The industrial past of the city of Turin has left heavy marks on its urban fabric. One example is the Aurora district, located close to the historic city center. During the Fiat economic boom (which began in the 1950s), numerous new factories for automobile production were built. One of the chosen locations for their construction was Aurora, which in the following years saw significant immigration of workers. The structures from that period have reached the present day in a state of poor preservation, irreparably damaging the building fabric of the district. Recently, many revitalization efforts have been launched, leading to the creation of important hubs such as the Nuvola Lavazza, the Einaudi campus, and the Dora Park. The functions of the campus and the park are closely linked, as students trained at the university often find potential job opportunities at the technological center in the park. The proposed project aims to emphasize the university and technological values by envisioning a scientific research hub in an area centrally located between the campus and the park. This area is occupied by a huge abandoned complex, once home to Fiat's Officine Grandi Motori, which today is a hotspot for illegal activities and social unrest. The decay characterizing the former OGM has spread to the surrounding areas, compromising the quality of green spaces and road axes. Using a small, degraded garden as a starting point, the proposal is to create an expansive new park in the heart of the district. In addition to housing sports facilities, it culminates in a terrace that rises above the surrounding ground level. Special attention is given to the arrangement of the buildings. They are designed to direct all sightlines toward the Dora Riparia River. The dense network of pedestrian and cycling paths primarily aims to lead towards the riverbanks, which, through numerous modifications and improvements, will become the leisure area of the district.
Il passato industriale della città di Torino ha lasciato tracce ingombranti nel suo tessuto urbano. Un esempio è il quartiere Aurora, situato a ridosso del centro storico. Durante il boom economico della Fiat (scoppiato negli anni 50 del '900) vennero realizzati numerosi nuovi stabilimenti per la produzione di automobili. Uno dei luoghi scelti per la loro costruzione fu proprio Aurora che nel periodo successivo fu oggetto di una notevole immigrazione di operai. Le strutture risalenti a quegli anni sono arrivate ai giorni nostri in condizioni di conservazione pessime, compromettendo irrimediabilmente il tessuto edilizio del quartiere. Recentemente, sono state avviate molte operazioni di rivalorizzazione dell'area, che hanno portato alla nascita di importanti poli come la Nuvola Lavazza, il campus Einaudi e il parco Dora. Le funzioni del campus e del parco sono strettamente collegate, poiché gli studenti formati dall'università trovano potenziale sbocco lavorativo presso il centro tecnologico del parco. La proposta progettuale mira ad accentuare le valenze universitaria e tecnologica ipotizzando un hub di ricerca scientifica in un'area baricentrica rispetto al campus e al parco. Essa è occupata da un enorme complesso abbandonato, dove un tempo erano in attività le Officine Grandi Motori della Fiat, che oggi sono un nido di attività illecite e disagio sociale. Il degrado caratterizzante l'ex OGM si è diffuso anche nei luoghi limitrofi, pregiudicando la qualità degli spazi verdi e degli assi viari. Utilizzando come punto di partenza un piccolo giardino degradato, si propone la creazione di un esteso nuovo parco nel cuore del quartiere. Esso, oltre ad ospitare una serie di attrezzature per lo sport, culmina con una terrazza che si eleva rispetto al piano campagna. Molta attenzione viene riservata alla disposizione degli edifici. Essi sono progettati in maniera tale da dirigere tutti gli assi prospettici verso la Dora Riparia. Anche la rete ciclopedonale ha come scopo primario quello di condurre agli argini del fiume che, attraverso numerose modifiche e miglioramenti, diventa il luogo del loisir del quartiere.
Aurora tra due poli. Sfide ed opportunità per la rigenerazione di un "quartiere industriale"
The industrial past of the city of Turin has left heavy marks on its urban fabric. One example is the Aurora district, located close to the historic city center. During the Fiat economic boom (which began in the 1950s), numerous new factories for automobile production were built. One of the chosen locations for their construction was Aurora, which in the following years saw significant immigration of workers. The structures from that period have reached the present day in a state of poor preservation, irreparably damaging the building fabric of the district. Recently, many revitalization efforts have been launched, leading to the creation of important hubs such as the Nuvola Lavazza, the Einaudi campus, and the Dora Park. The functions of the campus and the park are closely linked, as students trained at the university often find potential job opportunities at the technological center in the park. The proposed project aims to emphasize the university and technological values by envisioning a scientific research hub in an area centrally located between the campus and the park. This area is occupied by a huge abandoned complex, once home to Fiat's Officine Grandi Motori, which today is a hotspot for illegal activities and social unrest. The decay characterizing the former OGM has spread to the surrounding areas, compromising the quality of green spaces and road axes. Using a small, degraded garden as a starting point, the proposal is to create an expansive new park in the heart of the district. In addition to housing sports facilities, it culminates in a terrace that rises above the surrounding ground level. Special attention is given to the arrangement of the buildings. They are designed to direct all sightlines toward the Dora Riparia River. The dense network of pedestrian and cycling paths primarily aims to lead towards the riverbanks, which, through numerous modifications and improvements, will become the leisure area of the district.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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