The family crisis is a negative concept which evokes emotionally distressed people, who deal with objective problems on a daily basis. The family always remains the pillar of society, but it has gradually undergone important transformations. If the family crisis plays an important role in this essay, the position of the minor is even more central. Protecting the minor in a marital crisis is a difficult task as he is a fragile, weak individual and not able to deal with such emotional upheaval. Parents have the responsibility for the internal well-being of the minor, even, and above all, in such circumstances when personal disputes and resentments often prevail. By analyzing the role of women within the family, and its changes over the years, we want to understand how much this has influenced the recognition of a transformation in couple relationships. The 1975 family law reform has in fact contributed to spreading a new concept of union, no longer based on a superior public interest, but on the free choice of the individual. The couple, who becomes a family with the birth of a child, cannot selfishly think only of themselves, when internal relationship begins to crack. ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution), i.e. alternative techniques for resolving disputes, oppose the inefficiencies and bureaucratic delays of the Courts. Family mediation is a parallel institution to legal proceedings, but pursues different targets: re-establishing adequate communication between spouses, protecting the interests and well-being of children, ensuring that the couple takes on parental responsibilities and promoting a consensual approach, thus reducing both the conflict and the possible economic and social costs of separation and divorce. The “Mediator" is a neutral third party, called by the couple to find the basis of an agreement acceptable to both and stable in the long term. Mediation is a process that the couple takes for a period of three to six months, thanks to which they seek their own personal balance for the well-being of the family. The protection of minors in marital crisis sees the resolution of family problems fragmented between different judicial bodies and this can sometimes generate delays, overlaps and misunderstandings that compromise a rapid and effective resolution of the dispute. Law no. 54/2006, placing parental figures on the same level, established the minor's right to bi-parenthood. The decisions of greatest interest, such as education, upbringing and health, must be taken by both parents, while other issues, that fall within everyday life, can be decided individually by one of them. For the judge who must establish custody of the minor in court, listening to him is very important. Listening to, compared to hearing (a term previously used), expresses greater involvement: the judge is attentive to the minor's needs and thoughts and in case can review his beliefs and judgment. The last chapter deals with Parental Alienation, a dysfunctional psychological dynamic that affects minors involved in their parents' conflictual separations. It’s a real "brainwashing". It is a continuous campaign of denigration that induces the minor to distance himself from the other parent. Unfortunately the alienating parent thinks he is acting for the well-being of the minor; actually, he is only pouring out on the child his anger and contempt towards the other parent.
La crisi della famiglia è un concetto di per sé negativo, che evoca persone emotivamente provate, quotidianamente alle prese con problemi di carattere oggettivo. La famiglia rimane sempre il pilastro della società, ma nel tempo ha subito trasformazioni importanti. Se la crisi familiare ha un ruolo importante in questo elaborato, ancora più centrale è la posizione del minore, alla quale sono stati rimandati gran parte dei capitoli e paragrafi. Tutelare il minore in una situazione di crisi coniugale è un compito difficile in quanto egli è un soggetto fragile, debole e non in grado di affrontare un simile sconvolgimento emotivo. I genitori hanno la responsabilità del benessere interiore del minore, anche, e soprattutto, in tali circostanze quando spesso prevalgono dispute e ripicche personali. Analizzando il ruolo della donna all’interno della famiglia, ed il suo cambiamento negli anni, si vuole comprendere quanto ciò abbia influito al riconoscimento di una trasformazione dei rapporti di coppia. La riforma del diritto di famiglia del 1975 ha infatti contribuito a diffondere un nuovo concetto di unione, non più fondato su di un interesse pubblico superiore, ma sulla libera scelta del singolo. La coppia, che diventa famiglia con la nascita di un figlio, non può pensare egoisticamente solo a se stessa quando i rapporti interni iniziano ad incrinarsi. Le ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution), i.e. tecniche alternative per la risoluzione delle controversie, si contrappongono alle inefficienze ed alle lungaggini burocratiche dei tribunali. La mediazione familiare è un istituto parallelo al procedimento legale, ma persegue obiettivi diversi: ristabilire un’adeguata comunicazione tra i coniugi, proteggere gli interessi ed il benessere dei figli, far sì che la coppia si faccia carico della responsabilità genitoriale e promuovere un approccio consensuale, riducendo così sia il conflitto che gli eventuali costi economici e sociali della separazione e del divorzio. Il “mediatore” è un