Cerebral stroke is a neurological condition that develops as a result of the interruption of normal blood flow to the brain, due to the obstruction or rupture of an artery (Làvadas & Berti, 2020). In addition to physical and motor difficulties that hinder walking and independence, people often report deficits of a cognitive nature that contribute to changes in the individual's system of relationships and social interaction (Salter et al., 2008; Lorenz, 2010; Lo Buono et al., 2017; American Stroke Association, 2024). Relational and communication difficulties therefore contribute to the increased suffering experienced by individuals affected by stroke. The ability to infer other people's intentions and emotions, recognising them as separate from one's own and using them to predict the other's behaviour, is a key domain for connecting with the other and communicating effectively (Frith & Frith, 2005). This skill is called Theory of Mind (ToM) and is frequently impaired in individuals affected by stroke.In this clinical population, deficits in ToM skills are also accompanied by difficulties in other cognitive processes, making mutual influence inevitable. Studies linking ToM abilities with other cognitive functions have demonstrated a considerable involvement of language pragmatics in ToM impairment (Pluta et al., 2017; Nijsse et al., 2019), showing the close link that exists between ToM and other cognitive functions, showing the close link between these two domains (Carotenuto et al., 2018a; Cardillo et al., 2021; Ouerchefani et al., 2024). The present paper aims to investigate the relationship between ToM, pragmatics and clinical and cognitive factors. Specifically, an attempt was made to identify the factors that best predicted performance in a ToM task: the Story-based Empathy Task (SET) (Dodich et al., 2015). Twenty-eight participants affected by stroke and hospitalised at the IRCCS Ospedale San Camillo in Lido di Venezia (VE) participated in the study. The analyses involved a multiple regression with the total SET score as the dependent variable. The model included several independent variables among the tests administered as predictors. Among these, the variable of the Assessment of Pragmatic Abilities and Cognitive Substrates (APACS; Arcara & Bambini, 2016) was found to be significant F = 7.1464, p <.05 (p-value= 0.01551), along with the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE; Magni et al., 1996) F= 5.1498, p <.05 (p-value= 0.03578). The total score on the APACS test and MMSE were thus identified as the main predictors of performance at SET. The APACS test as a predictor suggests that aspects related to pragmatics play an important role in theory-of-mind processes. In other words, patients who show greater communicative effectiveness, in terms of verbal production and greater ability o understand both passages and humorous sentences with non-literal meanings (as measured by the APACS) tend to have better abilities to understand the thoughts and intentions of others (as measured by the TOM). In addition to pragmatic abilities, participants with a higher global cognitive level also appeared to have better ToM abilities. Exploratory analyses to investigate possible differences between the cognitive and affective components of SET showed no significant results.
L’ictus cerebrale è una condizione neurologica che si sviluppa in seguito all’interruzione del normale flusso sanguigno al cervello, a causa dell’ostruzione o della rottura di un’arteria (Làvadas & Berti, 2020). Oltre a difficoltà fisiche e motorie che ostacolano la deambulazione e l’indipendenza, le persone riportano spesso deficit di natura cognitiva che contribuiscono al cambiamento nel sistema di relazioni e di interazione sociale dell’individuo (Salter et al., 2008; Lorenz, 2010; Lo Buono et al., 2017; American Stroke Association, 2024). Le difficoltà relazionali e comunicative concorrono quindi, ad aumentare la sofferenza provata dagli individui colpiti da ictus. La capacità di dedurre intenzioni ed emozioni altrui, riconoscendole come separate dalle proprie ed utilizzandole per prevedere il comportamento dell’altro, è un dominio fondamentale per entrare in contatto con l’altro e comunicare efficacemente (Frith & Frith, 2005). Tale abilità prende il nome di Teoria della mente (ToM) ed è frequentemente compromessa negli individui colpiti da ictus. In questa popolazione clinica i deficit nelle abilità ToM sono altresì accompagnati a difficoltà in altri processi cognitivi, rendendo inevitabile la reciproca influenza. Studi che mettono in relazione le abilità ToM con altre funzioni cognitive hanno dimostrato un considerevole coinvolgimento della pragmatica del linguaggio nella compromissione della ToM (Pluta et al., 2017; Nijsse et al., 2019), mostrando lo stretto legame esistente tra questi due domini (Carotenuto et al., 2018a; Cardillo et al., 2021; Ouerchefani et al., 2024). Il presente elaborato mira ad approfondire la relazione tra ToM, pragmatica e fattori clinici e cognitivi. In particolare, si è cercato di individuare i fattori che meglio predicessero la performance in un compito di ToM: