PROBLEM: In the last years the rapid evolution of surgical techniques has led to a reduction in hospitalization times and the early discharge of the surgical patient. It is therefore essential for nurses and all healthcare personnel to ensure that the patient, at home, respects the instructions provided upon discharge to resume his daily life activities as soon as possible. Digital technologies can help this process. Apps, for example, represent an additional tool for taking care of patient, as they make easier the exchange of informations with healthcare personnel, also allowing the possibility of teleconsultations and remote monitoring. This also helps reduce the psychological and physical stress of the patient and his family. PURPOSE: Through this study we want to inquire the effectiveness of apps and any wearable devices (smartwatches) as post-operative monitoring and rehabilitation systems and the contribution of nurse for education and management of patients remotely after discharge. SAMPLE: people undergoing surgery who were assisted by nurses in the post-operative period with use of digital technologies. METHODS AND TOOLS: The research was carried out by consulting the following databases: Pubmed, Google Scholar, EBN Guidelines, CINAHL Database, Cochrane library, Medline, EBSCO. The database most consulted was Pubmed, where most of the articles included in the study were found. The following filters were applied during the research: Full text and Published in the last 10 years. RESULTS: for this review 9 articles were selected. From their comparison it comes out that nurse has great importance in the management of ERAS protocol. In some of these, the figure of the fast-tracking nurse is defined, who deals with the management of patients remotely by a control panel on the Surgery Unit's computer. DISCUSSION: In all studies the patient is taken care of in the pre-admission phase, when he is offered the use of an app and a possible wearable device (a smartwatch, provided by the Surgery Unit’s personnel) for continuous monitoring at home after discharge. In the post-operative period, the app has the function of keeping patient in contact with nurses, allowing the exchange of information on the state of health, the remote detection of vital parameters and the possibility of teleconsultations. Studies confirm that the use of these tools reduces the risk of post-operative complications (therefore possible rehospitalisation) due to inappropriate home management. Furthermore, the figure of nurse comes out both in the management of patients remotely and in the development of apps. CONCLUSIONS: This review shows the usefulness of these devices, which have already been in use abroad for several years. Above all, patients' satisfaction and interest in using them emerge, as they allow real-time feedback and the possibility of clarifying many doubts that arise during the peri-operative process. The use of these devices has proven to be a valid support for the nurse in ensuring effective monitoring and promoting post-operative recovery.
PROBLEMA: Negli ultimi anni la rapida evoluzione delle tecniche chirurgiche ha portato a una riduzione dei tempi di degenza e alla dimissione precoce del paziente operato. È quindi fondamentale, per gli infermieri e per tutto il personale sanitario, assicurarsi che il paziente, a domicilio, rispetti le indicazioni fornite al momento della dimissione, al fine di riprendere al più presto le sue attività di vita quotidiana. In questo possono essere d’aiuto le nuove tecnologie. Le app, ad esempio, rappresentano uno strumento aggiuntivo per la presa in carico del paziente, in quanto facilitano lo scambio di informazioni con il personale sanitario, permettendo inoltre la possibilità di teleconsulti e monitoraggio da remoto. Questo contribuisce inoltre a ridurre lo stress psicologico e fisico del paziente e dei suoi familiari. SCOPO: Attraverso questo studio si vuole indagare l’efficacia delle app e di eventuali dispositivi indossabili (smartwatch) come sistemi di monitoraggio e riabilitazione nel post-operatorio e il contributo dell’infermiere nell’educazione e nella gestione dei pazienti a distanza dopo la dimissione. CAMPIONE: persone sottoposte ad intervento chirurgico che sono state assistite da infermieri nel post-operatorio con l’utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie. METODI E STRUMENTI: La ricerca è stata effettuata consultando le seguenti banche dati: Pubmed, Google Scholar, EBN Guidelines, CINAHL Database, Cochrane library, Medline, EBSCO. Quella maggiormente consultata è stata Pubmed, dove è stata reperita la maggior parte degli articoli inclusi nello studio. Durante la ricerca sono stati applicati i seguenti filtri: Full text (Testo integrale completo) e Published in the last 10 years (Pubblicato negli ultimi 10 anni). RISULTATI: Sono stati selezionati 9 articoli. Dal loro confronto emerge che l’infermiere ha una grande importanza nella