Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology that originated during the Second World War and has now a wide range of applications in various sectors, from logistics to industry, from healthcare to security. It is an automatic identification system consisting of an RFID tag and a reader. When the tag is activated through magnetic induction, it sends a signal to the reader. This technology is used to enhance and automate the identification and tracking process of objects. Unlike common barcodes, as it operates independently of human interaction, RFID usage minimizes potential reading errors, making it more secure and efficient Staff International, the productive arm of OTB Group’s brands operating in the fashion industry, plans to implement this technology for its products in 2024. The goal is to streamline and expedite warehouse inbound and outbound processes, enabling greater traceability of items and therefore improving logistical processes as a whole.To improve logistical processes, Staff International, the production service of OTB group brands operating in the fashion industry, plans to implement this technology for its products in 2024. This initiative aims to streamline and expedite warehouse inbound and outbound processes, enabling greater traceability of items. Additionally, the company intends to implement Near Field Communication (NFC) tags, a short-range wireless communication system that facilitates data exchange between compatible devices in close proximity. This is aimed at combating the secondary market, ensuring the authenticity of the product for the customer, and providing enhanced services by offering videos and digital materials. The present thesis will provide an in-depth analysis of both the RFID technology and the benefits resulting from its implementation within the company. It will describe the project comprehensively and further compare the AS IS and TO BE
L'identificazione a radiofrequenza (RFID) è una tecnologia, nata inizialmente durante la seconda guerra mondiale, che oggi ha una vasta gamma di applicazioni in diversi settori, dalla logistica all'industria, dalla salute alla sicurezza. È un sistema di identificazione automatica composta da un da un tag RFID e un lettore, nel momento in cui il tag viene attivato tramite induzione magnetica invia un segnale al lettore. Questa tecnologia viene utilizzata per migliorare e automatizzare il processo di identificazione e tracciamento degli oggetti. A differenza dei comuni barcode, essendo svincolato dall’interazione con l’uomo, l’utilizzo dell’RFID riduce al minimo potenziali errori di lettura ed è quindi maggiormente sicuro ed efficace. Proprio per migliorare i processi in ambito logistico, Staff International, service produttivo dei marchi del gruppo OTB, operativo nell’ambito della moda, ha in progetto di implementare tale tecnologia relativamente ai suoi prodotti durante il 2024. Questo permetterà di snellire e velocizzare l’inbound e l’outbound a magazzino e consentirà una maggior tracciabilità degli articoli. Inoltre, intende implementare un tag NFC, sistema di comunicazione wireless a breve raggio che consente lo scambio di dati tra dispositivi compatibili quando si trovano a distanze molto ravvicinate, con l’intento di contrastare il mercato secondario, garantire al cliente l’autenticità del capo e offrire al cliente un maggior servizio rendendo disponibile al suo interno video e materiale digitale. La presente tesi si propone di esplorare e analizzare i vantaggi derivanti dall'implementazione della tecnologia RFID all’interno dell’azienda e descrivere il progetto nella sua interezza e confrontare AS IS e il TO BE. Inoltre, verrà descritta e analizzata la tecnologia RFID.
La tecnologia RFID applicata alla filiera della moda. Il caso Staff International.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology that originated during the Second World War and has now a wide range of applications in various sectors, from logistics to industry, from healthcare to security. It is an automatic identification system consisting of an RFID tag and a reader. When the tag is activated through magnetic induction, it sends a signal to the reader. This technology is used to enhance and automate the identification and tracking process of objects. Unlike common barcodes, as it operates independently of human interaction, RFID usage minimizes potential reading errors, making it more secure and efficient Staff International, the productive arm of OTB Group’s brands operating in the fashion industry, plans to implement this technology for its products in 2024. The goal is to streamline and expedite warehouse inbound and outbound processes, enabling greater traceability of items and therefore improving logistical processes as a whole.To improve logistical processes, Staff International, the production service of OTB group brands operating in the fashion industry, plans to implement this technology for its products in 2024. This initiative aims to streamline and expedite warehouse inbound and outbound processes, enabling greater traceability of items. Additionally, the company intends to implement Near Field Communication (NFC) tags, a short-range wireless communication system that facilitates data exchange between compatible devices in close proximity. This is aimed at combating the secondary market, ensuring the authenticity of the product for the customer, and providing enhanced services by offering videos and digital materials. The present thesis will provide an in-depth analysis of both the RFID technology and the benefits resulting from its implementation within the company. It will describe the project comprehensively and further compare the AS IS and TO BEFile | Dimensione | Formato | |
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