Background: Ovarian masses are a frequent finding in both premenopausal and postmenopausal women. Ultrasound is the first line of investigation for diagnostic confirmation and classification of adnexal masses and has been shown to be an accurate method. An adequate pre-operative characterization is essential in order to set up a correct therapeutic procedure and improve the prognosis: benign or borderline masses can be treated conservatively, while malignant masses must be directed to surgical treatment or systemic chemotherapy in adequate oncological centers. To overcome the intrinsic limitations deriving from operator-dependent subjectivity, various preoperative analysis scores have been developed over the years to come up with a standardized and reproducible assessment of the risk of malignancy of adnexal masses. The IOTA group developed three models: Simple Rules (SR), a dichotomous model based on 10 ultrasound features; Simple Rules Risk, provides a risk estimate based on SRs; ADNEX: polytomy risk model evaluating 3 clinical and 6 ultrasound parameters. The Ovarian-Adnexa Reporting and Data System (O-RADS), based solely on the ultrasound characteristics, divides the masses into 6 categories and suggests a therapeutic-management procedure. Lastly, MRI is a risk score based on ultrasound criteria, menopausal status, and serum CA125 levels. Purpose: The study aims to evaluate the performance in estimating the preoperative risk of malignancy of, ADNEX model, O-RADS, RMI 1, RMI 4 and Modified Benign Simple Descriptors+ADNEX. Materials and Methods: The study is a prospective observational study, submitted for approval to the Ethics Committee No. 43n/AO/20. It included 166 patients diagnosed with adnexal masses who underwent surgical intervention between January and December 2022. Data regarding age, menopausal status, and serum CA125 levels were collected for all patients. All patients underwent transvaginal ultrasound evaluation by a specialist at the Oncology Center. ADNEX, O-RADS, RMI 1, and RMI 4 were calculated. Additionally, the Simple Descriptors were calculated, and if not applicable, ADNEX was calculated. Postoperatively, the histological diagnosis was compared with the estimated risk of malignancy using the applied models. Results: The results obtained from this study demonstrated excellent diagnostic capabilities of ADNEX (sensitivity 0.91 and specificity 0.83) and O-RADS (sensitivity 0.88 and specificity 0.77). On the other hand, the sensitivity of RMI 1 and RMI 4 was significantly lower, with values of 0.63 and 0.64, respectively. Furthermore, the BSD+ADNEX strategy showed good performance in terms of sensitivity and specificity (0.89 and 0.87, respectively), which is consistent with the current best scoring systems. Conclusions: The study demonstrated and confirmed the good performance of the IOTA criteria and O-RADS, although there was a slight and overall inferiority of the data compared to the literature. On the other hand, the RMI 1 and RMI 4 models were confirmed to have the poorest performance. This study also provided information on a strategy, BSD+ADNEX, which has been reported only once in the literature. The findings suggest that this combination of models can be an excellent option to be used initially, even by less experienced ultrasound practitioners.
Introduzione: Le masse ovariche costituiscono un frequente ritrovamento nelle donne in età sia premenopausale sia postmenopausale. L’ecografia rappresenta la prima linea di indagine per la conferma diagnostica e l’inquadramento delle masse annessiali ed è stata dimostrata essere una metodica accurata. Un’adeguata caratterizzazione preoperatoria è indispensabile al fine di indirizzare impostare un corretto iter terapeutico e migliorare la prognosi: masse benigne o borderline possono essere trattate in maniera conservativa, mentre masse maligne devono essere indirizzate ad un trattamento chirurgico o chemioterapico sistemico in centri oncologici adeguati. Per superare i limiti intrinseci derivanti dalla soggettività operatore-dipendente, sono stati sviluppati nel corso degli anni diversi score preoperatori di analisi per uniformare e rendere riproducibile la valutazione del rischio di malignità di masse annessiali. Il gruppo IOTA ha sviluppato tre modelli: Simple Rules (SR), un modello dicotomico basato su 10 caratteristiche ecografiche; Simple Rules Risk, fornisce una stima del rischio basato sulle SR; ADNEX: modello di rischio politomico che valuta 3 parametri clinici e 6 ecografici. L’Ovarian-Adnexa Reporting and Data System (O-RADS), basandosi unicamente sulle caratteristiche ecografiche, suddivide le masse in 6 categorie e suggerisce un iter terapeutico-gestionale. Infine, l’RMI è uno score di rischio basato su criteri ecografici, stato menopausale e livelli sierici di CA125. Scopo dello studio: Lo studio si propone di valutare la performance nello stimare il rischio di malignità in fase preoperatoria di ADNEX model, O-RADS, RMI 1, RMI 4 e Modified Benign Simple Descriptors+ADNEX. Materiali e Metodi: Lo studio è di tipo osservazionale prospettico, sottoposto all'approvazione del Comitato Etico n. 43n/AO/20. Sono state incluse nello studio 166 