The present thesis explores the complex roles of images in the cultural and social context, delving into Aby Warburg's theories. Subsequently, it analyzes their impact on advertising through Neuromarketing tools, including Eye-tracking. Starting from the question "Is Eye-tracking truly useful in visual culture?", the research explores case studies and the results of a personal empirical investigation, aiming to critically evaluate the advantages and limitations of this technology, providing a nuanced answer to the research question. The thesis is structured as follows: -- The first chapter outlines the cultural landscape of images, analyzing the concept of visual culture and cultural relativism, highlighting the multiple facets that influence the production and reception of images. Furthermore, it explores the evocative power of images and their ability to shape individual and collective perception, revealing the complexity of interactions between images and society, thus addressing the theme of collective memory. -- The second chapter further delves into the role of images, focusing on their historical continuity through the concepts proposed by Aby Warburg. The concept of “Nachleben” is examined, which emphasizes how symbols, images, and expressive formulas survive over time, undergoing transformations and reinterpretations in different cultures. Additionally, the concepts of "Engrams" and "Pathosformel" are explored, illustrating the continuity of emotional expressions through iconographic formulas repeated throughout the centuries, creating a universal visual "language." Finally, the analysis extends to the Mnemosyne Atlas, thanks to the exhibition *Rooms with a View: Aby Warburg and the Image Laboratory* at the Uffizi Museum in Florence, to provide concrete examples of this continuity. -- The third chapter focuses on the role of images in Advertising in response to the previous theories, exploring Neuromarketing, an emerging field that merges psychology and marketing to influence consumer behavior. Particular attention is given to the Eye-tracking tool to understand how and why images can profoundly impact consumers' memory. The neural mechanisms involved in visual perception and memory, as well as the human eye, will be examined to understand the effectiveness of Eye-tracking in revealing which visual elements most capture consumers' attention. -- The fourth chapter examines the factors that truly influence the visibility and effectiveness of an advertising layout, such as visual hierarchy, traditional compositional techniques, the survival of the classical, and Warburg’s studies. The relative effectiveness of each approach will be highlighted to understand consumer visual behavior and fully assess the usefulness of Eye-tracking. In particular, regarding Warburg's studies, a personal implementation of advertising in the Mnemosyne Atlas will be conducted, skeletonizing the Pathosformel and highlighting the gestures of the figures present in three different panels of the Atlas. This approach will allow an analysis of how these formulas of pathos, gestures, and movements are repeated and prove useful both for advertising and for the recurrence of classical archetypes. -- The conclusions will be drawn by answering the previous research questions to propose a critical comparison on Eye-tracking. To do so, all the information collected in the previous chapters will be used, with particular attention to visual hierarchy, traditional compositional methods, the survival of the classical, and the personal implementation of advertising in the Mnemosyne Atlas. This will allow for the evaluation of the effectiveness of these elements in relation to Eye-tracking, highlighting and confirming the strengths and limitations of this technology.
La presente tesi esplora i ruoli complessi delle immagini nel contesto culturale e sociale, approfondendo le teorie di Aby Warburg. Successivamente, analizza il loro impatto nella pubblicità attraverso strumenti di Neuromarketing, tra cui l’Eye-tracking. Partendo dal quesito “L'Eye-tracking è davvero utile nella cultura visuale?”, la ricerca esplora casi studio ei risultati di un'indagine empirica personale, con l'obiettivo di valutare in modo critico i vantaggi e i limiti di questa tecnologia, fornendo una risposta articolata alla domanda di ricerca. - Il primo capitolo delinea il panorama culturale delle immagini analizzando il concetto di cultura visuale e di relativismo culturale, evidenziando le molteplici sfaccettature che influenzano la produzione e la ricezione delle immagini. Inoltre, si approfondisce l'impatto evocativo delle immagini e la loro capacità di modellare la percezione individuale e collettiva, rivelando la complessità delle interazioni tra immagini e società, affrontando così anche il tema della memoria collettiva. - Il secondo capitolo continua ad approfondire il ruolo delle immagini concentrandosi sulla loro continuità storica attraverso i concetti proposti da Aby Warburg. Si esamina il concetto di “Nachleben”, che evidenzia come simboli, immagini e formule espressive sopravvivano nel tempo, subendo trasformazioni e reinterpretazioni nelle diverse culture. Vengono poi esaminati anche gli "Engrammi" e le "Pathosformel" che illustrano la continuità delle espressioni emotive tramite formule iconografiche ripetute attraverso i secoli, creando un “linguaggio” visivo universale. Infine, l'analisi si estende all'Atlante Mnemosyne, grazie all'allestimento Camere con vista: Aby Warburg e il laboratorio delle immagini presso il Museo Uffizi di Firenze, per fornire esempi concreti di questa continuità. - Il terzo capitolo si concentra sul ruolo delle immagini nell’Advertising in risposta alle teorie precedenti, esplorando così il neuromarketing, un campo emergente che fonde psicologia e marketing per influenzare il comportamento dei