soggetto terzo, neutrale chiamato dalla coppia per trovare le basi di un accordo accettabile da entrambi e stabile nel lungo periodo. La mediazione è un percorso che la coppia fa (composto da alcune sedute per un periodo dai tre ai sei mesi), grazie al quale ricercare un proprio equilibrio personale per il bene della famiglia. La tutela del minore nella crisi coniugale vede frammentata la risoluzione delle problematiche familiari tra diversi organi giudiziari e questo talvolta può generare ritardi, sovrapposizioni ed incomprensioni che compromettono una rapida ed efficace risoluzione delle disputa. La legge n. 54/2006, ponendo sullo stesso piano le figure genitoriali, ha sancito il diritto del minore alla bi-genitorialitá. Le decisioni cosiddette di maggior interesse, come l’istruzione, l’educazione e la salute, devono essere prese da entrambi i genitori, mentre le altre questioni che rientrano nella quotidianità possono essere decise singolarmente da uno dei genitori. Per il giudice che deve stabilire in sede giudiziale l’affidamento del minore, è molto importante il suo ascolto. Ascoltare, rispetto a sentire (termine usato in precedenza), esprime un maggiore coinvolgimento: il giudice é attento alle esigenze del minore ed alle sue idee e quindi nel caso può rivedere le sue convinzioni ed il giudizio. Nell’ultimo capitolo si affronta il tema dell’alienazione parentale, dinamica psicologica disfunzionale, che colpisce i figli minori coinvolti nelle separazioni conflittuali dei genitori. Il fenomeno consiste in un vero e proprio “lavaggio del cervello”. È una continua campagna denigratoria che induce il minore ad allontanarsi dall’altro genitore. Purtroppo a volte il genitore alienante pensa di agire per il bene del minore, ma, in realtà, sta solamente riversando sul figlio la sua rabbia ed il disprezzo verso l’altro genitore.
I diritti sostanziali e processuali del minore nella crisi familiare.
The family crisis is a negative concept which evokes emotionally distressed people, who deal with objective problems on a daily basis. The family always remains the pillar of society, but it has gradually undergone important transformations. If the family crisis plays an important role in this essay, the position of the minor is even more central. Protecting the minor in a marital crisis is a difficult task as he is a fragile, weak individual and not able to deal with such emotional upheaval. Parents have the responsibility for the internal well-being of the minor, even, and above all, in such circumstances when personal disputes and resentments often prevail. By analyzing the role of women within the family, and its changes over the years, we want to understand how much this has influenced the recognition of a transformation in couple relationships. The 1975 family law reform has in fact contributed to spreading a new concept of union, no longer based on a superior public interest, but on the free choice of the individual. The couple, who becomes a family with the birth of a child, cannot selfishly think only of themselves, when internal relationship begins to crack. ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution), i.e. alternative techniques for resolving disputes, oppose the inefficiencies and bureaucratic delays of the Courts. Family mediation is a parallel institution to legal proceedings, but pursues different targets: re-establishing adequate communication between spouses, protecting the interests and well-being of children, ensuring that the couple takes on parental responsibilities and promoting a consensual approach, thus reducing both the conflict and the possible economic and social costs of separation and divorce. The “Mediator" is a neutral third party, called by the couple to find the basis of an agreement acceptable to both and stable in the long term. Mediation is a process that the couple takes for a period of three to six months, thanks to which they seek their own personal balance for the well-being of the family. The protection of minors in marital crisis sees the resolution of family problems fragmented between different judicial bodies and this can sometimes generate delays, overlaps and misunderstandings that compromise a rapid and effective resolution of the dispute. Law no. 54/2006, placing parental figures on the same level, established the minor's right to bi-parenthood. The decisions of greatest interest, such as education, upbringing and health, must be taken by both parents, while other issues, that fall within everyday life, can be decided individually by one of them. For the judge who must establish custody of the minor in court, listening to him is very important. Listening to, compared to hearing (a term previously used), expresses greater involvement: the judge is attentive to the minor's needs and thoughts and in case can review his beliefs and judgment. The last chapter deals with Parental Alienation, a dysfunctional psychological dynamic that affects minors involved in their parents' conflictual separations. It’s a real "brainwashing". It is a continuous campaign of denigration that induces the minor to distance himself from the other parent. Unfortunately the alienating parent thinks he is acting for the well-being of the minor; actually, he is only pouring out on the child his anger and contempt towards the other parent.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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