pazienti con diagnosi di massa annessiale e sottoposte a intervento chirurgico tra gennaio e dicembre 2022. Per tutte le pazienti si sono raccolti i dati relativi a età, stato menopausale e livello sierico di CA125. Tutte le pazienti sono state valutate con ecografia transvaginale da un medico specialista del Centro Oncologico. Si sono calcolati ADNEX, O-RADS, RMI 1 e 4; inoltre, i BSD e, se non applicabili, si è calcolato ADNEX. In fase postoperatoria si è confrontata la diagnosi istologica con il rischio di malignità stimato attraverso i modelli utilizzati. Risultati: I risultati ottenuti da questo studio hanno evidenziato un'ottima capacità diagnostica di ADNEX (sensibilità 0.91 e specificità 0.83) e O-RADS (sensibilità 0.88 e specificità 0.77). Per contro, è stata nettamente inferiore la performance per quanto riguarda la sensibilità di RMI 1 e 4, rispettivamente 0.63 e 0.64. Infine, la strategia BSD+ ADNEX, ha dimostrato avere una buona performance in termini di sensibilità e specificità (rispettivamente 0.89 e 0.87), performance in linea con gli attuali miglior score di valutazione. Conclusioni: Lo studio ha dimostrato e confermato la buona performance dei criteri IOTA e dell'O-RADS, sebbene vi sia stata una lieve e trasversale inferiorità dei dati rispetto alla letteratura; i modelli RMI 1 e RMI 4, invece, si sono confermati come i modelli a più scarsa performance. Questo studio ha aggiunto anche informazioni su una strategia al momento utilizzata solamente una volta in letteratura, BSD+ADNEX, suggerendo che questa combinazione di modelli può essere un'ottima opzione da utilizzare inizialmente anche da ecografisti di primo livello.
Valutazione ecografica del rischio di malignità delle masse annessiali: confronto tra criteri IOTA, O-RADS e RMI.
Background: Ovarian masses are a frequent finding in both premenopausal and postmenopausal women. Ultrasound is the first line of investigation for diagnostic confirmation and classification of adnexal masses and has been shown to be an accurate method. An adequate pre-operative characterization is essential in order to set up a correct therapeutic procedure and improve the prognosis: benign or borderline masses can be treated conservatively, while malignant masses must be directed to surgical treatment or systemic chemotherapy in adequate oncological centers. To overcome the intrinsic limitations deriving from operator-dependent subjectivity, various preoperative analysis scores have been developed over the years to come up with a standardized and reproducible assessment of the risk of malignancy of adnexal masses. The IOTA group developed three models: Simple Rules (SR), a dichotomous model based on 10 ultrasound features; Simple Rules Risk, provides a risk estimate based on SRs; ADNEX: polytomy risk model evaluating 3 clinical and 6 ultrasound parameters. The Ovarian-Adnexa Reporting and Data System (O-RADS), based solely on the ultrasound characteristics, divides the masses into 6 categories and suggests a therapeutic-management procedure. Lastly, MRI is a risk score based on ultrasound criteria, menopausal status, and serum CA125 levels. Purpose: The study aims to evaluate the performance in estimating the preoperative risk of malignancy of, ADNEX model, O-RADS, RMI 1, RMI 4 and Modified Benign Simple Descriptors+ADNEX. Materials and Methods: The study is a prospective observational study, submitted for approval to the Ethics Committee No. 43n/AO/20. It included 166 patients diagnosed with adnexal masses who underwent surgical intervention between January and December 2022. Data regarding age, menopausal status, and serum CA125 levels were collected for all patients. All patients underwent transvaginal ultrasound evaluation by a specialist at the Oncology Center. ADNEX, O-RADS, RMI 1, and RMI 4 were calculated. Additionally, the Simple Descriptors were calculated, and if not applicable, ADNEX was calculated. Postoperatively, the histological diagnosis was compared with the estimated risk of malignancy using the applied models. Results: The results obtained from this study demonstrated excellent diagnostic capabilities of ADNEX (sensitivity 0.91 and specificity 0.83) and O-RADS (sensitivity 0.88 and specificity 0.77). On the other hand, the sensitivity of RMI 1 and RMI 4 was significantly lower, with values of 0.63 and 0.64, respectively. Furthermore, the BSD+ADNEX strategy showed good performance in terms of sensitivity and specificity (0.89 and 0.87, respectively), which is consistent with the current best scoring systems. Conclusions: The study demonstrated and confirmed the good performance of the IOTA criteria and O-RADS, although there was a slight and overall inferiority of the data compared to the literature. On the other hand, the RMI 1 and RMI 4 models were confirmed to have the poorest performance. This study also provided information on a strategy, BSD+ADNEX, which has been reported only once in the literature. The findings suggest that this combination of models can be an excellent option to be used initially, even by less experienced ultrasound practitioners.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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