Over the past 50 years, the forests of central and northern Europe have been affected many times by abiotic disturbances and in particular by windstorms. Between the 28 and 29 of October 2018, storm Vaia caused a landfall in the forests of the central-eastern Italian Alps, affecting 42.525 hectares of wooded area and causing a volume of around 8.5 million cubic meters of timber to crush on the ground. It is the first time that such an event occurs in the southern part of the Alps: it has first caught the forest authorities off guard and then led researchers into investigating this kind of dynamics in greater depth. The territory of Levico Terme has suffered enormous losses of forested area, it is estimated that more than 160,000 m3 of lumber have been recovered, more than half of them concern the part of the Altopiano of Vezzena, where also the forests owned by the neighboring village of Lavarone and Luserna have been severely affected with quantities of felled timber of about 60,000 m3 and 40,000 m3. Almost all of the affected area was cleared using the so-called “salvage logging” approach, i. e. all the timber fallen was recovered in a relatively short time. Being it the first event of this magnitude affecting the italian Alps, after the emergency phase of material recovery, the forest holder will have to define the modalities for the reconstruction of the forests. In this thesis the short-term forest dynamics have been analised considering a sample area located on the Altopiano of Vezzena, which presents the typical characteristics of the land, in order to be able to extend the concepts derived from the results obtained to the whole surrounding area. The considered area consists of a crushed surface of about 15 hectares, with damage affecting a percentage between 50-90% of the total plants. The study was carried out using linear transects (21) of 10 m length and 2 m width, placed at different distances from the edges of the forest with the aim to uniformly represent the dynamics occurring within the area. The field surveys were carried out 4 and a half years after the event took place and more than 3 years after the total of the collapsed material had been removed, for this operation the basic parameters of the ground (slope, exposure), the degree of soil cover (vegetation cover, dead wood and mineral horizon) and the density of renovation divided into pre and post renewal were recorded. The results obtained allow us to state that the type of soil cover may partially affect the presence and density of renewal, in a negative as well as in a positive way, depending on the type of cover and the species considered. In fact, heliophilous and pioneer species settle more easily on areas where the mineral layer of the soil is exposed, whereas shade-tolerant species requiring shadowy environments for development regenerate better in the presence of herbaceous vegetation, which assures cover during the initial stages of rooting and growth. The study has shown that the most influential factor in the distribution and density of renewal is the distance from the forest edge, in fact the number of renewal plants is greater the closer we get to the edge of the forest due to the presence of seed-bearing plants. Nevertheless, the results obtained show that the number of renewal plants is positive even in the central areas of the cut (?). This aspect confirms the expectations that were also found in literature, in fact in areas managed by salvage logging the renewal is often rapid and spread mainly by pioneer species, in this specific case by the “Sorbo degli uccellatori”, but sometimes the rapid return of those species, which characterized the population of the area before the storm has occured: the presence of the spruce renewal in fact is still remarkable. Therefore, given that the density of renewal is abundant and higher than that which would be applied in a reforestation project.
Le foreste del centro-nord Europa negli ultimi 50 anni sono state interessate numerose volte da disturbi di natura abiotica e in modo particolare da tempeste di vento. Tra il 28 e il 29 ottobre 2018 sui boschi delle Alpi centro-orientali italiane si è abbattuta la tempesta Vaia che ha interessato 42.525 ettari di superficie boscata per un volume di circa 8.5 milioni di metri cubi di legname schiantato a terra. Un evento dalle simili dimensioni è la prima volta che interessa la parte meridionale delle Alpi e ciò ha dapprima preso alla sprovvista le amministrazioni proprietarie dei boschi e successivamente ha portato gli studiosi ad approfondire tali tipi di dinamiche. Il comune di Levico Terme ha subito enormi perdite di superficie boscata, si stima che siano stati recuperati più di 160.000 m3 di legname da opera, per più della metà interessano la parte dell’altopiano di Vezzena, dove pure i boschi di proprietà dei limitrofi comuni di Lavarone e Luserna sono stati fortemente colpiti con quantitativi di legname abbattuto di circa 60.000 m3 e 40.000 m3. La quasi totalità di queste superfici è stata esboscata con un approccio definito “salvage logging” ovvero è stato recuperata la totalità del legname abbattuto in tempi relativamente brevi. In questo lavoro di tesi si sono analizzate le dinamiche forestali di breve periodo in un’area campione sita sull’altopiano di Vezzena che presenta caratteristiche tipiche della zona allo scopo di poter estendere i concetti derivanti dai risultati ottenuti a tutta l’area limitrofa. L’area di studio è rappresentata da una superficie schiantata di circa 15 ettari, con un danno compreso tra il 50 e il 90% sul totale delle piante presenti. Lo studio è stato svolto per transetti lineari (21) di lunghezza 10 m e larghezza 2 m, posti a diverse distanze dai margini boscati in modo da poter rappresentare in maniera uniforme le dinamiche in atto all’interno dell’area. I rilievi sul campo sono stati svolti a 4 anni e mezzo dall’evento