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Mostrati risultati da 1 a 20 di 20
Tipologia Anno Titolo Titolo inglese Autore File
Lauree magistrali 2022 A Comprehensive Exploration of Predictive Processing: An fMRI Meta-Analytic Approach to Investigate “Predictive” Networks Across Multiple Cognitive Domains, Including the Development of a New Tool for the Evaluation of Risk of Bias in Cognitive Studies A Comprehensive Exploration of Predictive Processing: An fMRI Meta-Analytic Approach to Investigate “Predictive” Networks Across Multiple Cognitive Domains, Including the Development of a New Tool for the Evaluation of Risk of Bias in Cognitive Studies FRANGI, CAMILLA
Lauree magistrali 2021 A Machine-Learning-Based Investigation of Schizophrenia Using Structural MRI A Machine-Learning-Based Investigation of Schizophrenia Using Structural MRI TURKMEN, AYSE DILARA
Lauree triennali 2022 Brain Alterations in Idiopathic Pedophilia: a Meta-analysis of Neuroimaging Studies Brain Alterations in Idiopathic Pedophilia: a Meta-analysis of Neuroimaging Studies MANZARI, ELENA SOFIA
Lauree magistrali 2020 Capacità di discriminazione della genuinità delle emozioni e Teoria della Mente: studio su un campione di uomini detenuti in carcere. Ability to discriminate genuine emotions and Theory of Mind: a study of a sample of incarcerated men. PASQUINI, BARBARA
Lauree magistrali 2021 Cognitive Bias in Neuroimaging: A Study on How Information Affects Neuroradiological Reports Cognitive Bias in Neuroimaging: A Study on How Information Affects Neuroradiological Reports WIJAYA, JANET LOUISA
Lauree triennali 2020 Contributo alla taratura italiana di un test neuropsicologico per la valutazione della capacità di discriminare la genuinità delle emozioni: correlazione con empatia Contribution to the Italian calibration of a neuropsychological test for the evaluation of the ability to discriminate the genuineness of emotions: correlation with empathy SPAGNUOLO, ALESSIA
Lauree triennali 2020 Contributo alla taratura italiana di un test neuropsicologico per la valutazione della capacità di discriminare la genuinità delle emozioni: correlazione con inibizione emotiva Contribution to the Italian calibration of a neuropsychological test for the evaluation of the ability to discriminate the genuineness of emotions: correlation with emotional inhibition BRAGATO, LUDOVICA
Lauree magistrali 2021 Detection of simple and complex deceits through facial micro-expressions: a comparison between human beings’ performances and machine learning techniques Detection of simple and complex deceits through facial micro-expressions: a comparison between human beings’ performances and machine learning techniques SILLA, LORENZO
Lauree magistrali 2021 Exploring sexual fantasies and beliefs about children in minor attracted people Exploring sexual fantasies and beliefs about children in minor attracted people VANNI, FEDERICO
Lauree magistrali 2021 Idiopathic pedophilia and acquired pedophilia: is the public opinion influenced by anatomical or cognitive data? Idiopathic pedophilia and acquired pedophilia: is the public opinion influenced by anatomical or cognitive data? MOCHI, CLORI
Lauree magistrali 2021 IL DISTURBO DI MENTE E LE SUE ACCEZIONI NEL DIRITTO PENALE, TRA PARADIGMI PSICHIATRICI E TEORIE PSICOLOGICHE Proposte di riforma e considerazioni critiche sulla regolamentazione giuridica dell'infermità mentale THE MENTAL DISORDER AND ITS MEANINGS IN CRIMINAL LAW, BETWEEN PSYCHIATRIC PARADIGMS AND PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORIES Reform proposals and critical considerations on the legal regulation of mental illness BREGOLI, GIUDITTA
Lauree triennali 2022 L’influenza dei bias cognitivi riguardo la punibilità del sex offender The influence of cognitive bias on the opinion regarding the liability of the sex offender MINELLI, ANGELITA
Lauree triennali 2022 Predictive Processing - un insight attraverso lo studio dei correlati elettrofisiologici della cognizione sociale e delle emozioni Electrophysiological correlates of social cognition and emotions during a visual mismatch task - a predictive processing view FURLAN, ISABELLA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Studio e sviluppo di una batteria di test per la valutazione neuropsicologica dell'imputabilità secondo l'approccio cognitivo Study and development of a battery of tests for the neuropsychological evaluation of imputability according to the cognitive approach NORDIO, ANDREA
Lauree magistrali 2020 The human expert performance model applied to real Italian cases of insanity: Retrospective investigation of biases at the level of between expert reliability in observations and conclusions. The human expert performance model applied to real Italian cases of insanity: Retrospective investigation of biases at the level of between expert reliability in observations and conclusions. BOSCHETTI, ANGELA
Lauree magistrali 2021 Una check-list a supporto della valutazione dell’imputabilità: creazione dello strumento e applicazione a casi forensi A checklist to insanity assessment support: development of the tool and application to forensic cases GHIDINI, GIULIA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Una check-list a supporto della valutazione dell’imputabilità: validazione con applicazione a casi forensi A checklist supporting the assessment of accountability: validation with application to forensic cases MERIGO, LAURA
Lauree magistrali 2020 Validazione di uno strumento per il riconoscimento della genuinità delle emozioni: Quale peso attribuirgli nell'interpretazione delle situazioni sociali? Come correla con la capacità individuale di inibire gli impulsi? Validation of a tool for the recognition of genuine emotions: What weight should we attribute to it in the interpretation of social situations? How does it correlates with the individual ability to inhibit impulses? STRADA, ERICA
Lauree magistrali 2020 Valutazione della capacità di discriminare emozioni genuine e simulate: valori normativi preliminari e iniziale validazione su popolazione ad esordio psicotico. Evaluation of the ability to discriminate genuine from posed emotions: preliminary normative values and validation on first episode of psychosis. GRIMALDI, GIULIA
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