The paper addresses the issue of the use of surgery applied to the main methods of assisted reproduction in males, and females of cattle, small ruminants, swine, and South American camelids. After a brief description of the embryological development of the male and female genital apparatuses, the comparative anatomical analysis of the same and references to the topographical anatomy of interest for the execution of these surgeries will follow. The main assisted reproduction methods used to date are then described, always with a comparative approach to the species considered, namely: artificial insemination, superovulation with the subsequent embryo transfer (MOET protocol), and the collection of oocytes for the consequent in vitro production of embryos (IVP) that, at the end of the productive process, will be transferred to a recipient. In order to understand them, a brief comparative description of natural reproduction and pharmacological management techniques of reproduction itself are proposed. To conclude, the operative steps of the main surgical techniques associated with the management of reproduction, and the importance that these interventions have, or may soon have, in this field are then described, both for the male and for the female. For the male, vasectomy, epididymectomy and penile-prepuce translocation will be considered; these are used nowadays, both in Italy or in countries outside Europe, for the creation of the so-called "teaser" animal. For females, surgeries performed, both in the past and nowadays, to perform embryo transfer or artificial insemination, will be analysed. Innovative interventions will also be proposed, such as, for example, the partial ablation of cervical folds in small ruminants, which could represent a good application of reproductive surgery in the future.
L’elaborato affronta la tematica dell’utilizzo della chirurgia applicata alle principali metodologie di riproduzione assistita nei maschi e nelle femmine di bovino, piccoli ruminanti, suino e camelidi sudamericani. Dopo una breve descrizione dello sviluppo embriologico degli apparati genitali maschili e femminili, segue l’analisi anatomica comparata degli stessi e alcuni accenni all’anatomia topografica di interesse per l’effettuazione di queste chirurgie. Si descrivono poi, sempre con approccio comparato alle specie considerate, le principali metodologie di riproduzione assistita ad oggi utilizzate: l’inseminazione artificiale, la superovulazione con il successivo trasferimento embrionale (protocollo MOET) e la raccolta degli oociti per la conseguente produzione in vitro di embrioni (IVP) che, al termine del processo produttivo, verranno trasferiti in una ricevente. Al fine di comprenderle, si propone anche una breve descrizione comparata della riproduzione naturale e delle tecniche di gestione farmacologica della riproduzione stessa. Per concludere, vengono descritti i passaggi operativi delle principali tecniche chirurgiche associate alla gestione della riproduzione, sia per il maschio che per la femmina e l’importanza che questi interventi hanno o potranno prossimamente avere in questo ambito. Per il maschio, verranno considerate la vasectomia, l’epididimectomia e la traslocazione pene-prepuzio; queste vengono impiegate al giorno d’oggi, in Italia o in paesi extra europei, per la creazione del cosìddetto animale “teaser”. Per le femmine, verranno analizzate le chirurgie impiegate, in passato e al giorno d’oggi, per effettuare il trasferimento embrionale o l’inseminazione artificiale. Verranno proposti anche degli interventi innovativi come, ad esempio, l’ablazione parziale delle pliche cervicali nei piccoli ruminanti, che potrebbero rappresentare in futuro, per la realtà allevatoriale, una buona opportunità di applicazione della chirurgia in campo riproduttivo.
Tecniche chirurgiche in riproduzione assistita degli animali da reddito
The paper addresses the issue of the use of surgery applied to the main methods of assisted reproduction in males, and females of cattle, small ruminants, swine, and South American camelids. After a brief description of the embryological development of the male and female genital apparatuses, the comparative anatomical analysis of the same and references to the topographical anatomy of interest for the execution of these surgeries will follow. The main assisted reproduction methods used to date are then described, always with a comparative approach to the species considered, namely: artificial insemination, superovulation with the subsequent embryo transfer (MOET protocol), and the collection of oocytes for the consequent in vitro production of embryos (IVP) that, at the end of the productive process, will be transferred to a recipient. In order to understand them, a brief comparative description of natural reproduction and pharmacological management techniques of reproduction itself are proposed. To conclude, the operative steps of the main surgical techniques associated with the management of reproduction, and the importance that these interventions have, or may soon have, in this field are then described, both for the male and for the female. For the male, vasectomy, epididymectomy and penile-prepuce translocation will be considered; these are used nowadays, both in Italy or in countries outside Europe, for the creation of the so-called "teaser" animal. For females, surgeries performed, both in the past and nowadays, to perform embryo transfer or artificial insemination, will be analysed. Innovative interventions will also be proposed, such as, for example, the partial ablation of cervical folds in small ruminants, which could represent a good application of reproductive surgery in the future.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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