The years of 2020-2021 will be remembered in history as the years of the Sars covid-19 pandemic. This epidemiological situation led our society to a series of changes in a very short time which then had repercussions in the following years. Following the quarantine imposed by the Government to contain infections, the School had to reorganize itself and found itself quickly managing a new way of teaching. Technologies were the solution to forced isolation and served to break down the insurmountable walls that divided students and teachers, connecting the various educational figures and allowing education and instruction to proceed. The investigation I carried out in this thesis work involved teachers of deaf students and communication assistants. I administered interviews to them with the aim of finding out what changes have been made to teaching for deaf students, how the lessons have been adapted for these students, what obstacles they encountered and what were the strengths that accompanied this period. In revolutionizing the way of teaching, critical issues were highlighted but solutions were also found which proved to be successful and which were then used even when the emergency situation ceased. In facing this critical period, a great spirit of adaptability emerges from the school and the teachers and, although impoverished on the human side, the school has emerged enriched due to the progress made towards a digital world which, in today's society, has now become predominant.
Gli anni del 2020-2021 verranno ricordati nella storia come gli anni della pandemia da Sars covid-19. Questa situazione epidemiologica ha portato la nostra società ad una serie di cambiamenti in tempi molto brevi che hanno poi avuto ripercussioni negli anni successivi. A seguito della quarantena imposta dal Governo per contenere i contagi, la Scuola si è dovuta riorganizzare e si è trovata a gestire in tempi brevi un nuovo modo di fare didattica. Le tecnologie sono state la soluzione all’isolamento forzato e sono servite ad abbattere i muri invalicabili che dividevano studenti e insegnanti, mettendo in connessione le varie figure educative e permettendo di procedere nell’educazione e nell’istruzione. L’indagine che ho effettuato in questo mio lavoro di tesi ha visto coinvolti insegnanti di studenti sordi e assistenti alla comunicazione. Ho somministrato loro delle interviste con l’obiettivo di conoscere quali cambiamenti sono stati apportati alla didattica per gli studenti sordi, come sono state adattate le lezioni per questi studenti, quali sono stati gli ostacoli incontrati e quali invece i punti di forza che hanno accompagnato questo periodo. Nello stravolgere il modo di fare didattica sono state evidenziate criticità ma sono state trovate anche soluzioni che si sono rivelate vincenti e che sono poi state utilizzate anche quando la situazione di emergenza è cessata. Nell’affrontare questo periodo critico emerge quindi un grande spirito di adattabilità della scuola e degli insegnanti e seppur impoveriti dal lato umano, la scuola ne è uscita arricchita per i progressi fatti verso un mondo digitale che, nella società attuale, è ormai diventato preponderante.
Didattica a distanza e sordità: un’indagine esplorativa sull'uso delle TIC negli anni della pandemia da Sars Covid-19.
The years of 2020-2021 will be remembered in history as the years of the Sars covid-19 pandemic. This epidemiological situation led our society to a series of changes in a very short time which then had repercussions in the following years. Following the quarantine imposed by the Government to contain infections, the School had to reorganize itself and found itself quickly managing a new way of teaching. Technologies were the solution to forced isolation and served to break down the insurmountable walls that divided students and teachers, connecting the various educational figures and allowing education and instruction to proceed. The investigation I carried out in this thesis work involved teachers of deaf students and communication assistants. I administered interviews to them with the aim of finding out what changes have been made to teaching for deaf students, how the lessons have been adapted for these students, what obstacles they encountered and what were the strengths that accompanied this period. In revolutionizing the way of teaching, critical issues were highlighted but solutions were also found which proved to be successful and which were then used even when the emergency situation ceased. In facing this critical period, a great spirit of adaptability emerges from the school and the teachers and, although impoverished on the human side, the school has emerged enriched due to the progress made towards a digital world which, in today's society, has now become predominant.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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