The theoretical foundations on which my thesis path is based are socio-constructivism and pedagogical activism. The authors and theories I primarily referred to are: Dewey, for his "learning by doing" and his idea of action and thought combined for learning; Vygotsky and Piaget, for his socio-constructivist approach to education and the concept of the zone of proximal development; laboratory teaching and its effects; and, of course, the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) with Carol Ann Tomlinson's differentiation model, which seeks to tailor teaching to the needs of students. For science teaching and environmental education, I considered various national and international documents, such as the K-12 framework, the 2030 Agenda, European laws about key competences, national guidelines, etc. My thesis work was conducted in two first-grade primary school classes, and my aim was twofold: on one hand, to explore the effects of using a laboratory-based teaching method compared to the more traditional, transmissive one; the second objective was to understand how to introduce a new topic that is not usually addressed in primary school, especially in a first-grade class. The topic I chose was the effects of sea temperature changes on living beings, particularly small marine crustaceans called Artemia salina. The project started with a test that included a written multiple-choice questionnaire and an oral part where the children, prompted by questions, expressed their thoughts on the subject under investigation. The path continued with an in-depth exploration of the fundamental concepts necessary to access the central theme of the thesis. I began with an exploration of water as an element through the use of five senses, as a way to link to the class curriculum and as inspiration to talk about the sense of touch and how we perceive warmth and cold. Then I continued along this line by exploring the concept of temperature, how it can be investigated, measured, and the ways in which temperature is used. The path at that moment diverged: on one side, the control class addressed the central topic of the thesis using the traditional lecture method, while the experimental class was guided in designing an experiment to help them understand how some marine organisms respond to temperature changes in the sea. Together, we raised Artemia salina eggs and observed the difference in hatching times, realizing that the eggs placed in warm water hatched faster than those in cold water. Finally, the initial tests were administered again in both classes under the same conditions, and I compared the results before and after, as well as between the two classes. Analyzing the data, I realized that they were statistically insignificant, although there was a noticeable difference in the experimental class compared to the control one, particularly during the discussion. However, the topic requires further clarification and deeper investigation. Alongside the thesis work, I prepare a questionnaire for parents and teachers to understand better the common believes and opinions regarding laboratory-based teaching and the introduction of a new topic like the one I presented. The feedback was better than I expected; in fact, both teachers and parents were very open to the use of laboratory-based teaching and, in general, to the introduction of the topic of the effects of sea temperature changes on living beings.
Le basi teoriche su cui si poggia il percorso di tesi da me intrapreso sono il socio-costruttivismo e l’attivismo pedagogico. Gli autori e le teorie a cui ho fatto principalmente riferimento sono: Dewey, per il suo learning by doing e la sua idea di azione e pensiero combinate per l’apprendimento, Vygotskij e Piaget, per il suo approccio socio-costruttivista all’educazione e il concetto di zona di sviluppo prossimale, la didattica laboratoriale e i suoi effetti ed ovviamente l’universal design for learning (UDL) con il modello della differenziazione di Carol Ann Tomlison che cerca di rendere la didattica a misura dei bisogni degli alunni. Per quanto riguarda la didattica delle scienze e l’educazione ambientale ho preso in considerazione diversi documenti nazionali e non solo, come il framework K-12, l’agenda 2030, le normative europee sulle competenze chiave, le indicazioni nazionali… Il mio percorso di tesi si è svolto in due classi prime della scuola primaria il mio scopo era duplice: da una parte quello di esplorare gli effetti dell’utilizzo di una didattica laboratoriale rispetto a quella più tradizionale, trasmissiva; il secondo obiettivo era quello di capire come poter introdurre un nuovo argomento che non viene solitamente affrontato alla scuola primaria, soprattutto in una classe prima. L’argomento da me scelto è quello degli effetti del cambiamento della temperatura del mare sugli esseri viventi, in particolare le Artemie saline. Il percorso si è svolto a partire da un test che era composto da uno scritto con domande a risposta multipla e una parte orale in cui, stimolati da domande, i bambini esprimevano i loro pensieri sull’argomento in esame. Il percorso è continuato con un esplorazione dell’elemento acqua attraverso l’utilizzo dei cinque sensi utilizzato come gancio per aggrapparmi alla programmazione di classe e per prendere spunto da questo per parlare del senso del tatto e delle modalità attraverso cui si può percepire il caldo ed il freddo. Poi ho continuato su questa strada esplorando il concetto