GUIDOLIN ANNA 2012541 “SURVEY ON THE TRANSGENDER POPULATION'S SENSIBILITY REGARDING ADHESION TO ONCOLOGICAL SCREENING” RELATORE: PROF. CECCHETTO GIOVANNI CORRELATORI: DR. PIERBON MARCO e DOTT.SSA TRENTIN ELISA INTRODUCTION: The transgender person is often a victim of discrimination. This condition of disadvantage can also be found in the health care setting, where users who have embarked on the path of perceived gender affirmation may face episodes of stigma. This may result in a move away from preventive health services, fueling a phenomenon of disequalities that strongly impacts the quality of life and health status of transgender people. It is of utmost importance that providers are able to identify specific health needs and use appropriate terminology, and that the health care environment is inclusive and welcoming. It is also necessary that cancer screening program guidelines provide for access for transgender people. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To enable the collection of data, two questionnaires were made, respectively: one to health professionals and one to the transgender population. From the data study, a statistical analysis was performed by generating specific graphs based on the responses of the transgender respondents. The administration was done through an Internet link connected to the Google Forms survey application included in Google Drive. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The questionnaire targeting health professionals did not have sufficient adherence from the target population due to issues with privacy offices.The questionnaire targeting the transgender population revealed multiple situations of discrimination, aggression, and social stigma experienced by these people in the healthcare setting, compromising access to and use of healthcare services. A lack of official information regarding the conduct of cancer screening examinations emerged both in people who had undertaken the perceived gender affirmation pathway, but also by health care providers.The study also shows relatively low adherence to cancer screening programs by the transgender population due to stereotypes, stigma and transphobia. CONCLUSIONS: it is of utmost importance that training pathways be implemented for health professionals on the approach and terminology to be used, adapting cis-normative health spaces and protocols, so that the quality of life of the transgender population improves.
GUIDOLIN ANNA 2012541 “INDAGINE SULLA SENSIBILITÀ DELLA POPOLAZIONE TRANSGENDER RISPETTO L'ADESIONE AGLI SCREENING ONCOLOGICI” RELATORE: PROF. CECCHETTO GIOVANNI CORRELATORI: DR. PIERBON MARCO e DOTT.SSA TRENTIN ELISA INTRODUZIONE: la persona transgender è spesso vittima di discriminazioni. Tale condizione di svantaggio può essere riscontrata anche nel setting sanitario, in cui gli utenti aventi intrapreso il percorso di affermazione del genere percepito possono andare incontro ad episodi di stigma. Questo potrebbe comportare un allontanamento dai servizi sanitari di prevenzione, alimentando un fenomeno di disequalities che impatta fortemente sulla qualità della vita e sullo stato di salute delle persone transgender. È di estrema importanza che gli operatori siano in grado di identificare i bisogni di salute specifici ed utilizzino una terminologia adeguata e che l’ambiente sanitario sia inclusivo ed accogliente. È altresì necessario che linee guida dei programmi di screening oncologici prevedano l’accesso delle persone transgender. MATERIALI E METODI: per permettere la raccolta dei dati sono stati realizzati due questionari rivolti rispettivamente: uno ai professionisti sanitari e uno alla popolazione transgender. Dallo studio dei dati è stata realizzata un’analisi statistica generando specifici grafici sulla base delle risposte dei soggetti transgender intervistati. La somministrazione è avvenuta tramite link internet collegato all’applicazione per la realizzazione di sondaggi Google Moduli inclusa in Google Drive. RISULTATI E DISCUSSIONE: il questionario rivolto ai professionisti sanitari non ha registrato un’adesione sufficiente da parte del target interessato a causa di problematiche inerenti agli uffici privacy. Il questionario rivolto alla popolazione transgender ha evidenziato molteplici situazioni di discriminazione, aggressività e stigmatizzazione sociale vissute da tali persone nella realtà sanitaria, compromettendo l’accesso e la fruizione dei servizi sanitari. È emersa una carenza di informazioni ufficiali relative allo svolgimento degli esami di screening oncologici sia nelle persone aventi intrapreso il percorso di affermazione del genere percepito, ma anche da parte degli operatori sanitari. Dallo studio inoltre emerge un’aderenza relativamente bassa ai programmi di screening oncologici da parte della popolazione transgender a causa di stereotipi, stigma e transfobia. CONCLUSIONI: è di estrema importanza che siano realizzati percorsi di formazione per i professionisti sanitari sull’approccio e la terminologia da utilizzare, adeguando spazi e protocolli sanitari cis-normativi, affinché la qualità della vita della popolazione transgender migliori.
Indagine sull'adesione della popolazione transgender agli screening oncologici
GUIDOLIN ANNA 2012541 “SURVEY ON THE TRANSGENDER POPULATION'S SENSIBILITY REGARDING ADHESION TO ONCOLOGICAL SCREENING” RELATORE: PROF. CECCHETTO GIOVANNI CORRELATORI: DR. PIERBON MARCO e DOTT.SSA TRENTIN ELISA INTRODUCTION: The transgender person is often a victim of discrimination. This condition of disadvantage can also be found in the health care setting, where users who have embarked on the path of perceived gender affirmation may face episodes of stigma. This may result in a move away from preventive health services, fueling a phenomenon of disequalities that strongly impacts the quality of life and health status of transgender people. It is of utmost importance that providers are able to identify specific health needs and use appropriate terminology, and that the health care environment is inclusive and welcoming. It is also necessary that cancer screening program guidelines provide for access for transgender people. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To enable the collection of data, two questionnaires were made, respectively: one to health professionals and one to the transgender population. From the data study, a statistical analysis was performed by generating specific graphs based on the responses of the transgender respondents. The administration was done through an Internet link connected to the Google Forms survey application included in Google Drive. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The questionnaire targeting health professionals did not have sufficient adherence from the target population due to issues with privacy offices.The questionnaire targeting the transgender population revealed multiple situations of discrimination, aggression, and social stigma experienced by these people in the healthcare setting, compromising access to and use of healthcare services. A lack of official information regarding the conduct of cancer screening examinations emerged both in people who had undertaken the perceived gender affirmation pathway, but also by health care providers.The study also shows relatively low adherence to cancer screening programs by the transgender population due to stereotypes, stigma and transphobia. CONCLUSIONS: it is of utmost importance that training pathways be implemented for health professionals on the approach and terminology to be used, adapting cis-normative health spaces and protocols, so that the quality of life of the transgender population improves.The text of this website © Università degli studi di Padova. Full Text are published under a non-exclusive license. Metadata are under a CC0 License