Introduction: An attentional bias is the automatic and involuntary tendency to pay more attention to certain types of stimuli, or to avoid selectively others. Attentional biases are the result of the cognitive system’s ability to make hierarchies of relevance among the multitude of stimuli received. Although this function is adaptive, linked to survival, in some cases it can become dysfunctional and contribute to the development and maintenance of some psychiatric disorders including anorexia nervosa (AN). The purpose of the study is to investigate the bias of images of bodies other than their own in patients suffering from AN, using a dot-probe task along with an eye-tracking measurement. Methodology: The sample of the study consisted of 102 young women: 48 healthy controls and 54 participants affected by AN from the Regional Centre for Eating Disorders in Padua. Participants performed a dot-probe task while a wearable eye-tracking system recorded their eye movements. The stimuli presented consisted of 12 images of underweight female bodies, 12 images of normal-weight female bodies, 12 images of overweight female bodies, and 36 images of neutral objects. From the measurements collected by eye-tracking, two indices were extracted for the evaluation of attentional bias: a direction bias and a duration bias. Results: Referring to the direction bias, single sample t-tests show positive bias in patients at 500 ms towards bodies with any BMI, at 1500 ms positive bias towards underweight bodies and avoidance of overweight bodies. The controls present an avoidance for body stimuli at the first fixation, independently of the BMI. The conducted LMM shows a major effect of the time factor (F=14.96, p=<.001), a major effect of the body factor (F=6.25, p=.002), and a major effect of the group factor (F=6.37, p=.013). Bias was higher for UWB, stronger at 500 ms, AN patients had stronger bias against body salient stimuli than HC. Referring to the duration bias, the results of single sample t-tests indicate that patients with AN have a positive bias for underweight bodies in 1500 ms trials. The LMM showed a major effect of the group factor (F=5.74, p=.019), with a higher bias in patients rather than HC; a major effect of the body type factor (F=4.84; p=.008), with a higher bias for UWB; and a major effect of the time factor, with a higher bias for 1500 ms than 500 ms. Conclusions: Considering our analysis, the automaticity with which the attention is directed to the stimuli of bodies in patients with AN and the implicit mechanism of bottom-up of the attentive process, it’s difficult to expect to be able to change the biases intervening on explicit, conscious and rational mechanisms, which are the targets of psychotherapy, controlled by a prefrontal processing. Referring to automatic mechanisms associated with subcortical and temporo-parietal circuits, in the future it is necessary to introduce more studies in this field and to think about the neural circuits at the base of the attentive biases to develop treatment strategies through attentive training that help redirect the attentive stimulus in a more adaptive way.
Introduzione: Un bias attentivo è la tendenza automatica e involontaria a prestare maggiore attenzione ad alcuni tipi di stimoli, o ad evitarne selettivamente altri. I bias attentivi sono il risultato della capacità del sistema cognitivo di creare delle gerarchie di rilevanza tra la moltitudine di stimoli ricevuti. Nonostante questa funzione sia adattativa, legata alla sopravvivenza, in alcuni casi può diventare disfunzionale e contribuire allo sviluppo e al mantenimento di alcuni disturbi psichiatrici tra i quali l’anoressia nervosa (AN). Lo scopo dello studio condotto è quello di indagare il bias attentivo nei confronti di immagini di corpi diversi dal proprio nelle pazienti affette da AN, utilizzando un compito dot-probe insieme ad una misurazione eye-tracking. Metodologia: Il campione dello studio era costituito da 102 giovani donne: 48 controlli sani e 54 partecipanti affette da AN provenienti dal Centro Regionale per i disturbi del comportamento alimentare di Padova. Le partecipanti hanno svolto un dot-probe task mentre i loro movimenti oculari venivano registrati con un sistema di eye-tracking indossabile. Gli stimoli presentati consistevano in 12 immagini di corpi femminili sottopeso, 12 immagini di corpi femminili normopeso, 12 immagini di corpi femminili sovrappeso, e 36 immagini di oggetti neutri. A partire dalle misurazione raccolte mediante l’eye-tracking sono stati estratti due indici per la valutazione del bias attentivo: un direction bias e un duration bias. Risultati: In merito al direction bias, i t-test a campione singolo mostrano nelle pazienti un bias positivo a 500 ms verso i corpi con qualsiasi BMI, a 1500 ms un bias positivo verso i corpi sottopeso ed un evitamento dei corpi sovrappeso. I controlli presentano alla prima fissazione un evitamento per gli stimoli di corpi, indipendentemente dal BMI. Il LMM condotto mostra un effetto