BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY T-cell Large Granular Lymphocyte Leukemia (T-LGLL) is a rare and heterogeneous lymphoproliferative disorder characterized by the clonal expansion of cytotoxic T lymphocytes, accounting for 85% of LGLL cases. STAT3 activation, either induced by somatic mutation or by a pro-inflammatory microenvironment, is one of the key factors prompting leukemic LGL survival and proliferation. Conventional therapies rely on immunosuppressive drugs, such as Methotrexate, Cyclophosphamide and Cyclosporin A, with unsatisfactory overall response rates (40-60%), a high number of relapsed/refractory patients and a broad spectrum of side-effects. This prompts the identification of new targeted and effective drugs. Bendamustine (BENDA) is a chemotherapeutic agent with a dual mechanism of action currently used for the treatment of Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas. Moreover, evidence has been provided regarding its effectiveness as STAT3-inhibitor in a cell line. AIM OF THE STUDY A few case reports showed BENDA efficacy as a salvage therapy for LGLL. Based on this evidence, the aim of this study was to evaluate, retrospectively, the clinical efficacy of BENDA in 10 T-LGLL patients treated at our Center (Hematology division, University of Padua). Moreover, this work also aimed to investigate the in vitro efficacy of this drug and its possible mechanism of action on leukemic LGLs. MATERIALS AND METHODS Ten syntomatic T-LGLL patients were enrolled, with indication to start a cytoreductive therapy. They were treated with BENDA (60-100 mg/m2, 6 cycles, day 1 and 2 every 28 days) The mechanism of action of this drug was evaluated in vitro in the Jurkat CD57+ T-cell line and cryopreserved peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients. Cells were treated with increasing doses of BENDA (2,5, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 μM) and Stattic (2,5, 5 and 10 μM), a selective STAT3 inhibitor. Cell viability was investigated by flow cytometry using the FACSCanto II. STAT3 activation was measured by Western blot assays. Transcriptional analyses were performed by RT-qPCR. RESULTS A clinical response was achieved in all patients (ORR: 100%, with 6 complete response and 3 partial response) and cytopenia improvement. The toxicity was mainly observed at gastrointestinal level (nausea). The immunophenotypic and mutational follow-up, performed in detail in two patients, showed the reduction of the clone with the persistence of STAT3 mutations. In vitro evaluation of BENDA by flow cytometry analysis showed a significant increase of LGLs apoptosis after treatment with BENDA of 25, 50 and 100 μM at both 24 and 48 hours. STAT3 activation mediated by its phosphorylation in Tyr705, on the other hand, resulted significantly decreased at 24 hour treatment with BENDA 50 and 100 μM. Moreover, preliminary transcriptional analyses did not show any modulation of STAT3 transcriptional targets. CONCLUSIONS BENDA proved to be effective for the treatment of LGLL patients and this study confirms its possible use with promising responses. In vitro analyses confirmed a cytotoxic (although not selective) effect of BENDA on leukemic LGLs. Moreover, STAT3 inhibition as a potential mechanism of action was investigated, with results to be further investigated. The collected data pave the way for the establishment of a prospective study comparing first-line drugs with BENDA, with the final goal to improve T-LGLL patients outcome.
PRESUPPOSTI La Leucemia a Grandi Linfociti Granulati di tipo T (T-LGLL) è un raro disordine linfoproliferativo cronico caratterizzato dall’espansione clonale di linfociti T citotossici e che rappresenta l’85% dei casi di LGLL. Uno dei fattori patogenetici chiave, che promuove la sopravvivenza e la proliferazione delle cellule leucemiche, è rappresentato dall’attivazione costitutiva di STAT3, la quale può essere indotta sia da fattori esterni che da mutazioni genetiche. Le terapie convenzionali si basano sull’impiego di farmaci immunosoppressori, quali Metotrexato, Ciclofosfamide e Ciclosporina A, con un’overall response rate (ORR) a tutt’oggi insoddisfacente (40-60%), frequenti recidive ed effetti collaterali. Risulta perciò necessaria l'identificazione di nuovi farmaci con maggiore efficacia e specificità. La Bendamustina (BENDA) è un chemioterapico con duplice azione (alchilante del DNA e antimetabolita) utilizzato nella pratica clinica nel trattamento dei Linfomi Non Hodgkin. Inoltre è stato dimostrato in una linea cellulare che questo farmaco determina l’inibizione di STAT3. SCOPO Sulla base di alcuni case reports, è stato suggerito che la BENDA possa essere utilizzata nella terapia dei pazienti con LGLL. L’obiettivo dello studio è stato la valutazione dell’efficacia clinica del farmaco su una coorte di pazienti con T-LGLL trattati presso l’U.O.C. di Ematologia di Padova. Inoltre, un secondo scopo di questo lavoro è stato la valutazione in vitro dell'efficacia del farmaco e il suo possibile meccanismo d’azione sugli LGL. MATERIALI E METODI Sono stati arruolati 10 pazienti affetti da T-LGLL con malattia sintomatica, per la quale c’era indicazione ad iniziare terapia citoriduttiva. Essi sono stati trattati con BENDA al dosaggio di 60-100 mg/m2 per 6 cicli (giorni 1 e 2 ogni 28). Il meccanismo di azione del farmaco è stato valutato in vitro sulla linea cellulare Jurkat (CD57+) e su cellule mononucleate del sangue periferico dei pazienti (crioconservate in dimetilsolfossido). Le cellule sono state trattate con BENDA (2,5, 5, 10, 25, 50 