This thesis project is aimed at analysing the physical, psychological and hormonal changes brought about by the physiological condition of pregnancy and, consequently, motherhood and childbirth. It is, however, also intended to raise awareness of the significant issue of mental health in the puerperium; this is made possible by the illustrated overview of the most overt and usual psychiatric disorders, used as a tangible modality of silent suffering common among new parents. The birth of a human being allows those individuals who have granted him life to be moulded into new specimens: into parents. In fact, the individual modifications that the arrival of a child brings with it in the construction of the parental role are examined, specifically those belonging to the maternal figure and those pertaining to the paternal figure. Also examined were those pathological and non-pathological conditions that support the more or less functional formation of the mother-child relationship, emphasising the influence that the mother's difficulties have on the child's development. The paternal parental role has been scrupulously dealt with in order to normalise the possibility that even a father, with the arrival of a child, may present frailties ascribable to the sphere of psychic health. Finally, it is essential to recognise the considerable function that the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Technician can play in obstetrics and gynaecology wards, but also at a territorial level in advice centres and at home. This can be achieved through the implementation of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention interventions, which lower the risk of the onset of mental disorders or alleviate the degree of psycho-emotional suffering. The aim of the project is precisely to implement the figure of the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Technician in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department and in the territorial services pertaining to the Women's and Children's Health Department. This would make it possible to support new parents, paying greater attention to psychological and psychiatric disorders, but above all to implement preventive interventions that could precede the manifestation of psychological distress. Mainly bibliographic sources were used, which provided considerable insight into the cardinal themes of pregnancy and puerperium. In addition to this, it was useful to make use of the testimonies of new mothers and the knowledge gained from the internship experience in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The use of literature, diagnostic manuals and scientific articles also considerably enriched the dissertation. The results obtained make it possible to understand how a health figure with a predominantly psychiatric background can safeguard the parents' psychic health, acting as a support. Finally, therapeutic-rehabilitative interventions guarantee the recovery of serenity and psycho-physical balance in both the maternal and paternal figures.
Tale progetto di tesi è volto ad analizzare i cambiamenti fisici, psicologici ed ormonali stabiliti dalla condizione fisiologica della gravidanza e, di conseguenza, della maternità e del parto. È, però, destinato anche a sensibilizzare la significativa tematica della salute mentale nel puerperio; questo è reso possibile grazie alla panoramica illustrata dei disturbi psichiatrici più conclamati e consueti, utilizzata come modalità tangibile di silenziose sofferenze comuni tra i neogenitori. La nascita di un essere umano consente di plasmare quegli individui che gli hanno riconosciuto la vita in nuovi esemplari: in genitori. Si vanno, infatti, a declinare le singole modificazioni che l’arrivo di un figlio porta con sé nella costruzione del ruolo genitoriale, approfondendo, nello specifico, quelle appartenenti alla figura materna e quelle afferenti alla figura paterna. Sono state esaminate, inoltre, quelle condizioni patologiche, e non patologiche, che supportano la formazione più o meno funzionale della relazione madre-figlio, sottolineando l’influenza che le difficoltà della madre hanno sullo sviluppo del bambino. Il ruolo genitoriale paterno è stato scrupolosamente trattato al fine di normalizzare la possibilità che anche un padre, con l’arrivo di un figlio, possa presentare delle fragilità riconducibili alla sfera della salute psichica. Infine, è fondamentale riconoscere la notevole funzione che il Tecnico di Riabilitazione Psichiatrica può rivestire nei reparti internistici di Ostetricia e Ginecologia, ma anche a livello territoriale nei consultori e a domicilio. Questo risulta realizzabile mediante l’attuazione di interventi di prevenzione primaria, secondaria e terziaria, che abbassano il rischio d’insorgenza di disturbi mentali o ne alleviano il grado di sofferenza psico-emotiva. L’obiettivo dell’elaborato è proprio quello di implementare la figura del Tecnico di Riabilitazione Psichiatrica nel reparto di Ostetricia e Ginecologia e nei servizi territoriali afferenti al Dipartimento di Salute della Donna e del Bambino. Questo permetterebbe di sostenere i neogenitori, ponendo maggiormente attenzione ai disturbi psicologici e psichiatrici, ma soprattutto di mettere in atto interventi preventivi che possano precedere la manifestazione di disagi psichici. Sono state utilizzate fonti principalmente bibliografiche che hanno permesso di approfondire notevolmente le tematiche cardinali della gravidanza e del puerperio. In aggiunta a ciò, è risultato utile utilizzare le testimonianze delle neomamme e le conoscenze acquisite dall’esperienza di tirocinio in Ostetricia e Ginecologia. Anche l’impiego della letteratura, di manuali diagnostici e di articoli scientifici ha consentito di arricchire considerevolmente l’elaborato di tesi. I risultati ottenuti permettono di comprendere come una figura sanitaria di formazione prevalentemente psichiatrica possa salvaguardare la salute psichica dei genitori, fungendo da supporto e da sostegno. Gli interventi terapeutici-riabilitativi, infine, garantiscono il recupero della serenità e dell’equilibrio psico-fisico sia nella figura materna, che in quella paterna.
Il viaggio consapevole della nascita nei neogenitori: nutrire la salute mentale attraverso interventi di prevenzione e promozione nel post-partum
This thesis project is aimed at analysing the physical, psychological and hormonal changes brought about by the physiological condition of pregnancy and, consequently, motherhood and childbirth. It is, however, also intended to raise awareness of the significant issue of mental health in the puerperium; this is made possible by the illustrated overview of the most overt and usual psychiatric disorders, used as a tangible modality of silent suffering common among new parents. The birth of a human being allows those individuals who have granted him life to be moulded into new specimens: into parents. In fact, the individual modifications that the arrival of a child brings with it in the construction of the parental role are examined, specifically those belonging to the maternal figure and those pertaining to the paternal figure. Also examined were those pathological and non-pathological conditions that support the more or less functional formation of the mother-child relationship, emphasising the influence that the mother's difficulties have on the child's development. The paternal parental role has been scrupulously dealt with in order to normalise the possibility that even a father, with the arrival of a child, may present frailties ascribable to the sphere of psychic health. Finally, it is essential to recognise the considerable function that the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Technician can play in obstetrics and gynaecology wards, but also at a territorial level in advice centres and at home. This can be achieved through the implementation of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention interventions, which lower the risk of the onset of mental disorders or alleviate the degree of psycho-emotional suffering. The aim of the project is precisely to implement the figure of the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Technician in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department and in the territorial services pertaining to the Women's and Children's Health Department. This would make it possible to support new parents, paying greater attention to psychological and psychiatric disorders, but above all to implement preventive interventions that could precede the manifestation of psychological distress. Mainly bibliographic sources were used, which provided considerable insight into the cardinal themes of pregnancy and puerperium. In addition to this, it was useful to make use of the testimonies of new mothers and the knowledge gained from the internship experience in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The use of literature, diagnostic manuals and scientific articles also considerably enriched the dissertation. The results obtained make it possible to understand how a health figure with a predominantly psychiatric background can safeguard the parents' psychic health, acting as a support. Finally, therapeutic-rehabilitative interventions guarantee the recovery of serenity and psycho-physical balance in both the maternal and paternal figures.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Boldrin G., Tesi, AA 2023-2024.pdf
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