e a più di 3 anni dopo l’esbosco totale del materiale schiantato, sono stati rilevati i parametri stazionali fondamentali (pendenza, esposizione), il grado di copertura del suolo (copertura di vegetazione, legno morto e orizzonte minerale) e la densità di rinnovazione suddivisa in pre e post rinnovazione. I risultati ottenuti permettono di sostenere che il tipo di copertura del suolo possa condizionare in parte la presenza e la densità di rinnovazione, negativamente o positivamente in funzione del tipo di copertura e della specie presa in considerazione infatti, specie eliofile e pioniere si insediano preferibilmente su parti dove lo strato minerale del suolo è esposto, mentre specie tolleranti l’ombra che richiedono ambienti sciafili per lo sviluppo si rinnovano meglio in presenza di vegetazione erbacea che garantisca copertura nelle fasi iniziali di attecchimento e accrescimento. Il fattore più influenzante la distribuzione e la densità di rinnovazione, rilevato in questo studio, è rappresentato dalla distanza dal margine boscato, infatti il numero di piantine di rinnovazione è maggiore più ci si avvicina ai margini del bosco per via della presenza delle piante portaseme, nonostante ciò i risultati ottenuti dimostrano che il numero di piante in rinnovazione sia buono anche nelle zone centrali della tagliata. Questo aspetto rispecchia le attese previste e trovate in letteratura, infatti in aree gestite a salvage logging la rinnovazione è spesso rapida e diffusa principalmente da parte delle specie pioniere, nel caso specifico il sorbo degli uccellatori, ma talvolta si è riscontrato il rapido ritorno delle specie caratterizzanti il popolamento antecedentemente alla tempesta, infatti nell’area studio la presenza di rinnovazione di abete rosso rimane notevole.
Studio delle dinamiche di rinnovazione naturale post-Vaia: il caso della Malga Marcai (TN).
Over the past 50 years, the forests of central and northern Europe have been affected many times by abiotic disturbances and in particular by windstorms. Between the 28 and 29 of October 2018, storm Vaia caused a landfall in the forests of the central-eastern Italian Alps, affecting 42.525 hectares of wooded area and causing a volume of around 8.5 million cubic meters of timber to crush on the ground. It is the first time that such an event occurs in the southern part of the Alps: it has first caught the forest authorities off guard and then led researchers into investigating this kind of dynamics in greater depth. The territory of Levico Terme has suffered enormous losses of forested area, it is estimated that more than 160,000 m3 of lumber have been recovered, more than half of them concern the part of the Altopiano of Vezzena, where also the forests owned by the neighboring village of Lavarone and Luserna have been severely affected with quantities of felled timber of about 60,000 m3 and 40,000 m3. Almost all of the affected area was cleared using the so-called “salvage logging” approach, i. e. all the timber fallen was recovered in a relatively short time. Being it the first event of this magnitude affecting the italian Alps, after the emergency phase of material recovery, the forest holder will have to define the modalities for the reconstruction of the forests. In this thesis the short-term forest dynamics have been analised considering a sample area located on the Altopiano of Vezzena, which presents the typical characteristics of the land, in order to be able to extend the concepts derived from the results obtained to the whole surrounding area. The considered area consists of a crushed surface of about 15 hectares, with damage affecting a percentage between 50-90% of the total plants. The study was carried out using linear transects (21) of 10 m length and 2 m width, placed at different distances from the edges of the forest with the aim to uniformly represent the dynamics occurring within the area. The field surveys were carried out 4 and a half years after the event took place and more than 3 years after the total of the collapsed material had been removed, for this operation the basic parameters of the ground (slope, exposure), the degree of soil cover (vegetation cover, dead wood and mineral horizon) and the density of renovation divided into pre and post renewal were recorded. The results obtained allow us to state that the type of soil cover may partially affect the presence and density of renewal, in a negative as well as in a positive way, depending on the type of cover and the species considered. In fact, heliophilous and pioneer species settle more easily on areas where the mineral layer of the soil is exposed, whereas shade-tolerant species requiring shadowy environments for development regenerate better in the presence of herbaceous vegetation, which assures cover during the initial stages of rooting and growth. The study has shown that the most influential factor in the distribution and density of renewal is the distance from the forest edge, in fact the number of renewal plants is greater the closer we get to the edge of the forest due to the presence of seed-bearing plants. Nevertheless, the results obtained show that the number of renewal plants is positive even in the central areas of the cut (?). This aspect confirms the expectations that were also found in literature, in fact in areas managed by salvage logging the renewal is often rapid and spread mainly by pioneer species, in this specific case by the “Sorbo degli uccellatori”, but sometimes the rapid return of those species, which characterized the population of the area before the storm has occured: the presence of the spruce renewal in fact is still remarkable. Therefore, given that the density of renewal is abundant and higher than that which would be applied in a reforestation project.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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