Land consumption represents one of the most urgent challenges in urban and regional planning of our times. The uncontrolled expansion of urban areas, often to the detriment of green, agricultural spaces of inestimable ecological value, threatens not only the environmental balance, but also the quality of life of citizens. In an era where population density in cities is constantly growing, and natural resources are under ever-increasing pressure, it is essential to rethink the way we design and manage our urban areas. In this context, urban regeneration presents itself as an innovative and sustainable response to the challenges of urban growth. Regeneration aims to transform degraded or disused urban areas into vibrant, dynamic and inclusive spaces, with an emphasis on the conservation of existing resources and the optimization of land use. It not only aims to reduce land consumption, but also promotes the redevelopment of areas, social cohesion and environmental sustainability. The Arcella district, located in the northern area of Padua close to the train station, is an emblematic example of the challenges and opportunities linked to urban regeneration. This neighborhood, like many others in Italy and around the world, has undergone rapid development and extensive urban expansion over the years, with consequent land consumption and degradation. However, Arcella also represents a unique opportunity to reconnect the urban fabric, enhance its cultural heritage and promote sustainable development. In addition, today many municipal administrations continue to use the term "urban regeneration" to refer to a simple renovation of buildings and surrounding spaces, focusing exclusively on the physical modification of structures and their reuse. This concept has represented for many years the traditional approach to the transformation of abandoned urban areas, both small in size and large former industrial areas. However, the current concept of urban regeneration places emphasis mainly on the design of aspects related to environmental sustainability, the creation of new living and working models within the city, the promotion of social cohesion, as well as the creation of public or shared spaces in urban physical and social areas to be reconsidered. Urban regeneration is no longer limited to the mere aesthetic transformation or the economic-real estate aspect of the intervention; now it attributes greater importance to the functional and environmental aspects that emerge at the end of the works and to the management model adopted to guarantee correct maintenance. It is imperative to involve citizens, allowing them to express their needs and requests through collective discussions, as they are the ones who live or will live in these environments. This thesis therefore aims to explore in detail the urban regeneration process in Arcella, with particular attention to the local context, its specific needs and potential. Through an in-depth study, the factors that drive urban regeneration in this neighborhood will be analyzed, the strategies adopted to reduce land consumption, and the expected impacts on the quality of life of its inhabitants. During the course of this thesis, the challenges and opportunities of urban regeneration will be explored, providing a complete overview of the benefits that it can bring to Arcella and, more generally, to the urban environment.
Il consumo del suolo rappresenta una delle sfide più urgenti nell'ambito dell'urbanistica e della pianificazione territoriale dei nostri tempi. L'espansione incontrollata delle aree urbane, spesso a discapito di spazi verdi, agricoli e di inestimabile valore ecologico, minaccia non solo l'equilibrio ambientale, ma anche la qualità della vita dei cittadini. In un'epoca in cui la densità demografica nelle città è in costante crescita, e le risorse naturali sono sottoposte a una pressione sempre maggiore, è fondamentale ripensare il modo in cui progettiamo e gestiamo le nostre aree urbane. In questo contesto, la rigenerazione urbana si pone come una risposta innovativa e sostenibile alle sfide della crescita urbana. La rigenerazione mira a trasformare aree urbane degradate o dismesse in spazi vitali, dinamici e inclusivi, con un'enfasi sulla conservazione delle risorse esistenti e sull'ottimizzazione dell'uso del suolo. Essa non solo mira a ridurre il consumo di suolo, ma promuove anche la riqualificazione delle aree, la coesione sociale e la sostenibilità ambientale. Il quartiere di Arcella, situato nella zona Nord di Padova a ridosso della stazione ferroviaria, è un esempio emblematico delle sfide e delle opportunità legate alla rigenerazione urbana. Questo quartiere, come molti altri in Italia e nel mondo, ha subito negli anni un rapido sviluppo e un'estesa espansione urbana, con conseguente consumo e degrado del suolo. Tuttavia, Arcella rappresenta anche un'occasione unica per riconnettere il tessuto urbano, valorizzare il suo patrimonio culturale e promuovere uno sviluppo sostenibile. In aggiunta, oggi molte amministrazioni comunali continuano a utilizzare il termine "rigenerazione urbana" per fare riferimento a una semplice ristrutturazione degli edifici e degli spazi circostanti, concentrandosi esclusivamente sulla modifica fisica delle strutture e sulla loro riutilizzazione. Questa concezione