This thesis focuses on the geomorphometric analysis of a mountain catchment area, specifically the Miozza stream in the province of Udine. Extreme weather events, accentuated by climate change, have a significant impact on the morphology of the torrent and the solid transport that occurs there, influencing sediment dynamics, slope stability and the safety of the built-up area of Ovaro, located in the conoid of the basin. Using LiDAR surveys, and contextual aerial images, carried out in 2003, 2009 and 2018, the sediment source areas of the basin were identified, mapped and characterised to describe their evolutionary dynamics and characterise their morphometric properties. Subsequently, the data on the source areas were integrated with an assessment of the state of maintenance of the hydraulic forestry works present in the basin. The results obtained show a significant increase in the number of source areas over the period considered, rising from 47 in 2003, to 119 in 2009, reaching 262 in 2018. However, this increase mainly concerns the activation of new small areas, as evidenced by the comparison of the amplitude distributions and the modest increase in the total coverage of the basin, which rose from 3,4% in 2003, to 3,5% in 2009, to 3,8% in 2018. Finally, the results obtained indicate that, although some hydraulic-forestry works have contributed to reducing the hydrogeological risk in specific areas, the distribution and evolution of the sediment source areas have varied during the three periods considered: the number, extension, slope and elevation of the source areas have increased from 2003 to 2018. This suggests that the current basin management strategies and the hydraulic forestry works present require further adaptations and changes to effectively address the hydrogeological risk. Continuous monitoring and targeted interventions to mitigate the effects of flood plains and debris flows are important.
Il presente lavoro di tesi si concentra sull’analisi geomorfometrica di un bacino idrografico montano, in particolare del torrente Miozza, in provincia di Udine. Gli eventi meteorici estremi, accentuati dai cambiamenti climatici, hanno un impatto significativo sulla morfologia del torrente e sul trasporto solido che vi si verifica, influenzando la dinamica del sedimento, la stabilità dei versanti e la sicurezza del centro abitato di Ovaro, collocato nel conoide del bacino. Utilizzando i rilievi LiDAR, e le contestuali immagini aeree, effettuati nel 2003, nel 2009 e nel 2018, sono state identificate, mappate e caratterizzate le aree sorgenti di sedimento del bacino per descriverne la dinamica evolutiva e caratterizzarne le proprietà morfometriche. Successivamente i dati relativi alle aree sorgenti sono stati integrati con la valutazione dello stato di manutenzione delle opere di sistemazione idraulico-forestale presenti nel bacino. I risultati ottenuti mostrano un significativo incremento del numero di aree sorgenti nel periodo considerato, passando da 47 nel 2003, a 119 nel 2009, fino a raggiungere 262 nel 2018. Tuttavia, questo aumento riguarda principalmente l'attivazione di nuove aree di piccole dimensioni, come evidenziato dal confronto delle distribuzioni delle ampiezze e dal modesto incremento della copertura totale del bacino, che è passata dal 3,4% nel 2003, al 3,5% nel 2009, fino al 3,8% nel 2018. Infine, i risultati ottenuti indicano che, nonostante alcune opere di sistemazione idraulico-forestale abbiano contribuito a ridurre il rischio idrogeologico in alcune zone specifiche, la distribuzione e l’evoluzione delle aree sorgenti di sedimenti sono variate nel corso dei tre periodi presi in considerazione: il numero, l’estensione, la pendenza e l’elevazione delle aree sorgenti hanno subito un aumento dal 2003 al 2018. Questo suggerisce che le attuali strategie di gestione del bacino e le opere di sistemazione idraulico-forestale presenti richiedano ulteriori adattamenti e cambiamenti per affrontare efficacemente il rischio idrogeologico. In particolare, sono importanti monitoraggi continui e interventi mirati per mitigare gli effetti delle piane e delle colate detritiche.
Analisi geomorfometrica delle aree sorgenti di sedimento nel bacino del torrente Miozza (UD)
This thesis focuses on the geomorphometric analysis of a mountain catchment area, specifically the Miozza stream in the province of Udine. Extreme weather events, accentuated by climate change, have a significant impact on the morphology of the torrent and the solid transport that occurs there, influencing sediment dynamics, slope stability and the safety of the built-up area of Ovaro, located in the conoid of the basin. Using LiDAR surveys, and contextual aerial images, carried out in 2003, 2009 and 2018, the sediment source areas of the basin were identified, mapped and characterised to describe their evolutionary dynamics and characterise their morphometric properties. Subsequently, the data on the source areas were integrated with an assessment of the state of maintenance of the hydraulic forestry works present in the basin. The results obtained show a significant increase in the number of source areas over the period considered, rising from 47 in 2003, to 119 in 2009, reaching 262 in 2018. However, this increase mainly concerns the activation of new small areas, as evidenced by the comparison of the amplitude distributions and the modest increase in the total coverage of the basin, which rose from 3,4% in 2003, to 3,5% in 2009, to 3,8% in 2018. Finally, the results obtained indicate that, although some hydraulic-forestry works have contributed to reducing the hydrogeological risk in specific areas, the distribution and evolution of the sediment source areas have varied during the three periods considered: the number, extension, slope and elevation of the source areas have increased from 2003 to 2018. This suggests that the current basin management strategies and the hydraulic forestry works present require further adaptations and changes to effectively address the hydrogeological risk. Continuous monitoring and targeted interventions to mitigate the effects of flood plains and debris flows are important.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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