Background: The main aim of the evaluation of thyroid nodules is to distinguish between benign and malignant nodules. In most cases they are benign; indeed, only the 7-15% of thyroid nodules is malignant. However, there are some histologically indeterminate entities that do not fall into either category, but that are halfway; precisely because of their ambiguous behavior, there is a great clinical and scientific interest in them. In the WHO classification of 2017 these lesions were defined “borderline”, while in the new WHO classification of 2022 they became part of the “low-risk neoplasms”. The main exponents of this category are the tumors of uncertain malignant potential (FT-UMP e WDT-UMP) and the non-invasive follicular neoplasm of the thyroid with papillary-like nuclear features (NIFTP). Currently, researchers are trying to discover some markers that could direct towards benignity or malignancy. Objective: The aim of this study is to better understand the nature of low-risk thyroid neoplasms and to characterized them more precisely from both a diagnostic and prognostic point of view. These are relatively new and little-known entities, whose behaviour is considered ambiguous. Understanding the biologic and clinic behaviour of these tumors is important in order to choose the most suitable treatment and to set the follow-up correctly. Materials and methods: The clinic data were retrospectively collected from the UOC of Endocrinology of the University-Hospital of Padua. These data were associated with the pathological data, which were retrospectively obtained thanks to the participation of the UOC of Pathological Anatomy of the same institute. In addition, molecular biology analysis were carried out to study the gene expression profile. At the end all the data were integrated. Results: This study analysed 87 patients in total. Pre-operative ultrasound characterization was available for 48 patients: 3 (6,3%) were EU-TIRADS-2, 22 (45,8%) EU-TIRADS-3, 18 (37,5%) EU-TIRADS-4 and 5 (10,4%) EU-TIRADS-5. The results of the cytological examination were available for 69 patients: 2 were TIR-1 (2,9%), 23 TIR-2 (33,3%), 37 TIR-3 (53,6%) and 7 TIR-4 (10,1%). In 73 patients, the type of surgery performed was known: total thyroidectomy in 41 cases (56,2%) and hemithyroidectomy in 32 cases (43,8%). At the histological classification: 21 (24,1%) tumors were NIFTP, 46 (52,9%) FT-UMP and 20 (23,0%) WDT-UMP. It was possible to determine the presence or absence of BRAF and RAS mutations in 82 patients (94,3%): all the cases were negative for BRAF mutation and 20 cases (24,4%) were positive for RAS mutation. The presence or absence of the TERT promoter mutation was evaluated in only 29 patients (33,3%): in 1 case (3,5%) a pTERT mutation was reported. All patients who continued the follow-up had a good clinical outcome (negative ultrasound and normal laboratory tests). Conclusions: Based on this study, low-risk thyroid cancers all seem to have a good clinical outcome. So it can be probably assumed that some total thyroidectomies were not necessary, given the indolent course of these tumors. However, it is not yet well-known how these tumors can behave in the long term. Therefore, further studies, with a larger sample size and longer-term follow-up, are needed to better characterize these tumors and to improve their management.
Introduzione: Lo scopo principale della valutazione dei pazienti con noduli tiroidei è distinguere tra noduli benigni e maligni. Nella maggior parte dei casi sono benigni; infatti, solo il 7-15% dei noduli tiroidei è maligno. Tuttavia, questa distinzione non è sempre possibile in quanto esistono delle entità istologicamente indeterminate che non rientrano a pieno titolo in una delle due categorie; ne consegue, proprio per il loro comportamento ambiguo, un grande interesse clinico e scientifico. Nella classificazione WHO del 2017 queste lesioni sono state definite “borderline” e nella nuova edizione del 2022 sono state inserite nel più grande basket delle “neoplasie a basso rischio”. I principali esponenti di questa categoria sono i tumori a incerto potenziale di malignità (FT-UMP e WDT-UMP) e la neoplasia follicolare non invasiva della tiroide con caratteristiche nucleari simil-papillari (NIFTP). Attualmente, si stanno ricercando dei markers che possano indirizzare verso la benignità o la malignità. Obiettivo: Lo scopo di questo studio è comprendere meglio la natura delle neoplasie tiroidee a basso rischio e caratterizzarle con più precisione sia dal punto di vista diagnostico che prognostico. Si tratta di entità nuove, poco conosciute e dal comportamento ambiguo. Capire il comportamento biologico e clinico di questi tumori è importante per scegliere il trattamento più adatto e impostare correttamente il follow-up. Materiali e metodi: Sono stati raccolti retrospettivamente i dati clinici dei pazienti con tumori tiroidei low-risk dalla UOC di Endocrinologia dell’Azienda Ospedale-Università di Padova. A questi sono stati associati i dati anatomo-patologici raccolti retrospettivamente dalla UOC di Anatomia Patologica della stessa struttura. Inoltre, è stato studiato il profilo di espressione genica. Tutti i dati ottenuti sono stati poi