The following work aims to analyze the concept of torture; starting from the definition of this practice, continuing with the explanation of its evolution throughout the history and the “fine line” that separates the different points of view provided over the centuries. On one hand, therefore, the conviction of the usefulness of torture, considered by many to be fundamental for dealing with and responding to emergency situations that risk threatening public order, and the following attempt to abuse the use of torture in an "exceptional" way. On the other hand, however, the evident negative judgment towards this practice, questioned not only by the uncertainty which has always characterized it, but also because it is considered irrational and unjust, due to the denial of some of the fundamental principles deriving from the existence and use of this practice. This thesis will then illustrate the reasons underlying the inconsistency of this practice with the existence of the rule of law and the increasingly substantial democratic and universal values in modern reality; and the results of September 11, 2001, which will once again question all the positions taken regarding the practice of torture before that moment. The perspective that links the prohibition of torture to the concept of human rights, distinct from others as absolute rights, will then be analyzed. Torture and inhuman and degrading treatments are abolished and constrained by mechanisms and procedures in the United Nations system, the Council of Europe, and other regional systems. The prohibition of torture, according to which no one may be subjected to it or to inhuman or degrading treatments or punishment, is one of the basic principles underlying the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; but not only that, and this thesis will therefore also deepen the role of this principle within the various mechanisms and international conventions. The example of the violations of human rights committed in Libya will then be illustrated, to clarify the concepts up to this point explicated on a purely theoretical level. In case No. 21660/18, SS and others against Italy, Italy's involvement is central; the charges that are made against our country are of violation of the European Convention of Human Rights, for having collaborated with the Libyan Coast Guard and having therefore favored the forced repatriation of a group of migrants to an "unsafe" country. Among the objectives of this thesis there is therefore the analysis of a practice that has always been linked to the concept of law, of punishment and often also of society; and which still today characterizes some countries of the world. A theme that has started a debate that has lasted for centuries and that will probably never stop evolving.
Il seguente lavoro ha come obiettivo quello di analizzare il concetto di tortura; a partire dalla definizione di questa pratica, spiegandone poi l’evoluzione nel corso della storia ed il sottile confine che separa i diversi punti di vista forniti nel corso dei secoli. Da un lato quindi la convinzione dell’utilità della tortura, da molti considerata fondamentale per affrontare e rispondere a situazioni di emergenza che rischiano di minacciare l’ordine pubblico, ed il seguente tentativo di abusare del ricorso alla tortura in maniera “eccezionale”. Dall’altro lato, invece, l’evidente giudizio negativo nei confronti di questa pratica, messa in discussione non solo dall’incertezza da cui è da sempre caratterizzata, ma anche poiché considerata irrazionale ed ingiusta per la negazione, di alcuni dei principi fondamentali, derivante dall’esistenza e dall’utilizzo di questa pratica. In questa tesi verranno poi illustrate le motivazioni alla base dell’incongruenza di questa pratica con l’esistenza dello Stato di diritto e i valori democratici e di universalità sempre più sostanziali nella realtà moderna; e le conseguenze dell’11 settembre 2001, che metterà nuovamente in discussione tutte le posizioni prese riguardo alla pratica della tortura prima di quel momento. Sarà poi analizzata la prospettiva che lega il divieto di tortura al concetto dei diritti umani, distinti dagli altri in quanto diritti assoluti. La tortura e i trattamenti inumani e degradanti vengono aboliti e vincolati da meccanismi e procedure nel sistema delle Nazioni Unite, nel Consiglio d’Europa e in altri sistemi regionali. La proibizione della tortura, secondo cui nessuno può essere sottoposto ad essa né a pene o trattamenti inumani o degradanti, costituisce uno dei principi cardine alla base della Dichiarazione Universale dei diritti dell’Uomo e del Patto internazionale sui diritti Civili e Politici; ma non solo, e questa tesi approfondirà quindi anche il ruolo di questo principio all’interno dei diversi meccanismi e delle Convenzioni internazionali. Verrà poi illustrato l’esempio delle violazioni dei diritti umani commesse in Libia, al fine di chiarire dei concetti fino a questo punto esplicati su un piano prettamente torico. Nel caso n. 21660/18, S.S. e altri contro l’Italia, il coinvolgimento dell’Italia è centrale; le accuse che vengono mosse al nostro paese sono di violazione della Convenzione Europea dei Diritti Umani, per aver collaborato con la Guardia Costiera Libica e aver favorito quindi il rimpatrio forzato di un gruppo di migranti in un paese “non sicuro”. Tra gli obiettivi di questa tesi vi è quindi l’analisi di una pratica che da sempre è legata al concetto di legge, di pena e spesso anche di società; e che ancora oggi caratterizza alcuni paesi del mondo. Un tema che ha dato inizio ad un dibattito che dura da secoli e che probabilmente non finirà mai di evolversi.
La tortura: dagli aspetti storici a quelli normativi e l'esempio della Libia
The following work aims to analyze the concept of torture; starting from the definition of this practice, continuing with the explanation of its evolution throughout the history and the “fine line” that separates the different points of view provided over the centuries. On one hand, therefore, the conviction of the usefulness of torture, considered by many to be fundamental for dealing with and responding to emergency situations that risk threatening public order, and the following attempt to abuse the use of torture in an "exceptional" way. On the other hand, however, the evident negative judgment towards this practice, questioned not only by the uncertainty which has always characterized it, but also because it is considered irrational and unjust, due to the denial of some of the fundamental principles deriving from the existence and use of this practice. This thesis will then illustrate the reasons underlying the inconsistency of this practice with the existence of the rule of law and the increasingly substantial democratic and universal values in modern reality; and the results of September 11, 2001, which will once again question all the positions taken regarding the practice of torture before that moment. The perspective that links the prohibition of torture to the concept of human rights, distinct from others as absolute rights, will then be analyzed. Torture and inhuman and degrading treatments are abolished and constrained by mechanisms and procedures in the United Nations system, the Council of Europe, and other regional systems. The prohibition of torture, according to which no one may be subjected to it or to inhuman or degrading treatments or punishment, is one of the basic principles underlying the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; but not only that, and this thesis will therefore also deepen the role of this principle within the various mechanisms and international conventions. The example of the violations of human rights committed in Libya will then be illustrated, to clarify the concepts up to this point explicated on a purely theoretical level. In case No. 21660/18, SS and others against Italy, Italy's involvement is central; the charges that are made against our country are of violation of the European Convention of Human Rights, for having collaborated with the Libyan Coast Guard and having therefore favored the forced repatriation of a group of migrants to an "unsafe" country. Among the objectives of this thesis there is therefore the analysis of a practice that has always been linked to the concept of law, of punishment and often also of society; and which still today characterizes some countries of the world. A theme that has started a debate that has lasted for centuries and that will probably never stop evolving.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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