lo Story-based Empathy Task (SET) (Dodich et al., 2015). Allo studio hanno partecipato 28 partecipanti colpiti da ictus cerebrale e ricoverati presso l’IRCCS Ospedale San Camillo di Lido di Venezia (VE). Le analisi hanno previsto una regressione multipla con il punteggio totale al SET come variabile dipendente. Il modello ha previsto diverse variabili indipendenti tra i test somministrati come predittori. Tra queste, la variabile dell’Assessment of Pragmatic Abilities and Cognitive Substrates (APACS; Arcara & Bambini, 2016) è risultata essere significativa F = 7.1464, p <.05 (p-value= 0.01551), assieme al Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE; Magni et al., 1996) F= 5.1498, p <.05 (p-value= 0.03578). Il punteggio totale al test APACS e al MMSE sono stati quindi identificati come i predittori principali della performance al SET. Il test APACS come predittore suggerisce come aspetti legati alla pragmatica giochino un ruolo importante nei processi di teoria della mente. In altre parole, i pazienti che mostrano una maggiore efficacia comunicativa, in termini di produzione verbale e una maggiore capacità nel comprendere sia brani, sia frasi umoristiche e con significati non letterali (misurata dall'APACS) tendono ad avere migliori capacità di comprendere i pensieri e le intenzioni altrui (misurata dalla TOM). Oltre alle abilità pragmatiche, anche i partecipanti con un livello cognitivo globale maggiore, risultano avere migliori capacità di ToM. Analisi esplorative per indagare possibili differenze tra le componenti cognitiva e affettiva del SET non hanno mostrato risultati significativi.
Teoria della mente e pragmatica in individui affetti da ictus cerebrale: uno studio neuropsicologico
Cerebral stroke is a neurological condition that develops as a result of the interruption of normal blood flow to the brain, due to the obstruction or rupture of an artery (Làvadas & Berti, 2020). In addition to physical and motor difficulties that hinder walking and independence, people often report deficits of a cognitive nature that contribute to changes in the individual's system of relationships and social interaction (Salter et al., 2008; Lorenz, 2010; Lo Buono et al., 2017; American Stroke Association, 2024). Relational and communication difficulties therefore contribute to the increased suffering experienced by individuals affected by stroke. The ability to infer other people's intentions and emotions, recognising them as separate from one's own and using them to predict the other's behaviour, is a key domain for connecting with the other and communicating effectively (Frith & Frith, 2005). This skill is called Theory of Mind (ToM) and is frequently impaired in individuals affected by stroke.In this clinical population, deficits in ToM skills are also accompanied by difficulties in other cognitive processes, making mutual influence inevitable. Studies linking ToM abilities with other cognitive functions have demonstrated a considerable involvement of language pragmatics in ToM impairment (Pluta et al., 2017; Nijsse et al., 2019), showing the close link that exists between ToM and other cognitive functions, showing the close link between these two domains (Carotenuto et al., 2018a; Cardillo et al., 2021; Ouerchefani et al., 2024). The present paper aims to investigate the relationship between ToM, pragmatics and clinical and cognitive factors. Specifically, an attempt was made to identify the factors that best predicted performance in a ToM task: the Story-based Empathy Task (SET) (Dodich et al., 2015). Twenty-eight participants affected by stroke and hospitalised at the IRCCS Ospedale San Camillo in Lido di Venezia (VE) participated in the study. The analyses involved a multiple regression with the total SET score as the dependent variable. The model included several independent variables among the tests administered as predictors. Among these, the variable of the Assessment of Pragmatic Abilities and Cognitive Substrates (APACS; Arcara & Bambini, 2016) was found to be significant F = 7.1464, p <.05 (p-value= 0.01551), along with the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE; Magni et al., 1996) F= 5.1498, p <.05 (p-value= 0.03578). The total score on the APACS test and MMSE were thus identified as the main predictors of performance at SET. The APACS test as a predictor suggests that aspects related to pragmatics play an important role in theory-of-mind processes. In other words, patients who show greater communicative effectiveness, in terms of verbal production and greater ability o understand both passages and humorous sentences with non-literal meanings (as measured by the APACS) tend to have better abilities to understand the thoughts and intentions of others (as measured by the TOM). In addition to pragmatic abilities, participants with a higher global cognitive level also appeared to have better ToM abilities. Exploratory analyses to investigate possible differences between the cognitive and affective components of SET showed no significant results.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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