consumatori. Ci soffermeremo sullo strumento Eye-tracking per comprendere come e perché le immagini riescano a incidere così profondamente nella memoria dei consumatori. Si esamineranno i meccanismi neurali coinvolti nella percezione visiva e nella memoria, nonché l’occhio umano per comprendere l'efficacia dell’Eye-tracking nel rivelare quali elementi visivi catturano maggiormente l'attenzione dei consumatori. - Il Nel quarto capitolo si esaminano i fattori che influenzano realmente la visibilità e l'efficacia di un layout pubblicitario, come la gerarchia visiva, le tecniche compositive tradizionali, la sopravvivenza del classico e gli studi di Warburg, mettendo in evidenza l'efficacia relativa di ciascun approccio per comprendere il comportamento visivo dei consumatori e valutare appieno l'utilità dell'Eye-tracking. In particolare, per quanto riguarda gli studi di Warburg, verrà condotta una personale implementazione della pubblicità nell'Atlante Mnemosyne, scheletrizzando le pathosformel ed evidenziando le gesta delle figure presenti in tre diverse tavole dell’Atlas. Questo approccio consentirà di analizzare come queste formule di pathos, gesti e movimenti si ripetano e risultino utili sia per la pubblicità sia per la ricorrenza di archetipi classici. - Le conclusioni saranno tratte rispondendo alle precedenti domande di ricerca, al fine di proporre un confronto critico sull'Eye-tracking. Per far ciò, verranno utilizzate tutte le informazioni raccolte nei capitoli precedenti, con particolare attenzione alla gerarchia visiva, ai metodi compositivi tradizionali, alla sopravvivenza del classico e all'implementazione personale della pubblicità nell'Atlante Mnemosyne. Questo permetterà di valutare l'efficacia di tali elementi in relazione all'Eye-tracking, mettendo in luce e confermando i punti di forza e le limitazioni di questa tecnologia.
L'immagine e l'occhio. Un'analisi delle forme pubblicitarie del contemporaneo, tra metodo di Warburg e Eye-Tracking.
The present thesis explores the complex roles of images in the cultural and social context, delving into Aby Warburg's theories. Subsequently, it analyzes their impact on advertising through Neuromarketing tools, including Eye-tracking. Starting from the question "Is Eye-tracking truly useful in visual culture?", the research explores case studies and the results of a personal empirical investigation, aiming to critically evaluate the advantages and limitations of this technology, providing a nuanced answer to the research question. The thesis is structured as follows: -- The first chapter outlines the cultural landscape of images, analyzing the concept of visual culture and cultural relativism, highlighting the multiple facets that influence the production and reception of images. Furthermore, it explores the evocative power of images and their ability to shape individual and collective perception, revealing the complexity of interactions between images and society, thus addressing the theme of collective memory. -- The second chapter further delves into the role of images, focusing on their historical continuity through the concepts proposed by Aby Warburg. The concept of “Nachleben” is examined, which emphasizes how symbols, images, and expressive formulas survive over time, undergoing transformations and reinterpretations in different cultures. Additionally, the concepts of "Engrams" and "Pathosformel" are explored, illustrating the continuity of emotional expressions through iconographic formulas repeated throughout the centuries, creating a universal visual "language." Finally, the analysis extends to the Mnemosyne Atlas, thanks to the exhibition *Rooms with a View: Aby Warburg and the Image Laboratory* at the Uffizi Museum in Florence, to provide concrete examples of this continuity. -- The third chapter focuses on the role of images in Advertising in response to the previous theories, exploring Neuromarketing, an emerging field that merges psychology and marketing to influence consumer behavior. Particular attention is given to the Eye-tracking tool to understand how and why images can profoundly impact consumers' memory. The neural mechanisms involved in visual perception and memory, as well as the human eye, will be examined to understand the effectiveness of Eye-tracking in revealing which visual elements most capture consumers' attention. -- The fourth chapter examines the factors that truly influence the visibility and effectiveness of an advertising layout, such as visual hierarchy, traditional compositional techniques, the survival of the classical, and Warburg’s studies. The relative effectiveness of each approach will be highlighted to understand consumer visual behavior and fully assess the usefulness of Eye-tracking. In particular, regarding Warburg's studies, a personal implementation of advertising in the Mnemosyne Atlas will be conducted, skeletonizing the Pathosformel and highlighting the gestures of the figures present in three different panels of the Atlas. This approach will allow an analysis of how these formulas of pathos, gestures, and movements are repeated and prove useful both for advertising and for the recurrence of classical archetypes. -- The conclusions will be drawn by answering the previous research questions to propose a critical comparison on Eye-tracking. To do so, all the information collected in the previous chapters will be used, with particular attention to visual hierarchy, traditional compositional methods, the survival of the classical, and the personal implementation of advertising in the Mnemosyne Atlas. This will allow for the evaluation of the effectiveness of these elements in relation to Eye-tracking, highlighting and confirming the strengths and limitations of this technology.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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