ha rappresentato per molti anni l'approccio tradizionale alla trasformazione di aree urbane dismesse, sia di dimensioni ridotte che di grandi ex-zone industriali. Tuttavia, il concetto attuale di rigenerazione urbana pone l'enfasi principalmente sulla progettazione di aspetti legati alla sostenibilità ambientale, alla creazione di nuovi modelli abitativi e lavorativi all'interno della città, alla promozione della coesione sociale, nonché alla creazione di spazi pubblici o condivisi in aree fisiche e sociali urbane da riconsiderare. La rigenerazione urbana non si limita più alla mera trasformazione estetica o all'aspetto economico-immobiliare dell'intervento; ora attribuisce maggiore rilevanza agli aspetti funzionali e ambientali che emergono al termine dei lavori e al modello gestionale adottato per garantirne la corretta manutenzione. È imperativo coinvolgere i cittadini, consentendo loro di esprimere le proprie necessità e richieste attraverso discussioni collettive, in quanto essi sono coloro che vivono o vivranno in questi ambienti. Questa tesi si propone pertanto di esplorare in dettaglio il processo di rigenerazione urbana ad Arcella, con un'attenzione particolare al contesto locale, alle sue specifiche esigenze e potenzialità. Attraverso uno studio approfondito, saranno analizzati i fattori che guidano la rigenerazione urbana in questo quartiere, le strategie adottate per la riduzione del consumo del suolo, e gli impatti attesi sulla qualità della vita dei suoi abitanti. Nel corso di questa tesi, verranno esplorate le sfide e le opportunità della rigenerazione urbana, fornendo una panoramica completa dei benefici che essa può portare ad Arcella e, più in generale, all'ambiente urbano.
Rigenerazione urbana come strumento di contrasto del consumo del suolo: Studio di caso su Arcella.
Land consumption represents one of the most urgent challenges in urban and regional planning of our times. The uncontrolled expansion of urban areas, often to the detriment of green, agricultural spaces of inestimable ecological value, threatens not only the environmental balance, but also the quality of life of citizens. In an era where population density in cities is constantly growing, and natural resources are under ever-increasing pressure, it is essential to rethink the way we design and manage our urban areas. In this context, urban regeneration presents itself as an innovative and sustainable response to the challenges of urban growth. Regeneration aims to transform degraded or disused urban areas into vibrant, dynamic and inclusive spaces, with an emphasis on the conservation of existing resources and the optimization of land use. It not only aims to reduce land consumption, but also promotes the redevelopment of areas, social cohesion and environmental sustainability. The Arcella district, located in the northern area of Padua close to the train station, is an emblematic example of the challenges and opportunities linked to urban regeneration. This neighborhood, like many others in Italy and around the world, has undergone rapid development and extensive urban expansion over the years, with consequent land consumption and degradation. However, Arcella also represents a unique opportunity to reconnect the urban fabric, enhance its cultural heritage and promote sustainable development. In addition, today many municipal administrations continue to use the term "urban regeneration" to refer to a simple renovation of buildings and surrounding spaces, focusing exclusively on the physical modification of structures and their reuse. This concept has represented for many years the traditional approach to the transformation of abandoned urban areas, both small in size and large former industrial areas. However, the current concept of urban regeneration places emphasis mainly on the design of aspects related to environmental sustainability, the creation of new living and working models within the city, the promotion of social cohesion, as well as the creation of public or shared spaces in urban physical and social areas to be reconsidered. Urban regeneration is no longer limited to the mere aesthetic transformation or the economic-real estate aspect of the intervention; now it attributes greater importance to the functional and environmental aspects that emerge at the end of the works and to the management model adopted to guarantee correct maintenance. It is imperative to involve citizens, allowing them to express their needs and requests through collective discussions, as they are the ones who live or will live in these environments. This thesis therefore aims to explore in detail the urban regeneration process in Arcella, with particular attention to the local context, its specific needs and potential. Through an in-depth study, the factors that drive urban regeneration in this neighborhood will be analyzed, the strategies adopted to reduce land consumption, and the expected impacts on the quality of life of its inhabitants. During the course of this thesis, the challenges and opportunities of urban regeneration will be explored, providing a complete overview of the benefits that it can bring to Arcella and, more generally, to the urban environment.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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