Individuals are inclined to relate to one another for the purpose of achieving common goals.The first relationship established in each person's life is with some reference people, namely parents. In parent-child relationships, the adult responds to the child's needs in oder to promote a positive affective state that impacts on the child's ability to develop adaptive emotional regulation strategies. These aspects have been studied at the level of representations and interaction, but only in recent decades the interest in the neurobiological aspects of the parent-child relationship has developed. The rise of neuroscience as a heterogeneous discipline aimed at understanding how the mind emerges from the biological substrate has fostered the overcoming of the mind-body dualism and has introduced a new way of understanding the science of human behavior and cognition. Also in the legal sphere, aspects related to the importance of the relationship between parents and children are reaffirmed by Family Law, which regulates the rights and duties of parents toward their offsprings. When there is a disruption of the family asset, as in the case of separations and divorces, the judge may request the intervention of an expert to carry out a court-appointed technical consultation in order to obtain information regarding the situation for which he or she is called to judge, because he does not possess sufficient knowledge to make a decisions according to the criteria required by the law. In the case of forensic psychologist's activities while evaluating cases for child custody, the clinical interview is used as the main tool for obtaining a picture of the family situation at trial, sometimes corroborated by the use of some testistic instruments. Despite this, the inter-rater reliability (reliability of agreement between evaluators) of the clinical interview is low, making it an insufficiently valid tool to be presented to the Judge with guarantees of scientificity and reliability. Therefore, it is proposed that modern neuroimaging techniques, specifically fNIRS, can be integrated into assessments of parenting skills in the forensic field, as it is already done for the detection of certain criteria in the criminal justice field. This is because if science in the contemporary world has become the paradigm of knowledge, assessments of parenting skills should also meet scientific standards of reliability because of the delicate impact that decisions regarding parental responsibility and foster care can have on the development of individuals, especially children. It is proposed that, through an experimental paradigm presented by Reindl and colleagues (2018), data regarding brain-to-brain synchronization in parent-child dyads engaged in cooperative tasks can be detected with fNIRS hyperscanning and related to their emotional regulation abilities. A detection of brain-to-brain synchronization in relation to the dyad's emotional regulation abilities could support the findings regarding affective function and regulatory function: aspects that can be examined while evaluating of parenting abilities. Such data, acquired through fNIRS, are intended to further investigate family dynamics in order to increase the scientificity of the assessment in order to pursue the child's best interest.
Gli individui sono portati a relazionarsi gli uni con gli altri allo scopo di raggiungere obiettivi comuni: la prima relazione che si instaura nella vita di ogni persona è quella con le figure di riferimento, ovvero i genitori. Nella relazione genitore-bambino l’adulto risponde ai bisogni del minore per promuovere uno stato affettivo positivo, con riscontri sulla capacità di sviluppo di strategie di regolazione emotiva adattiva del minore. Questi aspetti sono stati studiati a livello delle rappresentazioni e dell’interazione, ma solo negli ultimi decenni si è sviluppato l’interesse per gli aspetti neurobiologici del rapporto genitore-bambino. L’affermarsi delle neuroscienze quali discipline eterogenee volte a comprendere come la mente emerga dal substrato biologico ha favorito il superamento del dualismo mente-corpo e ha introdotto un nuovo modo di intendere la scienza del comportamento e della cognizione umana. Anche in ambito giuridico gli aspetti legati all’importanza del rapporto tra genitori e figli vengono ribaditi dal Diritto di Famiglia che norma i diritti e i doveri dei genitori nei confronti della prole. Quando ci si trova in una situazione di rottura dell’unità familiare, come nel caso di separazioni e divorzi, il Giudice può chiedere l’intervento di un esperto per svolgere una consulenza tecnica d’ufficio allo scopo di ottenere informazioni riguardo alla situazione per la quale è chiamato a giudicare, non possedendo sufficienti conoscenze per prendere una decisione secondo i criteri richiesti dalla Giurisprudenza. Nel caso delle attività dello psicologo forense in ambito di affido di minori, le valutazioni impiegano il colloquio clinico quale strumento principale per ottenere un quadro della situazione familiare a processo, talvolta avvalorato dall’utilizzo di alcuni strumenti testistici. Nonostante ciò, l’inter-rater reliability (affidabilità