Background When talking about the bond with the child, the mother is most often the person being referred to. It is in the mother that, from the very beginning, the child places all possible trust and, through her, learns to understand the beauty and power of their “being.” For this to happen smoothly and gradually, it is essential that a strong and stable bond is created. This stems not only from physical and biological needs but also from an emotional need. This is at the core of the concept of secure attachment, defined by psychiatrist and psychoanalyst J. Bowlby, thanks to his collaboration with other professionals. Attachment falls under the deeper term of symbiosis between two human beings, who get to know each other and interact, gradually building a bond with the outside world. Simple gestures, seemingly innocent or common, profoundly shape the child's brain and, at times, can lead to an altered mother-child bond. The bond of the dyad begins to form already during pregnancy, where the first fetal movements, bodily changes, and even communication with the fetus help the woman perceive herself as a mother and, above all, connect with her child, attuning to them. This is essential for postnatal attachment. However, maternal feelings are not the only factors that modulate the mother-child bond. Thesis Objective The objective of this thesis is to review the literature from the last five years to identify the factors that promote or hinder the formation of the attachment bond. Additionally, interventions that promote the mother-child bond are analyzed. Materials and Methods The databases of PubMed/Medline and Cochrane Library were primarily queried. Various search strings were created using keywords such as “mother,” “infant,” and “secure attachment.” The articles retrieved were all available in free full-text format. Results A total of 211 articles were found. In a preliminary review, some articles were found to be irrelevant, duplicates, or based on study types unsuitable for the discussion. In total, 24 articles were examined, seven of which were useful for describing attachment-promoting interventions. Discussion The factors determining attachment are numerous and, in fact, interconnected. A division into four areas was made to identify the main elements involved in forming the mother-child bond. It emerged that socioeconomic conditions have a limited impact on attachment style, as do infant factors related to prematurity or low birth weight. What most influences attachment is the woman’s mental health and her perception of herself as a future mother. The role of the partner, involved in this complex process, is poorly explored, despite its impact on the mother's well-being. Home visits and interventions aimed at raising maternal awareness through the observation of interactions with her child have shown improvements in the mother-child attachment. Conclusion Professionals who interact with the mother-infant context have the duty to assess potential risks and benefits in the dyad's interactions. They must act with professionalism and empathy, offering support and guidance so that the mother, in particular, can recognize her abilities and feel reassured and supported. The midwife, in particular, plays a pivotal role in the life of the woman and her child, and it would be advisable to integrate the study of topics and insights related to secure attachment into university courses.
Background Quando si parla di legame con il bambino, la madre è la persona alla quale ci si riferisce più spesso. È proprio nella madre che, fin dall’inizio, il bambino ripone tutta la fiducia possibile e, grazie a lei, impara a comprendere la bellezza e la potenza del suo “essere”. Perché questo possa avvenire serenamente e gradualmente, è indispensabile che si crei un legame forte e stabile. Questo deriva sia da necessità fisiche e biologiche, ma anche da una necessità affettiva. Ciò sta alla base del concetto di attaccamento sicuro, definito dallo psichiatra e psicoanalista J. Bowlby, grazie alla collaborazione con altri professionisti. L’attaccamento rientra nel termine più profondo di simbiosi tra due esseri umani, che si conoscono e interagiscono, costruendo man mano un legame con il mondo esterno. Semplici gesti, apparentemente innocenti o comuni, plasmano profondamente il cervello del bambino e, talvolta, possono realizzare un legame madre-bambino alterato. Il legame della diade inizia a costruirsi già durante la gravidanza, dove i primi movimenti fetali, le modificazioni corporee ma anche la comunicazione con il feto, aiutano la donna a percepirsi come madre e, soprattutto, ad entrare in connessione con il proprio bambino, sintonizzandosi con lui. Questo risulta fondamentale per l’attaccamento postnatale. Tuttavia, le sensazioni materne non sono le uniche a modulare il legame madre-bambino. Scopo della tesi Lo scopo della tesi prevede di esaminare la letteratura degli ultimi cinque anni per individuare i fattori che promuovono o ostacolano la realizzazione del legame di attaccamento. Inoltre, vengono analizzati gli interventi che promuovono il legame madre-bambino. Materiali e metodi Sono state interrogate principalmente le banche dati di PubMed/Medline e Cochrane Library. Sono state realizzate diverse stringhe di ricerca mediante alcune parole-chiave come “mother”, “infant”, “secure attachment”. Gli articoli reperiti erano tutti disponibili in