e 100 μM) e Stattic (2,5, 5 e 10 μM), un inibitore selettivo di STAT3. Le analisi di citotossicità sono state effettuate mediante il citofluorimetro FACSCanto II. I livelli di inattivazione di STAT3 sono stati indagati tramite Western Blot e l’analisi trascrizionale è stata effettuata mediante RT-qPCR. RISULTATI Tutti i pazienti dello studio hanno dimostrato di rispondere alla terapia con BENDA (ORR:100%, 6 risposte complete e 3 risposte parziali), con miglioramento delle citopenie. La tossicità della terapia è stata prevalentemente di tipo gastrointestinale. In due pazienti è stato condotto uno studio di follow up immunofenotipico e mutazionale del gene STAT3, riscontrando una riduzione del clone leucemico in entrambi i casi, nonostante la persistenza della mutazione. L’analisi di citotossicità in vitro ha dimostrato l’efficacia del farmaco nell’indurre l’apoptosi degli LGL, a 24 e 48 h, a concentrazioni di 25, 50 e 100 μM. Le analisi di attivazione di STAT3 nella sua forma fosforilata hanno invece indicato un’inibizione significativa, alle 24 h, solo a concentrazioni di 50 e 100 μM. Infine, le analisi trascrizionali, ancora preliminari, non hanno evidenziato una modulazione dei geni analizzati a valle di STAT3. CONCLUSIONE La BENDA si configura come un farmaco efficace per il trattamento dei pazienti affetti da LGLL e questo studio conferma il suo possibile utilizzo nella terapia di questa malattia con risposte molto promettenti. Analisi preliminari in vitro ne hanno confermato l’azione citotossica sugli LGL leucemici, suggerendo come l’inibizione di STAT3 possa rappresentare uno dei possibili meccanismi d’azione. I dati raccolti pongono le basi per la stesura di un protocollo prospettico volto a confrontare i farmaci di prima linea con BENDA, al fine di migliorare l’outcome terapeutico di questa rara patologia.
Valutazione dell'efficacia della Bendamustina per il trattamento della Leucemia a Grandi Linfociti Granulati di tipo T
BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY T-cell Large Granular Lymphocyte Leukemia (T-LGLL) is a rare and heterogeneous lymphoproliferative disorder characterized by the clonal expansion of cytotoxic T lymphocytes, accounting for 85% of LGLL cases. STAT3 activation, either induced by somatic mutation or by a pro-inflammatory microenvironment, is one of the key factors prompting leukemic LGL survival and proliferation. Conventional therapies rely on immunosuppressive drugs, such as Methotrexate, Cyclophosphamide and Cyclosporin A, with unsatisfactory overall response rates (40-60%), a high number of relapsed/refractory patients and a broad spectrum of side-effects. This prompts the identification of new targeted and effective drugs. Bendamustine (BENDA) is a chemotherapeutic agent with a dual mechanism of action currently used for the treatment of Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas. Moreover, evidence has been provided regarding its effectiveness as STAT3-inhibitor in a cell line. AIM OF THE STUDY A few case reports showed BENDA efficacy as a salvage therapy for LGLL. Based on this evidence, the aim of this study was to evaluate, retrospectively, the clinical efficacy of BENDA in 10 T-LGLL patients treated at our Center (Hematology division, University of Padua). Moreover, this work also aimed to investigate the in vitro efficacy of this drug and its possible mechanism of action on leukemic LGLs. MATERIALS AND METHODS Ten syntomatic T-LGLL patients were enrolled, with indication to start a cytoreductive therapy. They were treated with BENDA (60-100 mg/m2, 6 cycles, day 1 and 2 every 28 days) The mechanism of action of this drug was evaluated in vitro in the Jurkat CD57+ T-cell line and cryopreserved peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients. Cells were treated with increasing doses of BENDA (2,5, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 μM) and Stattic (2,5, 5 and 10 μM), a selective STAT3 inhibitor. Cell viability was investigated by flow cytometry using the FACSCanto II. STAT3 activation was measured by Western blot assays. Transcriptional analyses were performed by RT-qPCR. RESULTS A clinical response was achieved in all patients (ORR: 100%, with 6 complete response and 3 partial response) and cytopenia improvement. The toxicity was mainly observed at gastrointestinal level (nausea). The immunophenotypic and mutational follow-up, performed in detail in two patients, showed the reduction of the clone with the persistence of STAT3 mutations. In vitro evaluation of BENDA by flow cytometry analysis showed a significant increase of LGLs apoptosis after treatment with BENDA of 25, 50 and 100 μM at both 24 and 48 hours. STAT3 activation mediated by its phosphorylation in Tyr705, on the other hand, resulted significantly decreased at 24 hour treatment with BENDA 50 and 100 μM. Moreover, preliminary transcriptional analyses did not show any modulation of STAT3 transcriptional targets. CONCLUSIONS BENDA proved to be effective for the treatment of LGLL patients and this study confirms its possible use with promising responses. In vitro analyses confirmed a cytotoxic (although not selective) effect of BENDA on leukemic LGLs. Moreover, STAT3 inhibition as a potential mechanism of action was investigated, with results to be further investigated. The collected data pave the way for the establishment of a prospective study comparing first-line drugs with BENDA, with the final goal to improve T-LGLL patients outcome.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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