dell’accordo tra valutatori) del colloquio clinico è bassa, rendendolo uno strumento non sufficientemente valido per essere presentato al Giudice con garanzie di scientificità e attendibilità. Pertanto, si propone che moderne tecniche di neuroimmagine, nello specifico la fNIRS, possa essere integrata nelle valutazioni sulle capacità genitoriali in ambito forense, così come già avviene per la rilevazione di alcuni criteri in ambito penale. Ciò perché se la scienza nel mondo contemporaneo è diventata il paradigma del sapere, anche le valutazioni sulle capacità genitoriali dovrebbero soddisfare standard di affidabilità scientifica, in virtù del delicato impatto che le decisioni riguardo alla responsabilità genitoriale e agli affidamenti possono avere sullo sviluppo degli individui, soprattutto dei minori. Si propone che, attraverso un paradigma sperimentale presentato da Reindl e colleghi (2018), con la fNIRS hyperscanning si possano rilevare dati riguardanti la sincronizzazione brain-to-brain nelle coppie genitori-figli impegnate in compiti di cooperazione, mettendoli in relazione con le loro capacità di regolazione emotiva. Una rilevazione della sincronizzazione cerebrale in relazione alle capacità di regolazione emotiva della diade potrebbe supportare e adiuvare gli accertamenti riguardanti la funzione affettiva e la funzione regolativa, aspetti da esaminare delle capacità genitoriali. Tali dati, acquisiti attraverso fNIRS, sono da intendersi come un ulteriore approfondimento delle dinamiche familiari, per aumentare la scientificità della valutazione in ottica di perseguire il benessere superiore del minore.
Valutazione delle capacità genitoriali attraverso il neuroimaging delle interazioni sociali: una revisione scientifica con proposta di applicazione forense
Individuals are inclined to relate to one another for the purpose of achieving common goals.The first relationship established in each person's life is with some reference people, namely parents. In parent-child relationships, the adult responds to the child's needs in oder to promote a positive affective state that impacts on the child's ability to develop adaptive emotional regulation strategies. These aspects have been studied at the level of representations and interaction, but only in recent decades the interest in the neurobiological aspects of the parent-child relationship has developed. The rise of neuroscience as a heterogeneous discipline aimed at understanding how the mind emerges from the biological substrate has fostered the overcoming of the mind-body dualism and has introduced a new way of understanding the science of human behavior and cognition. Also in the legal sphere, aspects related to the importance of the relationship between parents and children are reaffirmed by Family Law, which regulates the rights and duties of parents toward their offsprings. When there is a disruption of the family asset, as in the case of separations and divorces, the judge may request the intervention of an expert to carry out a court-appointed technical consultation in order to obtain information regarding the situation for which he or she is called to judge, because he does not possess sufficient knowledge to make a decisions according to the criteria required by the law. In the case of forensic psychologist's activities while evaluating cases for child custody, the clinical interview is used as the main tool for obtaining a picture of the family situation at trial, sometimes corroborated by the use of some testistic instruments. Despite this, the inter-rater reliability (reliability of agreement between evaluators) of the clinical interview is low, making it an insufficiently valid tool to be presented to the Judge with guarantees of scientificity and reliability. Therefore, it is proposed that modern neuroimaging techniques, specifically fNIRS, can be integrated into assessments of parenting skills in the forensic field, as it is already done for the detection of certain criteria in the criminal justice field. This is because if science in the contemporary world has become the paradigm of knowledge, assessments of parenting skills should also meet scientific standards of reliability because of the delicate impact that decisions regarding parental responsibility and foster care can have on the development of individuals, especially children. It is proposed that, through an experimental paradigm presented by Reindl and colleagues (2018), data regarding brain-to-brain synchronization in parent-child dyads engaged in cooperative tasks can be detected with fNIRS hyperscanning and related to their emotional regulation abilities. A detection of brain-to-brain synchronization in relation to the dyad's emotional regulation abilities could support the findings regarding affective function and regulatory function: aspects that can be examined while evaluating of parenting abilities. Such data, acquired through fNIRS, are intended to further investigate family dynamics in order to increase the scientificity of the assessment in order to pursue the child's best interest.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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