principale del fattore tempo (F=14,96, p=<.001), un effetto principale del fattore corpo (F=6,25, p=.002), e un effetto principale del fattore gruppo (F=6,37, p=.013). Il bias era maggiore per gli UWB, più forte a 500 ms, le pazienti con AN presentavano un bias più forte nei confronti degli stimoli salienti di corpi rispetto agli HC. In riferimento al duration bias, i risultati dei t-test a campione singolo indicano che le pazienti con AN presentano un bias positivo per i corpi sottopeso nei trial da 1500 ms. Il LMM ha mostrato un effetto principale del fattore gruppo (F=5,74, p=.019), con un bias maggiore nelle pazienti piuttosto che negli HC; un effetto principale del fattore tipo di corpo (F=4,84; p=.008), con un bias maggiore per i corpi UWB rispetto ad altri BMI; e un effetto principale del fattore tempo, con un bias maggiore nel caso dei 1500 ms rispetto ai 500 ms. Conclusioni: Alla luce delle analisi svolte, data l’automaticità con cui l’attenzione viene indirizzata agli stimoli di corpi nelle pazienti con AN e dato il meccanismo implicito di bottom-up alla base di tali processi attentivi, risulta difficile aspettarsi di poter modificare i bias agendo su meccanismi espliciti, consci e tendenzialmente più razionali, che sono i target della psicoterapia, controllati da una processazione prefrontale. Riferendosi a meccanismi automatici associati a circuiti sottocorticali e temporo-parietali, in futuro è necessario ampliare gli studi in questo ambito e ragionare sui circuiti neurali alla base dei bias attentivi per sviluppare strategie di trattamento mediante training attentivi che aiutino a ridirigere lo stimolo attentivo in modo più adattivo.
Valutazione del bias attentivo verso stimoli di corpi nell'Anoressia Nervosa: uno studio di eye-tracking.
Introduction: An attentional bias is the automatic and involuntary tendency to pay more attention to certain types of stimuli, or to avoid selectively others. Attentional biases are the result of the cognitive system’s ability to make hierarchies of relevance among the multitude of stimuli received. Although this function is adaptive, linked to survival, in some cases it can become dysfunctional and contribute to the development and maintenance of some psychiatric disorders including anorexia nervosa (AN). The purpose of the study is to investigate the bias of images of bodies other than their own in patients suffering from AN, using a dot-probe task along with an eye-tracking measurement. Methodology: The sample of the study consisted of 102 young women: 48 healthy controls and 54 participants affected by AN from the Regional Centre for Eating Disorders in Padua. Participants performed a dot-probe task while a wearable eye-tracking system recorded their eye movements. The stimuli presented consisted of 12 images of underweight female bodies, 12 images of normal-weight female bodies, 12 images of overweight female bodies, and 36 images of neutral objects. From the measurements collected by eye-tracking, two indices were extracted for the evaluation of attentional bias: a direction bias and a duration bias. Results: Referring to the direction bias, single sample t-tests show positive bias in patients at 500 ms towards bodies with any BMI, at 1500 ms positive bias towards underweight bodies and avoidance of overweight bodies. The controls present an avoidance for body stimuli at the first fixation, independently of the BMI. The conducted LMM shows a major effect of the time factor (F=14.96, p=<.001), a major effect of the body factor (F=6.25, p=.002), and a major effect of the group factor (F=6.37, p=.013). Bias was higher for UWB, stronger at 500 ms, AN patients had stronger bias against body salient stimuli than HC. Referring to the duration bias, the results of single sample t-tests indicate that patients with AN have a positive bias for underweight bodies in 1500 ms trials. The LMM showed a major effect of the group factor (F=5.74, p=.019), with a higher bias in patients rather than HC; a major effect of the body type factor (F=4.84; p=.008), with a higher bias for UWB; and a major effect of the time factor, with a higher bias for 1500 ms than 500 ms. Conclusions: Considering our analysis, the automaticity with which the attention is directed to the stimuli of bodies in patients with AN and the implicit mechanism of bottom-up of the attentive process, it’s difficult to expect to be able to change the biases intervening on explicit, conscious and rational mechanisms, which are the targets of psychotherapy, controlled by a prefrontal processing. Referring to automatic mechanisms associated with subcortical and temporo-parietal circuits, in the future it is necessary to introduce more studies in this field and to think about the neural circuits at the base of the attentive biases to develop treatment strategies through attentive training that help redirect the attentive stimulus in a more adaptive way.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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