In the region near the N=20 shell closure for neutron-rich nuclei, the lowest energy states are dominated by intruder configurations, in which some neutrons are excited across the shell gap. Nucleon-nucleon correlations and shell evolution lead to a progressive reduction of the sd-fp gap, lowering the energy of intruder states, until they become ground states, in an area called Island of Inversion. To get information on the structure of a nucleus in a specific excited state, it is useful to measure its lifetime. Being related to the reduced gamma transition probability, it may give an indirect description of the wave function associated with the state. This thesis is a preliminary analysis of an experiment that aims to study the spectra and obtain lifetime measurements of lower excited states in 27Mg and 28Mg, nuclei located near the western shore of the Island of Inversion. The states of interest were populated in multi-nucleon transfer reactions, using an accelerated 26Mg beam on a 238U target. The AGATA tracking array was used in coincidence with the PRISMA magnetic spectrometer, to detect gamma rays and associate them to the isotope that emitted them. Lifetimes are extracted from gamma spectra using the Doppler-Shift Attenuation Method, by comparing experimental peak shapes with those produced by Monte Carlo simulations, developed with GEANT4.
Nella regione vicina alla chiusura di shell a N=20 per nuclei ricchi di neutroni i primi stati nucleari eccitati risultano dominati da configurazioni "intruder”, in cui alcuni neutroni sono eccitati a orbitali oltre lo shell gap. Man mano che ci si allontana dalla valle di stabilità, correlazioni nucleone-nucleone e deformazioni collettive portano ad una progressiva riduzione del gap tra shell sd e fp, abbassando in energia le configurazioni anomale, finché non diventano lo stato fondamentale in quella che viene chiamata Isola di Inversione. Per ricavare informazioni sulla struttura di uno stato nucleare, risulta utile misurarne il tempo di vita medio che, essendo legato alla probabilità di transizione gamma, può fornire indirettamente una descrizione della funzione d’onda relativa allo stato stesso. In questa tesi si fornisce un’analisi preliminare di un esperimento volto a indagare lo spettro e a misurare i tempi di vita medi dei primi stati eccitati di 27Mg e 28Mg, nuclei prossimi ai limiti dell’Isola di Inversione. Gli stati oggetto di studio sono stati popolati tramite reazioni di trasferimento con fasci accelerati di 26Mg su un bersaglio di 238U. Per il tracciamento dei raggi gamma si è utilizzato l’array di rivelatori AGATA (Advanced Gamma Tracking Array) accoppiato allo spettrometro magnetico PRISMA per la selezione evento per evento degli isotopi di interesse. La misura dei tempi di vita medi è stata effettuata con il cosiddetto Doppler-Shift Attenuation Method, confrontando la forma dei picchi negli spettri gamma ottenuti nell’esperimento con quelli prodotti da simulazioni Monte Carlo realizzate con il software GEANT4.
Misura dei tempi di vita medi di stati nucleari eccitati popolati nella reazione 26Mg + 238U utilizzando la tecnica DSAM con lo spettrometro AGATA
In the region near the N=20 shell closure for neutron-rich nuclei, the lowest energy states are dominated by intruder configurations, in which some neutrons are excited across the shell gap. Nucleon-nucleon correlations and shell evolution lead to a progressive reduction of the sd-fp gap, lowering the energy of intruder states, until they become ground states, in an area called Island of Inversion. To get information on the structure of a nucleus in a specific excited state, it is useful to measure its lifetime. Being related to the reduced gamma transition probability, it may give an indirect description of the wave function associated with the state. This thesis is a preliminary analysis of an experiment that aims to study the spectra and obtain lifetime measurements of lower excited states in 27Mg and 28Mg, nuclei located near the western shore of the Island of Inversion. The states of interest were populated in multi-nucleon transfer reactions, using an accelerated 26Mg beam on a 238U target. The AGATA tracking array was used in coincidence with the PRISMA magnetic spectrometer, to detect gamma rays and associate them to the isotope that emitted them. Lifetimes are extracted from gamma spectra using the Doppler-Shift Attenuation Method, by comparing experimental peak shapes with those produced by Monte Carlo simulations, developed with GEANT4.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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