INTRODUCTION: The WHO points out that many countries have a disruption of normal public health activities due to external agents, which is why the importance of the prevention department will be discussed with its main purpose in this field, it will also be made clear what is meant by the phenomenon of migration and the various priority areas to facilitate proper integration of these people. It is also made clear who is the asylum seeker and the various realities that there are with its duties and the various rights that it has when it arrives in Italy, they are defined what are the CAS and the fundamental role they have in this reality and the cooperation they implement in the territorial network they have available. It will go to deepen the current and past migration flows with those related to Italy and the various infectious diseases that may occur at the arrival of these people, with particular reference to tuberculosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In order to investigate the most frequent diseases in reception centers in the migrant population in the Azienda Sanitaria Veneta, Archival data on the characteristics of the sample were analyzed through health documentation and the various regional programs of infectious diseases, this was able to shed light on the various diseases present so that a possible project could be drawn up. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: We will analyze the various data present in the computer archives, where we will see the various taken in charge from January 2022 to August 2023 for monthly, the taken in charge according to the age of the subject, the various tests carried out at the time of access to the service, such as Mantoux, will be analyses, if the Quantiferon, chest X-ray, also by country of origin, are positive, through graphs of diseases such as various hepatitis, HIV, syphilis and whether, when they enter the service, they carry out the various scheduled vaccination PROJECT: The project drawn up should aim to acquire more safety and knowledge on infectious diseases present and to make sure to protect themselves through the sanitary rules that are taught. CONCLUSIONS: The research showed that health needs are multiple and differentiated according to the different ethnicities of origin, importance was given to the data that were collected and analyzed, Therefore, an educational intervention is thought to be the best solution to eradicate as much as possible the risk factors in which they are exposed and which are the main cause of the onset of diseases.
INTRODUZIONE: L’ OMS evidenza come molti Paesi ci sia un’interruzione di normali attività di sanità pubblica dovuta ad agenti esterni, per questo si andrà a discutere dell’importanza del dipartimento di prevenzione con lo scopo principale che ha in quest’ambito, inoltre verrà fatta chiarezza su cosa viene inteso per fenomeno migratorio e le varie aree prioritarie per favorire un corretto inserimento a queste persone. Viene inoltre fatta chiarezza su chi è il richiedente asilo e le varie realtà che ci sono con i suoi doveri e i vari diritti che possiede nel momento in cui arriva in Italia, vengono definite cosa sono le CAS e il ruolo fondamentale che hanno in questa realtà e la cooperazione che attuano nella rete territoriale che hanno a disposizione. Si andranno ad approfondire i flussi migratori presenti sia attuali che del passato con quelli relativi all’Italia e le varie malattie infettive che possono presentarsi al momento degli arrivi di queste persone, con particolare riferimento alla tubercolosi. MATERIALI E METODI: Al fine di indagare le malattie più frequenti nei centri di accoglienza nella popolazione migrante nell’Azienda Sanitaria Veneta, sono stati analizzati dati in archivio relativi alle caratteristiche del campione attraverso documentazione sanitaria e i vari programmi regionali delle malattie infettive, questo ha potuto mettere alla luce le varie malattie presenti così poi da redigere un possibile progetto. RISULTATI E DISCUSSIONE: Si andranno ad analizzare i vari dati presenti all’interno degli archivi informatizzati, dove si andranno a vedere le varie prese in carico da Gennaio 2022 ad Agosto 2023 per mensilità, le prese in carico in base all’età del soggetto, si andranno ad analizzare i vari esami che si effettuano al momento dell'accesso nel servizio come Mantoux se in caso di positività l’esame del Quantiferon, RX torace, anche in base al paese d’origine, si analizzeranno attraverso grafici malattie come le varie epatiti, l’HIV, la sifilide e se quando accedono al servizio eseguono le varie vaccinazione previste PROGETTO: Il progetto redatto dovrebbe far in modo di acquisire maggior sicurezza e conoscenza sulle malattie infettive presenti e far in modo di tutelarsi attraverso le norme igienico-sanitarie che vengono insegnate. CONCLUSIONI: Dalla ricerca è emerso che i bisogni di salute sono molteplici e differenziati a seconda delle diverse etnie di provenienza, si è data importanza ai dati che sono stati raccolti ed analizzati, perciò un intervento di tipo educativo si pensa sia la soluzione migliore per eradicare il più possibile i fattori di rischio in cui si espongono e che costituiscono la principale causa di insorgenza di patologie.
Incidenza delle malattie infettive tra la popolazione migrante nei centri d'accoglienza straordinaria del distretto di Treviso Ulss 2 Marca Trevigiana-Regione Veneto
INTRODUCTION: The WHO points out that many countries have a disruption of normal public health activities due to external agents, which is why the importance of the prevention department will be discussed with its main purpose in this field, it will also be made clear what is meant by the phenomenon of migration and the various priority areas to facilitate proper integration of these people. It is also made clear who is the asylum seeker and the various realities that there are with its duties and the various rights that it has when it arrives in Italy, they are defined what are the CAS and the fundamental role they have in this reality and the cooperation they implement in the territorial network they have available. It will go to deepen the current and past migration flows with those related to Italy and the various infectious diseases that may occur at the arrival of these people, with particular reference to tuberculosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In order to investigate the most frequent diseases in reception centers in the migrant population in the Azienda Sanitaria Veneta, Archival data on the characteristics of the sample were analyzed through health documentation and the various regional programs of infectious diseases, this was able to shed light on the various diseases present so that a possible project could be drawn up. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: We will analyze the various data present in the computer archives, where we will see the various taken in charge from January 2022 to August 2023 for monthly, the taken in charge according to the age of the subject, the various tests carried out at the time of access to the service, such as Mantoux, will be analyses, if the Quantiferon, chest X-ray, also by country of origin, are positive, through graphs of diseases such as various hepatitis, HIV, syphilis and whether, when they enter the service, they carry out the various scheduled vaccination PROJECT: The project drawn up should aim to acquire more safety and knowledge on infectious diseases present and to make sure to protect themselves through the sanitary rules that are taught. CONCLUSIONS: The research showed that health needs are multiple and differentiated according to the different ethnicities of origin, importance was given to the data that were collected and analyzed, Therefore, an educational intervention is thought to be the best solution to eradicate as much as possible the risk factors in which they are exposed and which are the main cause of the onset of diseases.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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