This thesis stems from a personal curiosity to analyse the fundamental aspects of STEAM (an acronym for Science, Technology Engineering, Art, Mathematics) pedagogy applied to Maker Education, especially tinkering, a strategy that uses the philosophy of "thinking with your hands" to emphasise creative and improvised problem-solving through the construction of objects with essentially recycled materials. This principle reflects Seymour Papert's theories of constructionism, in which students externally construct and then iteratively refine their ideas about how something works through an active process and multidisciplinary approach. Several theoretical and normative references guided this research, in particular the 2012 National Curriculum Directions and the 2018 National Directions and New Scenarios, the 2018 European Parliament Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning and the 2018 National Digital School Plan. While tinkering is often extolled as a novelty in STEAM education, many scholars have noted that, as an educational practice, it has deep roots in the pedagogies advanced by Froebel, Dewey, and Montessori, in line with the more recent thinking of Munari and Malaguzzi, who upheld the centrality of materials to motivate and enhance students' learning. In this regard, the writer presented a experimentation carried out with 21 pupils of a fourth class of the primary school of the IC Rovigo 1 through eight tinkering experiences outlined according to a precise theme concerning sea, earth, sky, and marked by a preparatory, operational and restructuring phase. The didactic intervention, entitled "Ask three and then me", is of an innovative nature and is developed according to a workshop-based didactic approach, representing one of the few projects in this field carried out in the Italian panorama, which still appears modest in the development of science and art projects in all school grades. The aim of the research was to investigate the actual match between the design of the activities and the resulting learning experiences, in terms of Initiative and Intentionality, Problem Solving and Critical Thinking, Conceptual Understanding, Creativity and Personal Expression, and Social and Emotional Involvement, according to the Framework of Learning Dimensions described by the professionals of the Tinkering Studio in San Francisco and the Lighthouse Community Public Schools in Oakland. The survey conducted demonstrated the high educational contribution that the project has produced, and in particular, analysing the data collected, it can be seen that tinkering promotes significant improvements in children's knowledge of scientific phenomena, but also in exploratory, creative, collaborative, documentary and critical-reflective skills.
La presente tesi nasce dalla personale curiosità di analizzare gli aspetti fondamentali della pedagogia STEAM (acronimo di Science, Technology Engineering, Art, Mathematics) applicati alla Maker Education, in particolar modo al tinkering, strategia che utilizza la filosofia del “pensare con le mani” per enfatizzare la risoluzione creativa e improvvisata di problemi attraverso la costruzione di oggetti con materiali essenzialmente di recupero. Questo principio riflette le teorie del costruzionismo di Seymour Papert, in cui gli studenti esternano, costruendo e poi perfezionando iterativamente, le loro idee su come funziona qualcosa, tramite un processo attivo e un approccio multidisciplinare. Diversi sono stati i riferimenti teorici e normativi che hanno guidato la presente ricerca, in particolare le Indicazioni Nazionali per il curricolo del 2012 e le Indicazioni Nazionali e Nuovi Scenari del 2018, la Raccomandazione del parlamento europeo relativa alle competenze chiave per l’apprendimento permanente del 2018 e il Piano Nazionale Scuola Digitale. Mentre il tinkering è spesso esaltato come una novità nell'educazione STEAM, molti studiosi hanno notato che, come pratica educativa, ha radici profonde nelle pedagogie avanzate da Froebel, Dewey, Montessori, in linea col pensiero più recente di Munari e Malaguzzi, i quali hanno sostenuto la centralità dei materiali per motivare e accrescere l'apprendimento degli studenti. A tal proposito, la scrivente ha presentato una sperimentazione svolta con 21 alunni di una classe quarta della scuola primaria dell’IC Rovigo 1 attraverso otto esperienze di tinkering delineate secondo una precisa tematica riguardante mare, terra, cielo, e scandite da una fase preparatoria, operatoria e ristrutturativa. L’intervento didattico, dal titolo “Chiedi a tre e poi a me”, ha carattere innovativo e si sviluppa secondo una didattica laboratoriale, rappresentando uno dei pochi progetti in questo ambito realizzati nel panorama italiano, che appare ancora modesto nell’elaborare progetti di scienza ed arte in tutti i gradi scolastici. Lo scopo di ricerca intende studiare l’effettivo riscontro tra la progettazione delle attività e le esperienze di apprendimento risultanti, in termini di Iniziativa e intenzionalità, Risoluzione dei problemi e pensiero critico, Comprensione concettuale, Creatività ed espressione personale, Coinvolgimento sociale ed emotivo, secondo il Quadro delle Dimensioni di apprendimento descritto dai professionisti del Tinkering Studio di San Francisco e delle Lighthouse Community Public Schools di Oakland. L’indagine condotta ha dimostrato l’elevato contributo didattico che il progetto ha prodotto e in particolare, analizzando i dati raccolti, si evince come il tinkering promuova nei bambini miglioramenti significativi in merito alla conoscenza di fenomeni scientifici, ma anche a riguardo di competenze esplorative, creative, collaborative, documentative e critico-riflessive.
Pensare con le mani: un "ponte" tra scienza e creatività. Primo approccio alle discipline STEAM con il tinkering in una quarta primaria.
This thesis stems from a personal curiosity to analyse the fundamental aspects of STEAM (an acronym for Science, Technology Engineering, Art, Mathematics) pedagogy applied to Maker Education, especially tinkering, a strategy that uses the philosophy of "thinking with your hands" to emphasise creative and improvised problem-solving through the construction of objects with essentially recycled materials. This principle reflects Seymour Papert's theories of constructionism, in which students externally construct and then iteratively refine their ideas about how something works through an active process and multidisciplinary approach. Several theoretical and normative references guided this research, in particular the 2012 National Curriculum Directions and the 2018 National Directions and New Scenarios, the 2018 European Parliament Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning and the 2018 National Digital School Plan. While tinkering is often extolled as a novelty in STEAM education, many scholars have noted that, as an educational practice, it has deep roots in the pedagogies advanced by Froebel, Dewey, and Montessori, in line with the more recent thinking of Munari and Malaguzzi, who upheld the centrality of materials to motivate and enhance students' learning. In this regard, the writer presented a experimentation carried out with 21 pupils of a fourth class of the primary school of the IC Rovigo 1 through eight tinkering experiences outlined according to a precise theme concerning sea, earth, sky, and marked by a preparatory, operational and restructuring phase. The didactic intervention, entitled "Ask three and then me", is of an innovative nature and is developed according to a workshop-based didactic approach, representing one of the few projects in this field carried out in the Italian panorama, which still appears modest in the development of science and art projects in all school grades. The aim of the research was to investigate the actual match between the design of the activities and the resulting learning experiences, in terms of Initiative and Intentionality, Problem Solving and Critical Thinking, Conceptual Understanding, Creativity and Personal Expression, and Social and Emotional Involvement, according to the Framework of Learning Dimensions described by the professionals of the Tinkering Studio in San Francisco and the Lighthouse Community Public Schools in Oakland. The survey conducted demonstrated the high educational contribution that the project has produced, and in particular, analysing the data collected, it can be seen that tinkering promotes significant improvements in children's knowledge of scientific phenomena, but also in exploratory, creative, collaborative, documentary and critical-reflective skills.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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