free full text. Risultati Sono stati reperiti 211 articoli in totale. Da una prima revisione, sono stati riscontrati articoli non pertinenti, doppi e caratterizzati da tipologie di studio non adatte alla compilazione della discussione. Complessivamente sono stati esaminati 24 articoli. Sette di questi sono stati utili per la descrizione degli interventi promotori dell’attaccamento. Discussione I fattori determinanti l’attaccamento sono molteplici e, di fatto, connessi gli uni agli altri. È stata realizzata una suddivisione in quattro aree per individuare gli elementi principali coinvolti nella realizzazione del legame madre-bambino. È emerso che la condizione economico-sociale abbia un impatto limitato sullo stile di attaccamento, come anche i fattori infantili relativi alla condizione di prematurità o di basso peso alla nascita. Ciò che più condiziona l’attaccamento è la salute mentale della donna e la sua percezione di futura madre. Il ruolo del partner, coinvolto in questo processo articolato, è poco approfondito, nonostante sia di impatto sul benessere della madre. Le visite domiciliari oltre che interventi mirati alla sensibilizzazione materna mediante visione delle interazioni con il proprio figlio, sono migliorativi dell’attaccamento madre-bambino. Conclusione Gli operatori che entrano in contatto con la realtà materno-infantile, hanno il dovere di valutare potenziali rischi e benefici nelle interazioni della diade. Devono agire con professionalità ed empatia, garantendo supporto e spunti di riflessione affinché la madre, specialmente, possa riconoscere le sue capacità e possa sentirsi rassicurata e sostenuta. L’ostetrica, in particolare, occupa un ruolo di punta nella vita della donna e del suo bambino, pertanto sarebbe opportuno integrare la formazione di tematiche e approfondimenti relativi all’attaccamento sicuro anche nei corsi universitari.
Background When talking about the bond with the child, the mother is most often the person being referred to. It is in the mother that, from the very beginning, the child places all possible trust and, through her, learns to understand the beauty and power of their “being.” For this to happen smoothly and gradually, it is essential that a strong and stable bond is created. This stems not only from physical and biological needs but also from an emotional need. This is at the core of the concept of secure attachment, defined by psychiatrist and psychoanalyst J. Bowlby, thanks to his collaboration with other professionals. Attachment falls under the deeper term of symbiosis between two human beings, who get to know each other and interact, gradually building a bond with the outside world. Simple gestures, seemingly innocent or common, profoundly shape the child's brain and, at times, can lead to an altered mother-child bond. The bond of the dyad begins to form already during pregnancy, where the first fetal movements, bodily changes, and even communication with the fetus help the woman perceive herself as a mother and, above all, connect with her child, attuning to them. This is essential for postnatal attachment. However, maternal feelings are not the only factors that modulate the mother-child bond. Thesis Objective The objective of this thesis is to review the literature from the last five years to identify the factors that promote or hinder the formation of the attachment bond. Additionally, interventions that promote the mother-child bond are analyzed. Materials and Methods The databases of PubMed/Medline and Cochrane Library were primarily queried. Various search strings were created using keywords such as “mother,” “infant,” and “secure attachment.” The articles retrieved were all available in free full-text format. Results A total of 211 articles were found. In a preliminary review, some articles were found to be irrelevant, duplicates, or based on study types unsuitable for the discussion. In total, 24 articles were examined, seven of which were useful for describing attachment-promoting interventions. Discussion The factors determining attachment are numerous and, in fact, interconnected. A division into four areas was made to identify the main elements involved in forming the mother-child bond. It emerged that socioeconomic conditions have a limited impact on attachment style, as do infant factors related to prematurity or low birth weight. What most influences attachment is the woman’s mental health and her perception of herself as a future mother. The role of the partner, involved in this complex process, is poorly explored, despite its impact on the mother's well-being. Home visits and interventions aimed at raising maternal awareness through the observation of interactions with her child have shown improvements in the mother-child attachment. Conclusion Professionals who interact with the mother-infant context have the duty to assess potential risks and benefits in the dyad's interactions. They must act with professionalism and empathy, offering support and guidance so that the mother, in particular, can recognize her abilities and feel reassured and supported. The midwife, in particular, plays a pivotal role in the life of the woman and her child, and it would be advisable to integrate the study of topics and insights related to secure attachment into university courses.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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