di temperatura e di come essa si possa indagare, misurare e le modalità attraverso cui viene utilizzata la temperatura. Poi il percorso si è divaricato, da una parte la classe di controllo ha affrontato il tema centrale della tesi attraverso il metodo della didattica frontale, mentre la classe sperimentale è stata guidata all’ideazione di un esperimento che li aiutasse a comprendere come rispondessero alcuni esseri marini ai cambi di temperatura nei mari. Così abbiamo allevato insieme delle uova di Artemia salina e abbiamo visto la differenza nei tempi di schiusa delle uova, rendendoci conto che le uova poste in acqua calda si schiudono più velocemente rispetto a quelle in acqua fredda. Infine nelle due classi i test fatti inizialmente sono stati riproposti nelle stesse modalità e ho confrontato i risultati prima e dopo e tra le due classi. Analizzando i dati mi sono resa conto che essi erano statisticamente irrilevanti pur mostrando una diversità nella classe sperimentale rispetto a quella di controllo che si è vista soprattutto nella conversazione. Tuttavia l’argomento necessita di ulteriori chiarimenti e indagini più approfondite. Parallelamente al percorso di tesi ho somministrato a genitori ed insegnanti un questionario per capire meglio quali fossero le credenze e le opinioni più diffuse riguardanti la didattica laboratoriale e l’introduzione di un nuovo argomento come quello da me presentato. Il feedback è stato migliore di quanto mi aspettassi, infatti, sia gli insegnanti che i genitori si sono rivelati molto ben disposti verso l’utilizzo di una didattica laboratoriale e in generale anche all’introduzione del tema degli effetti del cambiamento della temperatura marina sugli esseri viventi.
L'ACQUA E LA SUA TEMPERATURA: percorso esperienziale e sensoriale volto a stimolare nei bambini la riflessione riguardo l'influenza dei fattori ambientali sui viventi attraverso l'osservazione dell'artemia salina
The theoretical foundations on which my thesis path is based are socio-constructivism and pedagogical activism. The authors and theories I primarily referred to are: Dewey, for his "learning by doing" and his idea of action and thought combined for learning; Vygotsky and Piaget, for his socio-constructivist approach to education and the concept of the zone of proximal development; laboratory teaching and its effects; and, of course, the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) with Carol Ann Tomlinson's differentiation model, which seeks to tailor teaching to the needs of students. For science teaching and environmental education, I considered various national and international documents, such as the K-12 framework, the 2030 Agenda, European laws about key competences, national guidelines, etc. My thesis work was conducted in two first-grade primary school classes, and my aim was twofold: on one hand, to explore the effects of using a laboratory-based teaching method compared to the more traditional, transmissive one; the second objective was to understand how to introduce a new topic that is not usually addressed in primary school, especially in a first-grade class. The topic I chose was the effects of sea temperature changes on living beings, particularly small marine crustaceans called Artemia salina. The project started with a test that included a written multiple-choice questionnaire and an oral part where the children, prompted by questions, expressed their thoughts on the subject under investigation. The path continued with an in-depth exploration of the fundamental concepts necessary to access the central theme of the thesis. I began with an exploration of water as an element through the use of five senses, as a way to link to the class curriculum and as inspiration to talk about the sense of touch and how we perceive warmth and cold. Then I continued along this line by exploring the concept of temperature, how it can be investigated, measured, and the ways in which temperature is used. The path at that moment diverged: on one side, the control class addressed the central topic of the thesis using the traditional lecture method, while the experimental class was guided in designing an experiment to help them understand how some marine organisms respond to temperature changes in the sea. Together, we raised Artemia salina eggs and observed the difference in hatching times, realizing that the eggs placed in warm water hatched faster than those in cold water. Finally, the initial tests were administered again in both classes under the same conditions, and I compared the results before and after, as well as between the two classes. Analyzing the data, I realized that they were statistically insignificant, although there was a noticeable difference in the experimental class compared to the control one, particularly during the discussion. However, the topic requires further clarification and deeper investigation. Alongside the thesis work, I prepare a questionnaire for parents and teachers to understand better the common believes and opinions regarding laboratory-based teaching and the introduction of a new topic like the one I presented. The feedback was better than I expected; in fact, both teachers and parents were very open to the use of laboratory-based teaching and, in general, to the introduction of the topic of the effects of sea temperature changes on living beings.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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