integrati tra loro. Risultati: Complessivamente sono stati studiati 87 pazienti. Di 48 pazienti era disponibile la caratterizzazione ecografica pre-operatoria: 3 (6,3%) sono risultati EU-TIRADS-2, 22 (45,8%) EU-TIRADS-3, 18 (37,5%) EU-TIRADS-4 e 5 (10,4%) EU-TIRADS-5. Di 69 pazienti era disponibile l’esito dell’esame citologico: 2 sono risultati TIR-1 (2,9%), 23 TIR-2 (33,3%), 37 TIR-3 (53,6%) e 7 TIR-4 (10,1%). In 73 pazienti era noto il tipo di intervento chirurgico effettuato: tiroidectomia totale in 41 casi (56,2%) ed emitiroidectomia in 32 casi (43,8%). Alla classificazione istologica: 21 (24,1%) tumori risultavano NIFTP, 46 (52,9%) FT-UMP e 20 (23,0%) WDT-UMP. È stato possibile determinare la presenza o meno delle mutazioni di BRAF e RAS in 82 pazienti (94,3%): tutti sono risultati negativi per BRAF e 20 (24,4%) sono risultati mutati per RAS. La presenza o meno della mutazione del promotore di TERT è stata valutata solo in 29 pazienti (33,3%): in 1 caso (3,5%) è stata riportata una mutazione di pTERT. Tutti i pazienti che hanno continuato il follow-up hanno avuto un buon outcome clinico (ecografia negativa ed esami di laboratorio nella norma). Conclusioni: In base a questo studio, i tumori tiroidei low-risk sembrerebbero tutti avere un buon outcome clinico. È probabile che in certi casi sia stato fatto overtreatment, visto l’andamento indolente di questi tumori. Però, comunque, non è ancora ben noto come questi tumori si comportino nel lungo periodo. Servono ulteriori studi, con numerosità campionaria maggiore e follow- up più a lungo termine, per caratterizzare sempre di più questi tumori e migliorarne la gestione.
Aspetti clinici e analisi molecolare delle neoplasie tiroidee a basso rischio: uno studio retrospettivo monocentrico.
Background: The main aim of the evaluation of thyroid nodules is to distinguish between benign and malignant nodules. In most cases they are benign; indeed, only the 7-15% of thyroid nodules is malignant. However, there are some histologically indeterminate entities that do not fall into either category, but that are halfway; precisely because of their ambiguous behavior, there is a great clinical and scientific interest in them. In the WHO classification of 2017 these lesions were defined “borderline”, while in the new WHO classification of 2022 they became part of the “low-risk neoplasms”. The main exponents of this category are the tumors of uncertain malignant potential (FT-UMP e WDT-UMP) and the non-invasive follicular neoplasm of the thyroid with papillary-like nuclear features (NIFTP). Currently, researchers are trying to discover some markers that could direct towards benignity or malignancy. Objective: The aim of this study is to better understand the nature of low-risk thyroid neoplasms and to characterized them more precisely from both a diagnostic and prognostic point of view. These are relatively new and little-known entities, whose behaviour is considered ambiguous. Understanding the biologic and clinic behaviour of these tumors is important in order to choose the most suitable treatment and to set the follow-up correctly. Materials and methods: The clinic data were retrospectively collected from the UOC of Endocrinology of the University-Hospital of Padua. These data were associated with the pathological data, which were retrospectively obtained thanks to the participation of the UOC of Pathological Anatomy of the same institute. In addition, molecular biology analysis were carried out to study the gene expression profile. At the end all the data were integrated. Results: This study analysed 87 patients in total. Pre-operative ultrasound characterization was available for 48 patients: 3 (6,3%) were EU-TIRADS-2, 22 (45,8%) EU-TIRADS-3, 18 (37,5%) EU-TIRADS-4 and 5 (10,4%) EU-TIRADS-5. The results of the cytological examination were available for 69 patients: 2 were TIR-1 (2,9%), 23 TIR-2 (33,3%), 37 TIR-3 (53,6%) and 7 TIR-4 (10,1%). In 73 patients, the type of surgery performed was known: total thyroidectomy in 41 cases (56,2%) and hemithyroidectomy in 32 cases (43,8%). At the histological classification: 21 (24,1%) tumors were NIFTP, 46 (52,9%) FT-UMP and 20 (23,0%) WDT-UMP. It was possible to determine the presence or absence of BRAF and RAS mutations in 82 patients (94,3%): all the cases were negative for BRAF mutation and 20 cases (24,4%) were positive for RAS mutation. The presence or absence of the TERT promoter mutation was evaluated in only 29 patients (33,3%): in 1 case (3,5%) a pTERT mutation was reported. All patients who continued the follow-up had a good clinical outcome (negative ultrasound and normal laboratory tests). Conclusions: Based on this study, low-risk thyroid cancers all seem to have a good clinical outcome. So it can be probably assumed that some total thyroidectomies were not necessary, given the indolent course of these tumors. However, it is not yet well-known how these tumors can behave in the long term. Therefore, further studies, with a larger sample size and longer-term follow-up, are needed to better characterize these tumors and to improve their management.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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