Introduction: Most vaginal births result in obstetric perineal tears of varying degrees, especially if it is the first vaginal birth. According to some studies, water delivery is an alternative option to traditional delivery for low obstetric risk women, as it helps to reduce the perception of pain caused by contractions, but also to limit the incidence of severe perineal tears, which involve the sphincter muscles of the anus. Aim of the study: The present retrospective study offers to compare perineal outcomes reported in a group of patients who gave birth in a traditional way and a group of patients who chose to give birth in an aquatic environment, inside a birthing tub. Materials and Methods: Through the consultation of delivery records and clinical documentation, 246 primiparous women at low obstetrical risk were recruited. They gave birth in the Delivery Room of the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Ospedale dell'Angelo in Mestre, during the period between 01/01/2023 and 31/05/2024. Data were recorded and analysed using Excel software. Results: 217 (88%) of the recruited patients gave birth in the traditional way and 29 (12%) gave birth inside a birthing tub. 13.8% of patients who gave birth in water did not report perineal trauma, compared with 10.1% of patients who gave birth in an extra-aquatic environment. A total of 10 (4%) lacerations involving the sphincter muscle of the anus were diagnosed, 1 in water and 9 among traditional deliveries. Minor tears (1st and 2nd degree) occurred in 83.4% of extra-aquatic deliveries and 82.8% of aquatic deliveries. Episiotomies were not performed on patients who gave birth in the birthing tub. Among traditional deliveries, 2.3% of perineal injuries were episiotomies. Conclusions: According to the present work, waterbirth seems to be associated with a higher incidence of intact perineum, a reduction of 3rd and 4th degree tears, and reduced use of episiotomy. These findings are attributable to what has been found in the literature on the effects of water immersion: it promotes maternal relaxation with consequent effects on the relaxation of the perineal muscles and the performance of external maneuvers is hindered. The average maternal age of women who reported an intact perineum is greater in water birth; this last result enhances the hypothesis that warm water is a valuable aid in stimulating perineal blood circulation to promote tissue elasticity.
Introduzione: La maggioranza dei parti vaginali esita in lacerazioni vagino-perineali ostetriche di grado variabile, soprattutto se si tratta del primo parto vaginale. Il parto in acqua costituisce un’opzione alternativa al parto tradizionale per le donne a basso rischio ostetrico. L’immersione in acqua in Sala Parto è maggiormente conosciuta per il suo potere analgesico, in quanto aiuta a ridurre la percezione del dolore causato dalle contrazioni, ma secondo alcuni studi presenti in letteratura, se attuata in periodo espulsivo sembra essere associata ad un maggior tasso di perinei integri e alla riduzione dell’incidenza di lacerazioni perineali severe, ovvero lacerazioni che coinvolgono i muscoli dello sfintere dell’ano. Scopo dello studio: Il presente studio retrospettivo si offre di confrontare gli esiti perineali riportati in un gruppo di pazienti che ha partorito in modo tradizionale e un gruppo di pazienti che ha scelto di partorire in ambiente acquatico, all’interno di una vasca da parto. Materiali e metodi: Attraverso la consultazione dei registri parto e della documentazione clinica sono state reclutate 246 donne primipare a basso rischio ostetrico che hanno partorito nella Sala Parto dell’UOC di Ostetricia e Ginecologia dell’Ospedale dell’Angelo di Mestre, nel periodo compreso tra l’01/01/2023 e il 31/05/2024. I dati sono stati registrati ed analizzati tramite l’utilizzo del software Excel. Risultati: 217 (88%) delle pazienti reclutate hanno partorito in modo tradizionale e 29 (12%) hanno partorito all’interno di una vasca da parto. Il 13,8% delle pazienti che hanno partorito in acqua non ha riportato traumi vagino-perineali, contro il 10,1% delle pazienti che hanno partorito in ambiente extra-acquatico. In totale sono state diagnosticate 10 (4%) lacerazioni che coinvolgono il muscolo dello sfintere dell’ano, 1 in acqua e 9 tra i parti tradizionali. Lacerazioni minori (1° e 2° grado) si sono verificate nell’83,4% dei parti extra-acquatici e nell’82,8% dei parti acquatici. Non sono state praticate episiotomie alle pazienti che hanno partorito nella vasca da parto. Tra i parti tradizionali il 2,3% delle lesioni vagino-perineali è costituito da episiotomie. Conclusioni: Secondo il presente lavoro, il parto in acqua risulta associato ad una maggiore incidenza di perineo integro, alla riduzione delle lacerazioni del muscolo dello sfintere dell’ano e alla riduzione del ricorso all’episiotomia. Questi risultati risultano attribuibili a quanto reperito in letteratura sugli effetti dell’immersione in acqua: viene favorito il rilassamento materno con conseguenti effetti sul grado di distensione dei muscoli perineali e viene ostacolata l’esecuzione di manovre esterne. L’età materna media delle donne che hanno riportato un perineo integro è maggiore nel parto in acqua; quest’ultimo risultato valorizza l’ipotesi secondo cui l’acqua calda è un valido aiuto nella stimolazione della circolazione sanguigna a livello perineale, cosicché l’elasticità tissutale venga favorita.
Esiti perineali a confronto nel parto in acqua versus parto tradizionale: studio retrospettivo comparativo.
Introduction: Most vaginal births result in obstetric perineal tears of varying degrees, especially if it is the first vaginal birth. According to some studies, water delivery is an alternative option to traditional delivery for low obstetric risk women, as it helps to reduce the perception of pain caused by contractions, but also to limit the incidence of severe perineal tears, which involve the sphincter muscles of the anus. Aim of the study: The present retrospective study offers to compare perineal outcomes reported in a group of patients who gave birth in a traditional way and a group of patients who chose to give birth in an aquatic environment, inside a birthing tub. Materials and Methods: Through the consultation of delivery records and clinical documentation, 246 primiparous women at low obstetrical risk were recruited. They gave birth in the Delivery Room of the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Ospedale dell'Angelo in Mestre, during the period between 01/01/2023 and 31/05/2024. Data were recorded and analysed using Excel software. Results: 217 (88%) of the recruited patients gave birth in the traditional way and 29 (12%) gave birth inside a birthing tub. 13.8% of patients who gave birth in water did not report perineal trauma, compared with 10.1% of patients who gave birth in an extra-aquatic environment. A total of 10 (4%) lacerations involving the sphincter muscle of the anus were diagnosed, 1 in water and 9 among traditional deliveries. Minor tears (1st and 2nd degree) occurred in 83.4% of extra-aquatic deliveries and 82.8% of aquatic deliveries. Episiotomies were not performed on patients who gave birth in the birthing tub. Among traditional deliveries, 2.3% of perineal injuries were episiotomies. Conclusions: According to the present work, waterbirth seems to be associated with a higher incidence of intact perineum, a reduction of 3rd and 4th degree tears, and reduced use of episiotomy. These findings are attributable to what has been found in the literature on the effects of water immersion: it promotes maternal relaxation with consequent effects on the relaxation of the perineal muscles and the performance of external maneuvers is hindered. The average maternal age of women who reported an intact perineum is greater in water birth; this last result enhances the hypothesis that warm water is a valuable aid in stimulating perineal blood circulation to promote tissue elasticity.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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