Coca-Cola is one of the most well-known brands worldwide. It has a long history that has touched and enriched the lives of many. It is a brand that makes no significant distinction between locations, ages, or social classes but presents itself as a product accessible to anyone, designed specifically to be available to anyone who desires it. Over time, for approximately 140 years, it has not stopped expanding and growing, to the point where it can no longer be identified as a mere product. On the contrary, we are talking about a truly 360° brand that has managed to fully immerse itself in society, taking advantage of every possible opportunity and weaving an almost endless network of connections—elements that have been ideal for increasing its notoriety and making it one of the most purchased goods in the world. Specifically, if we were to provide concrete data, Coca-Cola is the most widely distributed product globally, sold in more than 200 countries. This is a fact not to be underestimated, as, despite various challenges caused by extremely negative, and in some cases serious, situations—such as the COVID-19 pandemic—it still allowed the company to further increase its revenues, raising them by 11%. Coca-Cola, in a historical moment that overwhelmed thousands of businesses, people, and industries, distinguished itself without experiencing declines in sales or losing even a fraction of its reputation through a single and simple strategy: raising beverage prices. Naturally, we are talking about a strategy that not every brand can afford. In fact, very few can. Only a brand with such significant resonance can do so without risking, even for a second, losing a customer. The reason is very simple: Coca-Cola is a true cultural phenomenon, easily recognizable worldwide by its distinctive, and practically unchanged, red and white logo. A brand that bases its entire philosophy and values on empathy and the ability to connect people, presenting itself as a “symbol of moments of sharing and joy.” Let’s be honest. Who has ever heard someone say they don't know Coca-Cola? At this point, one question naturally arises: the curiosity to understand how this brand has managed to achieve such goals. Goals that are so high on the scale of success that they have earned Coca-Cola timeless results, which for many are unattainable, becoming an integral part of popular culture, not only in one country but worldwide. The truth, as well as the surprising curiosity, lies in the reason for Coca-Cola’s very creation. It was first marketed in 1886, the year it appeared on the market for the first time as a “nerve tonic.” A product created with a specific function, namely to alleviate the problems of modern civilization and help reduce people’s stress. That is why we mentioned approximately 140 years of history in the opening lines. Among other things, Coca-Cola is now one of the oldest stocks on Wall Street. It has been part of it since 1919, when, in September of that year, the company went public at $40 per share. I find it astounding how the company has built itself up and continued to carry its name to great heights. And this is precisely the reason why I believe it is appropriate, if not necessary, to dedicate a thorough analysis to this brand and its evolution. This analysis will be divided into specific sections, each focusing on a particular subject, which we will examine one by one.
Coca Cola è uno dei brand più noti a livello mondiale. Ha una lunga storia che è stata capace di travolgere e arricchire le vite di tutti. È un brand che non fa grande differenza tra luoghi del mondo, età o classi sociali, ma si presenta come un prodotto alla portata di chiunque, creato appositamente per essere accessibile a qualsiasi persona lo desideri. Nel tempo, da circa 140 anni, non ha fermato la sua espansione e la sua crescita, tanto da non poter nemmeno più essere identificato come mero prodotto. Al contrario, parliamo di un vero e proprio marchio a 360° che è riuscito ad immergersi totalmente nella società, sfruttando ogni possibile carta presente sul tavolo da gioco e tessendo una rete praticamente interminabile di contatti, elementi ideali per accrescere la sua notorietà e diventare uno dei beni più acquistati al mondo. Precisamente, se volessimo dare dati concreti, Coca Cola è il prodotto più distribuito al mondo, venduto in più di 200 paesi . Un dato da non sottovalutare questo, poiché, nonostante i vari disagi causati da situazioni estremamente negative e, se vogliamo, anche gravi, quali ad esempio la pandemia da COVID-19, ha comunque permesso all’azienda di incrementare ulteriormente i suoi ricavi, aumentandoli dell’11% . Coca Cola, in un momento storico da cui sono state travolte migliaia di attività, persone e settori, ha saputo distinguersi senza riscontrare cali nelle vendite e senza perdere nemmeno un briciolo della sua reputazione, attraverso una singola e semplice strategia: l’aumento dei prezzi delle bevande. Naturalmente, parliamo di una strategia che non tutti i marchi possono vantare di potersi permettere. Anzi, quelli che lo possono fare sono realmente pochi. Solo un marchio con una risonanza di tale portata può fare ciò senza rischiare, neanche per un singolo secondo, di perdere un cliente. La ragione è molto semplice, Coca Cola è un vero e proprio fenomeno culturale, facilmente riconoscibile in tutto il mondo dal suo distintivo, e