In the last decades, the rapid and noticeable rise in temperatures (caused by climate change) and increasing commodity and fertilizer prices (exacerbated by the conflict Russia-Ukraine) have changed farmers' production choices. In agriculture, these factors have a relevant impact in the cultivation of grasses. In particular, the most suffering crops are summer-spring cereals, such as maize. The issues of water scarcity, extremely high temperatures, and increasing prices of nitrogen fertilizers are just some of the main challenges that modern maize cultivation has to deal with. Sorghum is an ancient cereal (dating back thousands of years), devoid of gluten and characterized by excellent nutritional value. It could be cultivated and used as an alternative to maize, especially in areas characterized by hot and dry summers. Currently, the cultivation of this plant and new commercial hybrids has spread globally, proving to be very versatile: from human and animal nutrition to bioethanol and bioenergy productions. However, many breeders still fear negative consequences for the health of their animals when maize in their daily ration is replaced with products derived from sorghum vegetation. On August 6th, 2022, in Sommariva Bosco (Cuneo), approximately 50 Piedmontese cattle suddenly died after consuming green sorghum by grazing. Investigations conducted by various veterinarians (both private and from the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Piedmont, Liguria, and Valle d'Aosta) demonstrated that this acute poisoning was caused by the ingestion of high quantities of the cyanogenic glycoside dhurrin. Dhurrin is a natural compound that is synthesized by young plants of the Sorghum genus, during their growth or when they are subjected to high stress. This chemical compound is stable, but specific enzymes hydrolyze it into glucose, oxybenzaldehyde, and hydrogen cyanide. This process occurs when the edible parts of the vegetation are broken down by insects or animals through their chewing mouthparts or by machinery (such as forage harvester) through the dense network of discs and knives. The object of this thesis is to evaluate (through literature research) the plant species able to accumulate dhurrin, the effects that this toxic molecule can have on animals, depending on the quantity ingested, and the precautions that breeders and farmers can take to drastically reduce its presence in Sorghum vegetation. The literature consulted have shown that an animal diet based on sorghum grains can be considered perfectly safe. In this regard, the quantity of dhurrin is imperceptible to the measurement instruments used. Other transformations of the sorghum plants that lead to the production of feed with a reduced quantity of the toxic substances include silage, dried or chopped forage. Additionally, this crop could also be used for grazing, but only when the vegetation reaches a specific height and stage of maturation.
Negli ultimi decenni, il rapido e sensibile aumento delle temperature (causato dal cambiamento climatico) e l’impennata dei prezzi di materie prime e fertilizzanti, attualmente accentuata dal conflitto tra Russia e Ucraina, hanno cambiato le scelte produttive di molti agricoltori. In campo agricolo, questi elementi stanno influenzando soprattutto la coltivazione delle graminacee. Ad essere penalizzati maggiormente sono, in particolare, i cereali a ciclo primaverile-estivo, come il mais e per il problema della carenza idrica, delle temperature molto elevate e dei prezzi di concimazioni azotate molto elevati, solo per citare alcune delle principali problematiche che la maiscoltura moderna deve affrontare. Il sorgo è un cereale molto antico, la cui coltivazione risale a migliaia di anni fa, privo di glutine nella granella e dagli ottimi valori nutritivi, che potrebbe essere coltivato ed utilizzato come ottima alternativa al mais, soprattutto nelle zone caratterizzata da estati calde e siccitose. Attualmente la coltivazione di questa pianta e, in particolare dei nuovi ibridi commerciali, si è diffusa in tutto il mondo, dimostrandosi molto versatile: dall’alimentazione umana a quella animale, ma anche per la produzione di bioetanolo e bioenergia. Numerosi sono gli allevatori che però, ancora oggi, temono conseguenze negative per la salute dei propri animali nel momento in cui il mais della razione giornaliera venga sostituito con prodotti derivanti dalla vegetazione di sorgo. A Sommariva Bosco (Cuneo), il 6 agosto 2022, circa 50 bovini di razza piemontese hanno improvvisamente perso la vita dopo aver consumato del sorgo verde al pasolo. Le indagini condotte da vari veterinari (sia privati che dell’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Piemonte, Liguria e Valle d’Aosta) hanno dimostrato come tale avvelenamento acuto sia stato causato dall’ingestione di elevate quantità del glucoside cianogenetico durrina. La durrina è una molecola naturalmente sintetizzata dalle giovani piante del genere Sorghum in fase di accrescimento o sottoposte ad elevato stress. Tale composto è stabile, ma specifici enzimi lo idrolizzano in glucosio, ossibenzaldeide ed acido cianidrico nel momento in cui le parti commestibili della vegetazione vengono alterate da insetti o animali, attraverso il loro apparato boccale masticatorio, o da macchinari (come la falcia-trincia-caricatrice) mediante la fitta rete di dischi e coltelli. Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di valutare, attraverso una ricerca bibliografica, quali sono le piante che producono durrina, gli effetti che tale molecola tossica può causare agli animali in relazione alla quantità ingerita, e le precauzioni che allevatori ed agricoltori possono mettere in atto, al fine di diminuirne drasticamente la percentuale presente nel foraggio del genere Sorghum. Gli articoli consultati hanno dimostrato come un’alimentazione animale a base di cariossidi di sorgo possa considerarsi perfettamente sicura. In questo organo, infatti, il quantitativo di durrina risulta essere trascurabile alla misurazione. Altre trasformazioni della pianta di sorgo che portano alla realizzazione di alimenti a ridotto quantitativo della sostanza tossica sono l’insilato, il foraggio essiccato o tritato. Inoltre, questa coltura potrebbe essere utilizzata anche per la realizzazione del pascolo, ma solo al raggiungimento di un’altezza e di uno stadio di maturazione ben precisi della vegetazione stessa.
Effetti tossici negli animali del glicoside cianogenetico durrina contenuto nelle piante del genere Sorghum e metodi di contenimento
In the last decades, the rapid and noticeable rise in temperatures (caused by climate change) and increasing commodity and fertilizer prices (exacerbated by the conflict Russia-Ukraine) have changed farmers' production choices. In agriculture, these factors have a relevant impact in the cultivation of grasses. In particular, the most suffering crops are summer-spring cereals, such as maize. The issues of water scarcity, extremely high temperatures, and increasing prices of nitrogen fertilizers are just some of the main challenges that modern maize cultivation has to deal with. Sorghum is an ancient cereal (dating back thousands of years), devoid of gluten and characterized by excellent nutritional value. It could be cultivated and used as an alternative to maize, especially in areas characterized by hot and dry summers. Currently, the cultivation of this plant and new commercial hybrids has spread globally, proving to be very versatile: from human and animal nutrition to bioethanol and bioenergy productions. However, many breeders still fear negative consequences for the health of their animals when maize in their daily ration is replaced with products derived from sorghum vegetation. On August 6th, 2022, in Sommariva Bosco (Cuneo), approximately 50 Piedmontese cattle suddenly died after consuming green sorghum by grazing. Investigations conducted by various veterinarians (both private and from the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Piedmont, Liguria, and Valle d'Aosta) demonstrated that this acute poisoning was caused by the ingestion of high quantities of the cyanogenic glycoside dhurrin. Dhurrin is a natural compound that is synthesized by young plants of the Sorghum genus, during their growth or when they are subjected to high stress. This chemical compound is stable, but specific enzymes hydrolyze it into glucose, oxybenzaldehyde, and hydrogen cyanide. This process occurs when the edible parts of the vegetation are broken down by insects or animals through their chewing mouthparts or by machinery (such as forage harvester) through the dense network of discs and knives. The object of this thesis is to evaluate (through literature research) the plant species able to accumulate dhurrin, the effects that this toxic molecule can have on animals, depending on the quantity ingested, and the precautions that breeders and farmers can take to drastically reduce its presence in Sorghum vegetation. The literature consulted have shown that an animal diet based on sorghum grains can be considered perfectly safe. In this regard, the quantity of dhurrin is imperceptible to the measurement instruments used. Other transformations of the sorghum plants that lead to the production of feed with a reduced quantity of the toxic substances include silage, dried or chopped forage. Additionally, this crop could also be used for grazing, but only when the vegetation reaches a specific height and stage of maturation.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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