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Mostrati risultati da 51 a 66 di 66
Tipologia Anno Titolo Titolo inglese Autore File
Lauree magistrali 2022 Mecenatismo industriale dall’800 a oggi: Il caso Veneto tra identità storica e comunicazione presente Industrial patronage from 800 to today: The Veneto case between historical identity and present communication TURATO, LUCA
Lauree magistrali 2020 Nascita ed evoluzione di un barber shop: il caso della Barberia Storti - Vezzelli, Stefano
Lauree triennali 2023 Origini, riforme ed esiti della Perestrojka: un’analisi del contesto storico ed economico dell'Unione Sovietica. Origins, reforms and outcomes of Perestrojka: an analysis of the historical and economic context of the Soviet Union. POLETTO, LINDA
Lauree magistrali 2023 Patrimonialisation D’un Paysage Agraire Industriel : Cas De La SEMRY Au Nord Cameroun (1950 - 2020). Patrimonialization of an Industrial Agrarian Landscape: Case of SEMRY in North Cameroon (1950 - 2020) ATTA ABBO, MARIE FLORENCE
Lauree magistrali 2021 Per una ricostruzione del vincolo esterno. L'equilibrio dei conti con l'estero e il finanziamento del Tesoro: la prospettiva della Banca d'Italia dall'Autunno Caldo al Sistema Monetario Europeo. Reshaping the external constraint. Foreign balance accounts equilibrium and Tresury financing: Bank Of Italy's perspective from the "Hot Autumn" to the European Monetary Sistem. RIDOLFO, DARIO
Lauree triennali 2020 South Sudan surfacing: from colonisation to oil exploitation South Sudan surfacing: from colonisation to oil exploitation SHKULLAKU, BLEONA
Lauree magistrali 2023 Storia della marmellata: uno studio sulla produzione di confetture in Francia durante la Seconda guerra mondiale History of marmalade: a study on jam production in France during the World War II ZAMATTIA, MARCO
Lauree triennali 2022 Sviluppo storico ed economico del Narcotraffico: il caso del Messico Historical and economic development of drug trafficking: the case of Mexico BIASI, KRIS
Lauree triennali 2021 The arts as commodities: a historical-economic analysis The arts as commodities: a historical-economic analysis BATTAGLIARIN, ELENA
Lauree triennali 2022 The Economic impact of Slave Trade in the Dutch Economy during the Golden Age The Economic impact of Slave Trade in the Dutch Economy during the Golden Age TRIVELLATO, MIRCO
Lauree triennali 2020 The mass media in the United States: their impact on society and economic development in the interwar period The mass media in the United States: their impact on society and economic development in the interwar period MESUT, KLEA
Lauree triennali 2022 The Rise of China as a Global Economic Power: Key Policies and Strategies The Rise of China as a Global Economic Power: Key Policies and Strategies LAZZARIN, MATTEO
Lauree triennali 2022 The South African gold mines: exploitation and socio-economic impact, 1870-1910 The South African gold mines: exploitation and socio-economic impact, 1870-1910 RUABEN, MATILDE
Lauree triennali 2020 The USA, China and the 1990s: How two superpowers shaped international trade. The USA, China and the 1990s: How two superpowers shaped international trade. RAJKOVIC, ADRIANA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Tra Ovest ed Est: continuità e rotture nella politica commerciale romena dalle origini all'adesione al GATT. Across West and East: continuities and ruptures in Romanian trade policy from its origins to GATT accession. CELI, ANTONINO
Lauree triennali 2022 Un legame oltre il confine : intrecci di influenze storiche, economiche e culturali tra Spagna e Marocco. A connection beyond borders: interweaving historical, economic and cultural influences between Spain and Morocco. EDAOU, HAJAR
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