praticamente invariato, marchio bianco e rosso. Un brand che basa tutta la sua filosofia e i suoi valori sull’empatia e sulla capacità di mettere in contatto le persone, presentandosi come “simbolo di momenti di condivisione e di gioia” . Siamo onesti. Chi ha mai sentito dire da una persona di non conoscere Coca Cola? A questo punto, un pensiero sorge spontaneo. La curiosità di capire come questo brand sia stato capace di raggiungere tali obiettivi. Obiettivi talmente elevati nella scala del successo da aver fatto guadagnare a Coca Cola dei risultati intramontabili e, per molti, irraggiungibili, diventando parte integrante della cultura popolare, non solo di un paese, bensì del mondo intero. La verità, nonché sorprendente curiosità, è il motivo della nascita stessa di Coca Cola. Commercializzata per la prima volta nel 1886, anno in cui appare nel mercato per la prima volta, come “tonico per i nervi” . Un prodotto creato con una specifica funzione, ovvero quella di attenuare i problemi della civiltà moderna e aiutare, quindi, a ridurre lo stress delle persone. 1886. Per questo nelle prime righe si parlava di circa 140 anni di storia. Coca Cola, infatti, tra le altre cose, è oggi uno dei fondi azionari più anziani di Wall Street. Ne fa parte dal 1919, quando, nel settembre dello stesso anno, l’azienda fu quotata in borsa a 40 dollari per azione . Trovo che il modo in cui l’azienda si sia costruita da sola e abbia continuato a portare avanti in alto il suo nome sia strabiliante. Ed è proprio questo il motivo per il quale ritengo sia opportuno, se non doveroso, dedicare una precisa analisi a questo brand e alla sua evoluzione. Il seguente lavoro di analisi vedrà una suddivisione puntuale con precisi oggetti principali, i quali andremo a studiare uno per volta.
Coca Cola e Ads. Il ruolo di Coca Cola nella cultura cinematografica e nella costruzione di un'icona globale
Coca-Cola is one of the most well-known brands worldwide. It has a long history that has touched and enriched the lives of many. It is a brand that makes no significant distinction between locations, ages, or social classes but presents itself as a product accessible to anyone, designed specifically to be available to anyone who desires it. Over time, for approximately 140 years, it has not stopped expanding and growing, to the point where it can no longer be identified as a mere product. On the contrary, we are talking about a truly 360° brand that has managed to fully immerse itself in society, taking advantage of every possible opportunity and weaving an almost endless network of connections—elements that have been ideal for increasing its notoriety and making it one of the most purchased goods in the world. Specifically, if we were to provide concrete data, Coca-Cola is the most widely distributed product globally, sold in more than 200 countries. This is a fact not to be underestimated, as, despite various challenges caused by extremely negative, and in some cases serious, situations—such as the COVID-19 pandemic—it still allowed the company to further increase its revenues, raising them by 11%. Coca-Cola, in a historical moment that overwhelmed thousands of businesses, people, and industries, distinguished itself without experiencing declines in sales or losing even a fraction of its reputation through a single and simple strategy: raising beverage prices. Naturally, we are talking about a strategy that not every brand can afford. In fact, very few can. Only a brand with such significant resonance can do so without risking, even for a second, losing a customer. The reason is very simple: Coca-Cola is a true cultural phenomenon, easily recognizable worldwide by its distinctive, and practically unchanged, red and white logo. A brand that bases its entire philosophy and values on empathy and the ability to connect people, presenting itself as a “symbol of moments of sharing and joy.” Let’s be honest. Who has ever heard someone say they don't know Coca-Cola? At this point, one question naturally arises: the curiosity to understand how this brand has managed to achieve such goals. Goals that are so high on the scale of success that they have earned Coca-Cola timeless results, which for many are unattainable, becoming an integral part of popular culture, not only in one country but worldwide. The truth, as well as the surprising curiosity, lies in the reason for Coca-Cola’s very creation. It was first marketed in 1886, the year it appeared on the market for the first time as a “nerve tonic.” A product created with a specific function, namely to alleviate the problems of modern civilization and help reduce people’s stress. That is why we mentioned approximately 140 years of history in the opening lines. Among other things, Coca-Cola is now one of the oldest stocks on Wall Street. It has been part of it since 1919, when, in September of that year, the company went public at $40 per share. I find it astounding how the company has built itself up and continued to carry its name to great heights. And this is precisely the reason why I believe it is appropriate, if not necessary, to dedicate a thorough analysis to this brand and its evolution. This analysis will be divided into specific sections, each focusing on a particular subject, which we will examine one by one.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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