SUMMARY: Two important aspects were taken into consideration: on the one hand the ever-increasing importance attributed to the human microbiota, in particular the oral one, in the health of the individual; on the other hand, the late diagnosis and still poor prognosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma, despite therapeutic progress. Therefore, it was hypothesized a possible correlation between these two aspects, and it was analyzed the function that bacteria play in oral carcinogenesis and the role of the tumor microenvironment in this process. PURPOSE OF THE WORK: The aim of this paper was to identify and analyze the possible association between the oral microbiota and oral squamous cell carcinoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To prepare this paper, it was carried out a review of the literature, analyzing the studies of the last 10 years that have defined the oral microbiota and oral squamous cell carcinoma. Instead, in regards to the oral microbiota with oral squamous cell carcinoma, there were included more recent studies published in the last 5 years. The investigation was carried out through the PubMed electronic database using the keywords: human microbiota, oral microbiota, microbiome and microbiota, oral cavity, oral biofilm, dysbiosis, eubiosis, saliva, tongue microbiota, oral mucosa microbiota, oral hard tissues microbiota, immunity system, oral squamous cell carcinoma, tumor microenvironment, periodontal pathogenic bacteria. RESULTS: By analysing scientific studies, it has emerged the important role played by periodontal pathogenic bacteria, not in consideration of their quantitative abundance, but by studying the functions performed by them. They alter the oral microbiota, creating an environment conducive to growth and tumor progression. However, the causal relationship is complex and yet to be fully defined. Two certainly fundamental factors are dysbiosis and inflammation, therefore it is essential to maintain a healthy microbiological balance in the mouth, to reduce the risk of development and progression of oral cancer. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the considerable progress made so far, it is clear for scholars to conduct further studies to delve deeper into the mechanisms through which the tumor microbial community influences the formation and behavior of oral squamous cell carcinoma. This study could open new perspectives to understand and address this carcinoma more effectively, developing new diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic approaches, aimed at the microbiota itself.
RIASSUNTO: Sono stati presi in considerazione due aspetti importanti: da un lato l'importanza sempre maggiore attribuita al microbiota umano, in particolare quello orale, nella salute dell'individuo; dall'altro la diagnosi tardiva e la prognosi ancora oggi infausta del carcinoma orale a cellule squamose, nonostante i progressi terapeutici. È stata ipotizzata una possibile correlazione tra questi due aspetti, ed è stata quindi analizzata la funzione che i batteri svolgono nella carcinogenesi orale e il ruolo del microambiente tumorale in questo processo. SCOPO DEL LAVORO: Lo scopo di questo elaborato è stato quello di individuare e analizzare l'eventuale associazione tra il microbiota orale e il carcinoma orale a cellule squamose. MATERIALI E METODI: Per la realizzazione di questo elaborato è stata effettuata una revisione della letteratura analizzando gli studi degli ultimi 10 anni che hanno definito il microbiota orale e il carcinoma orale a cellule squamose. Mentre per quanto concerne l'associazione del microbiota orale con il carcinoma orale a cellule squamose, sono stati inclusi studi più recenti, pubblicati negli ultimi 5 anni. L'indagine è stata effettuata attraverso il database elettronico di PubMed attraverso le parole chiave: human microbiota, oral microbiota, microbiome and microbiota, oral cavity, oral biofilm, dysbiosis, eubiosis, saliva, tongue microbiota, oral mucosa microbiota, oral hard tissues microbiota, immunity system, oral squamous cell carcinoma, tumor microenviroment, periodontal pathogenic bacteria. RISULTATI: Analizzando studi scientifici è emerso il ruolo importante svolto dai batteri parodontopatogeni, non considerati nella loro abbondanza quantitativa, ma studiando le funzioni da loro svolte. Essi alterano il microbiota orale, creando un ambiente favorevole alla crescita e progressione del tumore. Tuttavia, la relazione causale risulta complessa e ancora da definire completamente. Due fattori certamente fondamentali sono la disbiosi e l'infiammazione, pertanto risulta essenziale mantenere un equilibrio microbiologico sano nella bocca, per ridurre il rischio di sviluppo e progressione del cancro orale. CONCLUSIONI: Nonostante i notevoli progressi fatti finora, è evidente per gli studiosi la necessità di condurre ulteriori studi per approfondire i meccanismi attraverso i quali la comunità microbica tumorale influisce sulla formazione e sul comportamento del carcinoma orale a cellule squamose. Questo approfondimento potrebbe aprire nuove prospettive per comprendere e affrontare in modo più efficace questo carcinoma, sviluppando nuovi approcci diagnostici, preventivi e terapeutici, mirati al microbiota stesso.
Microbiota orale e carcinoma orale a cellule squamose: ruolo chiave?
SUMMARY: Two important aspects were taken into consideration: on the one hand the ever-increasing importance attributed to the human microbiota, in particular the oral one, in the health of the individual; on the other hand, the late diagnosis and still poor prognosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma, despite therapeutic progress. Therefore, it was hypothesized a possible correlation between these two aspects, and it was analyzed the function that bacteria play in oral carcinogenesis and the role of the tumor microenvironment in this process. PURPOSE OF THE WORK: The aim of this paper was to identify and analyze the possible association between the oral microbiota and oral squamous cell carcinoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To prepare this paper, it was carried out a review of the literature, analyzing the studies of the last 10 years that have defined the oral microbiota and oral squamous cell carcinoma. Instead, in regards to the oral microbiota with oral squamous cell carcinoma, there were included more recent studies published in the last 5 years. The investigation was carried out through the PubMed electronic database using the keywords: human microbiota, oral microbiota, microbiome and microbiota, oral cavity, oral biofilm, dysbiosis, eubiosis, saliva, tongue microbiota, oral mucosa microbiota, oral hard tissues microbiota, immunity system, oral squamous cell carcinoma, tumor microenvironment, periodontal pathogenic bacteria. RESULTS: By analysing scientific studies, it has emerged the important role played by periodontal pathogenic bacteria, not in consideration of their quantitative abundance, but by studying the functions performed by them. They alter the oral microbiota, creating an environment conducive to growth and tumor progression. However, the causal relationship is complex and yet to be fully defined. Two certainly fundamental factors are dysbiosis and inflammation, therefore it is essential to maintain a healthy microbiological balance in the mouth, to reduce the risk of development and progression of oral cancer. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the considerable progress made so far, it is clear for scholars to conduct further studies to delve deeper into the mechanisms through which the tumor microbial community influences the formation and behavior of oral squamous cell carcinoma. This study could open new perspectives to understand and address this carcinoma more effectively, developing new diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic approaches, aimed at the microbiota itself.The text of this website © Università degli studi di Padova. Full Text are published under a non-exclusive license. Metadata are under a CC0 License