gestione del protocollo ERAS. In alcuni di questi viene definita la figura del fast-tracking nurse, che si occupa della gestione dei pazienti da remoto tramite un pannello di controllo presente sul computer dell’Unità Operativa. DISCUSSIONE: In tutti gli studi il paziente viene preso in carico nella fase di pre-ammissione, quando gli vengono proposti l’utilizzo di un’app e di un eventuale dispositivo indossabile (uno smartwatch, fornito dal personale di riferimento) per il monitoraggio a domicilio dopo la dimissione. Nel post-operatorio l’app ha la funzione di tenere in contatto il paziente con il personale infermieristico di riferimento, permettendo lo scambio di informazioni sullo stato di salute in tempo reale, la rilevazione a distanza dei parametri vitali e la possibilità di teleconsulti. Gli studi confermano che l’utilizzo di tali strumenti riduce il rischio di complicanze post-operatorie (quindi di una possibile riospedalizzazione) dovute a un’inadeguata gestione a domicilio. In essi, inoltre, emerge la figura dell’infermiere, sia nella gestione dei pazienti da remoto, sia nello sviluppo delle app. CONCLUSIONI: Da questa revisione si evince l’utilità di questi dispositivi, che all’estero sono già in uso da diversi anni. Soprattutto emergono la soddisfazione e l’interesse dei pazienti nell’utilizzarli, in quanto permettono un feedback in tempo reale e la possibilità di chiarire molti dubbi che si presentano durante il percorso peri-operatorio. L’utilizzo di tali dispositivi è dimostrato essere un valido supporto all’infermiere nel garantire un efficace monitoraggio e favorire il recupero nel post-operatorio chirurgico.
L’utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie a supporto dell’assistenza infermieristica alla persona nel post-operatorio
PROBLEM: In the last years the rapid evolution of surgical techniques has led to a reduction in hospitalization times and the early discharge of the surgical patient. It is therefore essential for nurses and all healthcare personnel to ensure that the patient, at home, respects the instructions provided upon discharge to resume his daily life activities as soon as possible. Digital technologies can help this process. Apps, for example, represent an additional tool for taking care of patient, as they make easier the exchange of informations with healthcare personnel, also allowing the possibility of teleconsultations and remote monitoring. This also helps reduce the psychological and physical stress of the patient and his family. PURPOSE: Through this study we want to inquire the effectiveness of apps and any wearable devices (smartwatches) as post-operative monitoring and rehabilitation systems and the contribution of nurse for education and management of patients remotely after discharge. SAMPLE: people undergoing surgery who were assisted by nurses in the post-operative period with use of digital technologies. METHODS AND TOOLS: The research was carried out by consulting the following databases: Pubmed, Google Scholar, EBN Guidelines, CINAHL Database, Cochrane library, Medline, EBSCO. The database most consulted was Pubmed, where most of the articles included in the study were found. The following filters were applied during the research: Full text and Published in the last 10 years. RESULTS: for this review 9 articles were selected. From their comparison it comes out that nurse has great importance in the management of ERAS protocol. In some of these, the figure of the fast-tracking nurse is defined, who deals with the management of patients remotely by a control panel on the Surgery Unit's computer. DISCUSSION: In all studies the patient is taken care of in the pre-admission phase, when he is offered the use of an app and a possible wearable device (a smartwatch, provided by the Surgery Unit’s personnel) for continuous monitoring at home after discharge. In the post-operative period, the app has the function of keeping patient in contact with nurses, allowing the exchange of information on the state of health, the remote detection of vital parameters and the possibility of teleconsultations. Studies confirm that the use of these tools reduces the risk of post-operative complications (therefore possible rehospitalisation) due to inappropriate home management. Furthermore, the figure of nurse comes out both in the management of patients remotely and in the development of apps. CONCLUSIONS: This review shows the usefulness of these devices, which have already been in use abroad for several years. Above all, patients' satisfaction and interest in using them emerge, as they allow real-time feedback and the possibility of clarifying many doubts that arise during the peri-operative process. The use of these devices has proven to be a valid support for the nurse in ensuring effective monitoring and promoting post-operative recovery.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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