello artistica per la sperimentazione di nuove tecniche espressive; quello musicale per l’interpretazione di brani; quello linguistico per la scrittura funzionale alla documentazione. Nell’indagare l’obiettivo di ricerca è stato previsto un momento iniziale per rilevare informazioni del contesto socio-educativo di afferenza. Questo è stato possibile attraverso scambi telefonici con l’insegnante prevalente della classe quarta coinvolta. In seguito, ai soggetti coinvolti sono stati somministrati dei brevi questionari iniziali, al fine di individuare preconoscenze e motivazione in campo artistico. Ricavati i dati iniziali si è potuto proseguire con l’attuazione degli interventi didattici progettati. Le attività si sono proposte di creare un’opportunità didattica che incuriosisca i bambini verso l’animazione tramite vari step: l’esperienza percettiva, il disegno, strumenti pre-cinema e infine strumenti digitali. Durante il percorso l’attività è stata oggetto di un’osservazione partecipata, in quanto la ricercatrice ha potuto raccogliere evidenze tramite foto, registrazioni audio e scambi comunicativi con l’insegnante. Infine, dopo il lavoro svolto in aula, è stato somministrato ai genitori degli alunni un questionario telematico per rilevare il loro parere in merito al tema della ricerca. I dati raccolti nell’indagine sono stati integrati ed è stato compiuto un confronto delle varie informazioni ricavate da: il questionario pre-intervento e post-intervento e i diari di bordo. Dall’analisi si può affermare che è stata confermata l’efficacia dell’azione didattica. Infatti, a validarla è stato l’incremento di conoscenze e la curiosità verso l’ambito della percezione del movimento; un approccio positivo verso la tecnica di animazione stop-motion e un desiderio di approfondimento di tecniche espressive. Inoltre, le risposte del questionario somministrato alle famiglie restituiscono un generale apprezzamento degli interventi proposti, confermando la curiosità e la motivazione dei figli nell’affrontarlo. Sulla base dei risultati ottenuti da questa ricerca si può affermare che l’ipotesi è stata avvalorata. Quindi, un progetto didattico così strutturato è uno valido piano di attività che può essere utilizzato dagli insegnanti per far incuriosire a nuove funzionalità del disegno e incentivare l’espressione artistica attraverso i nuovi media.
Catturare il movimento. Un intervento didattico innovativo in classe quarta primaria
Neuroscientific studies report that the perception is a superior executive function which is a key component in children’s intellectual development. Specifically, the visual perception affects human activity and the interpretation of the world around. So, this intellectual function influences the whole human life. During the childhood the perception is precisely syncretic, and this aspect is showed by drawing. But, around the age of eight the child loses interest in this graphic activity, and he shows attraction by the powerful expression of new media. However, drawing can be re-employed in scientific observation like a documentary tool. From these considerations has been proposed an educative research which investigates the educative effects of an innovative didactical intervention regarding the movement perception. This research project supports the value of an interdisciplinary approach and it’s inspired by the Italian scholastic normative; so, it refers to Indicazioni Nazionali per il Curricolo (MIUR, 2012) and to Raccomandazioni del Consiglio (Consiglio U.E. 22 maggio 2018). In addition, the research theoretical framework links many subject areas: the scientific area is connected to the movement as a natural phenomenon; the artistic area is related to experimentation of new expressive techniques; the musical one is linked to corporeal interpretation of some tracks and the linguistic one refers to writing records experiences. To pursue the research objective an initial moment was dedicated to collect information about the socio-educative context of the school. This collection was made possible by telephonic exchanges with the teacher of the fourth class. Then, an initial questionnaire was administered to pupils to identify previous knowledge and their interest in Arts. Afterwards the didactical intervention could start. The activities were proposed to create a didactic opportunity to arouse curiosity in the animation by different steps: perceptive experiences, drawing, construction of pre-cimema tools and digital tools. During the didactic path a participative observation was done, as the researcher was able to collect some evidence through photos, audio records and some discussions with the teacher. Finally, when the experience was concluded, an online questionnaire has been administrated to pupils’ families. This questionnaire wanted to detect parent’s opinion of this didactic path. All collected data was integrated, so information about previous, post questionnaire and that one collected by children’s logbook was compared. After this analysis it can be said that this didactic project has an educational effectiveness. In fact, this intervention was validated by the increase of knowledge and curiosity towards the movement perception. Also, it was corroborated by a positive approach toward stop-motion animation and by a desire to learn more about expressive technic. In addition, parents’ answers to the questionnaire give back an appreciation of the activities. These answers confirm pupils’ curiosity and motivation during the path. Based on this research results, it can be said that the hypothesis was confirmed. Therefore, such a didactic project could be used to intrigue children to new functions of drawing and to increase artistic expression toward new media.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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