BACKGROUND: In recent years, there has been a growing interest in less medicalized birthing practices to make the birth experience more natural and less invasive for both mother and newborn. The use of water is one technique explored to reduce pain and improve the childbirth experience, which is considered not only a physiological process, but also an emotional and psychological event, crucial in a woman's life. The benefits of this approach are recognized worldwide, including reducing pain perception, decreasing the use of pharmacological analgesics, and improving women's physical and mental health. AIM: The purpose of this study is to evaluate maternal outcomes in water-based labor and to measure women's level of satisfaction with water-based labor assistance at the Birth Point of Treviso. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study analyzed data collected as part of the research project “Observational study on models of obstetric care during labor in low-risk pregnancies”, launched at the Treviso Birth Center between 2018 and 2021. The study included 280 women with low-risk pregnancies, recruited at the Treviso Birth Centre from 17 February 2022 to 26 November 2023. Inclusion criteria were age 18 years or older, informed consent and confirmed low-risk pregnancy. Medium or high risk pregnancies and non-Italian-speaking women were excluded. The data, collected through a form filled out by the midwife, included information on the mode and duration of labor, medical interventions, maternal and neonatal outcomes, and pain perception using a VAS scale. In the days immediately following delivery, mothers were given a questionnaire to assess their level of satisfaction with the care received during labor. RESULTS: The study revealed that 11.4% (N=32) women chose to have a water birth or labor during the specified period. The results show that bath immersion during labour contributed to a significant reduction of the time of labor and the perception of pain during the expulsive period, with a reduction in operative interventions. Women who chose water labor also reported high levels of satisfaction with their experience, stating that they felt welcomed, listened to and supported during their water labor experience. CONCLUSION: The use of water during labour appears to be an effective option for improving the labour experience by promoting relaxation and reducing pharmacological intervention. The results of this study confirm the validity of water birth as an alternative to other non-immersion care methods, offering both physical and psychological benefits to women who choose it.
BACKGROUND: Negli ultimi decenni si è assistito a un crescente interesse verso pratiche di parto meno medicalizzate, per rendere l’esperienza della nascita più naturale e meno invasiva per la madre e il neonato. L’uso dell’acqua è una delle tecniche esplorate per ridurre il dolore e migliorare l’esperienza del parto, considerato ad oggi non solo un processo fisiologico, ma anche un evento emotivo e psicologico cruciale nella vita di una donna. Questo approccio è stato riconosciuto a livello internazionale per i suoi potenziali benefici, tra cui la riduzione della percezione del dolore, la diminuzione dell'uso di analgesici farmacologici ed il miglioramento del benessere psicofisico della donna. SCOPO DELLO STUDIO: Lo scopo di questo studio è valutare gli esiti materni nel travaglio in acqua e misurare il grado di soddisfazione delle donne che hanno scelto questa modalità di assistenza al travaglio nel Punto Nascita di Treviso. MATERIALI E METODI: Lo studio ha analizzato i dati raccolti nell'ambito del progetto di ricerca "Studio osservazionale sui modelli di assistenza ostetrica durante il travaglio nella gravidanza a basso rischio", avviato presso il Punto Nascita di Treviso tra il 2018 e il 2021. Lo studio è stato condotto su 280 donne con gravidanza a basso rischio ostetrico, reclutate presso il Punto Nascita di Treviso dal 17 febbraio 2022 al 26 novembre 2023. I criteri di inclusione comprendevano età pari o superiore a 18 anni, consenso informato e diagnosi di basso rischio confermata. Sono state escluse le gravidanze a medio o alto rischio e le donne non italofone. I dati, raccolti attraverso una scheda compilata dall'ostetrica, includevano informazioni su modalità e durata del travaglio, interventi medici, esiti materni e neonatali, e percezione del dolore tramite scala VAS. Nei giorni immediatamente successivi al parto è stato somministrato alle madri un questionario per valutare la loro soddisfazione riguardo all'assistenza ricevuta durante il travaglio. RISULTATI: Dallo studio è emerso che l’11,4% (N=32) delle donne ha optato per un travaglio o parto in acqua, nel periodo considerato. I risultati mostrano che l’immersione in vasca durante il travaglio ha contribuito ad una significativa riduzione dei tempi del travaglio e della percezione del dolore nel periodo espulsivo, con una riduzione degli interventi operativi. Inoltre, le donne che hanno scelto il travaglio in acqua hanno riportato alti livelli di soddisfazione riguardo alla loro esperienza, dichiarando di essersi sentite accolte, ascoltate, sostenute e supportate durante la loro esperienza di travaglio in acqua. CONCLUSIONE: L'uso dell'acqua durante il travaglio sembra rappresentare un'opzione efficace per migliorare l'esperienza del parto, favorendo il rilassamento e riducendo l'intervento farmacologico. I risultati di questo studio confermano la validità del travaglio in acqua come alternativa ad altri metodi di assistenza senza immersione, offrendo benefici sia fisici che psicologici alle donne che lo scelgono.
Valutazione degli esiti materni nel travaglio in acqua: studio osservazionale
BACKGROUND: In recent years, there has been a growing interest in less medicalized birthing practices to make the birth experience more natural and less invasive for both mother and newborn. The use of water is one technique explored to reduce pain and improve the childbirth experience, which is considered not only a physiological process, but also an emotional and psychological event, crucial in a woman's life. The benefits of this approach are recognized worldwide, including reducing pain perception, decreasing the use of pharmacological analgesics, and improving women's physical and mental health. AIM: The purpose of this study is to evaluate maternal outcomes in water-based labor and to measure women's level of satisfaction with water-based labor assistance at the Birth Point of Treviso. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study analyzed data collected as part of the research project “Observational study on models of obstetric care during labor in low-risk pregnancies”, launched at the Treviso Birth Center between 2018 and 2021. The study included 280 women with low-risk pregnancies, recruited at the Treviso Birth Centre from 17 February 2022 to 26 November 2023. Inclusion criteria were age 18 years or older, informed consent and confirmed low-risk pregnancy. Medium or high risk pregnancies and non-Italian-speaking women were excluded. The data, collected through a form filled out by the midwife, included information on the mode and duration of labor, medical interventions, maternal and neonatal outcomes, and pain perception using a VAS scale. In the days immediately following delivery, mothers were given a questionnaire to assess their level of satisfaction with the care received during labor. RESULTS: The study revealed that 11.4% (N=32) women chose to have a water birth or labor during the specified period. The results show that bath immersion during labour contributed to a significant reduction of the time of labor and the perception of pain during the expulsive period, with a reduction in operative interventions. Women who chose water labor also reported high levels of satisfaction with their experience, stating that they felt welcomed, listened to and supported during their water labor experience. CONCLUSION: The use of water during labour appears to be an effective option for improving the labour experience by promoting relaxation and reducing pharmacological intervention. The results of this study confirm the validity of water birth as an alternative to other non-immersion care methods, offering both physical and psychological benefits to women who choose it.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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