"Can the knowledge of some typically Italian gestures help children to develop greater intercultural sensitivity and communicative awareness?". This was the question that started the research project. Reference literature highlighted two concepts: on one hand, the centrality of non-verbal communication is predominant compared to the verbal communication; on the other hand, how often the non-verbal aspects is used unknowingly. The verbal component assumes a central and predominant role, the use words used are always well chosen, but it doesn’t happen with non-verbal communication because it is relegated to an unconscious dimension. On non-verbal communication there are many gestures which have different meanings in each country of the world, and it can cause many misunderstandings. This is one of the problems that characterize the intercultural communication. Based on these premises, the project had the purpose to evaluate if it was possible to deepen this theme in terms of communication and communicative competence, but also of intercultural sensitivity, and what could be the impact in primary school children. In the project were involved two fifth grades multicultural and multilingual classes of about twenty students each, in according to the purpose of research. The meetings were proposed to discover the characteristics of gestures in an intercultural communicative way, where children were able to experience authentic tasks of using the gesture, also with pairs activities. Thanks to the methods used, the pupils’ knowledge came from their active participation and involvement; moreover, every task has been preparatory to the subsequent ones, and therefore to the assumption of awareness and autonomy by the pupils. The research perspective was glottodidattica, which is the science that deals with the study of language teaching. In particular, the research has developed according to a Learning by discovery, which is very motivating for the students, and through the Method of Task based Teaching and Learning Approach. The latest approach is an inductive method that involves the learning of the language through three phases: pre task, the starting phase useful to develop the necessary preconceptions; during task, the phase of the task, which is carried out in independently and in pairs by the pupils; post task, phase of reflections and concluding insights. In this specific case, the method was used to know the non-verbal communicative component of gestures. The results obtained confirmed the value of the theme and the interest in the children, also for the concreteness and effective daily use of gestures too. Moreover, by comparing the answers obtained between the initial and final questionnaire, there were a qualitative and quantitative increase in: the knowledge of gestures; the awareness of their impact and communicative role; the intercultural sensitivity; the importance of using appropriately the gesture to not encounter to communication problems. A final reflection: at the end of the project, there was a meeting with the pupils’ parents about it, and they emphasized the value of non-verbal communication theme link to the empathy.
“La conoscenza di alcuni gesti tipicamente italiani può aiutare i bambini a sviluppare una maggiore sensibilità interculturale e consapevolezza comunicativa?”. Questa è stata la domanda che ha dato avvio al progetto di ricerca svolto. La letteratura di riferimento ha evidenziato da un lato la centralità del non verbale nella comunicazione, tanto da affermare che l’impatto visivo è predominante rispetto a quello uditivo, dall’altro quanto spesso sia impiegato inconsapevolmente: se la componente verbale assume un ruolo centrale e predominante, e le parole da utilizzare vengono sempre ben scelte, è quella non verbale ad essere spesso relegata ad una dimensione inconscia. Altro aspetto su cui porre attenzione deriva dalla diversità che i gesti possono assumere nel mondo: anche in questo caso molteplici studi hanno identificato nell’utilizzo inconsapevole degli aspetti non verbali, una delle cause di incomprensioni e problemi caratterizzanti comunicazioni interculturali. Sulla base di queste premesse, il percorso progettato e realizzato aveva come obiettivo quello di valutare se fosse effettivamente possibile approfondire tale tematica in termini di comunicazione e competenza comunicativa, ma anche di sensibilità interculturale, e quale potesse essere l’impatto in bambini di scuola primaria. Le classi coinvolte sono state due quinte, di circa venti alunni ciascuna, multiculturali e multilinguistiche, proprio per gli intenti di ricerca preposti. Inizialmente sono stati proposti degli incontri di scoperta delle caratteristiche della gestualità, e successivamente sono state svolte attività dal carattere comunicativo interculturale, dove i bambini hanno potuto sperimentare compiti autentici di impiego del gesto, anche con attività di coppia. Proprio per i metodi impiegati, le conoscenze acquisite da ogni alunno sono derivate da attiva partecipazione e coinvolgimento; inoltre, ogni compito svolto è stato propedeutico a quelli successivi, e quindi all’assunzione di consapevolezza e autonomia da parte degli alunni. La prospettiva di indagine è stata glottodidattica, scienza che si occupa dello studio dell’insegnamento delle lingue, e che per sua natura abbraccia molteplici discipline, al fine di porsi come scienza completa, ma sempre in divenire, entro una realtà, quale l’educazione, altrettanto mutevole. In particolare, la ricerca si è sviluppata secondo un apprendimento per scoperta, molto motivante per gli alunni, e attraverso il metodo del Task based learning and teaching approach. Quest’ultimo è un metodo induttivo che prevede l’apprendimento della lingua mediante tre fasi: pre task, fase di avvio del percorso, utile a sviluppare le preconoscenze necessarie; during task, fase del compito, svolto in autonomia e in coppia dagli alunni; post task, fase di riflessioni e approfondimenti conclusivi. In questo specifico caso, il metodo è stato utilizzato per conoscere la componente comunicativa non verbale della gestualità. I risultati ottenuti hanno confermato il valore della tematica e l’interesse che il suo approfondimento può suscitare nei bambini, anche per la concretezza ed effettivo uso quotidiano dei gesti. Inoltre, si è verificato, mediante il confronto delle risposte ottenute tra questionario iniziale e finale, un aumento qualitativo e quantitativo delle conoscenze relative ai gesti, della consapevolezza del loro impatto e ruolo comunicativo, e anche della sensibilità interculturale, e quindi quanto sia importante sapere come, quando e con chi utilizzare il gesto al fine di non incontrare problemi comunicativi. Una riflessione finale: al termine degli incontri svolti con i bambini, è stata proposta una serata informativa per i genitori, con i quali è emerso l’interesse verso la conoscenza del non verbale in una visione più ampia, al fine di rendere i bambini più attenti e responsivi non solo alle parole, ma empaticamente coinvolti anche dal non verbale.
Comunicare senza parlare - La scoperta del ruolo della gestualità nella competenza comunicativa interculturale alla scuola primaria
"Can the knowledge of some typically Italian gestures help children to develop greater intercultural sensitivity and communicative awareness?". This was the question that started the research project. Reference literature highlighted two concepts: on one hand, the centrality of non-verbal communication is predominant compared to the verbal communication; on the other hand, how often the non-verbal aspects is used unknowingly. The verbal component assumes a central and predominant role, the use words used are always well chosen, but it doesn’t happen with non-verbal communication because it is relegated to an unconscious dimension. On non-verbal communication there are many gestures which have different meanings in each country of the world, and it can cause many misunderstandings. This is one of the problems that characterize the intercultural communication. Based on these premises, the project had the purpose to evaluate if it was possible to deepen this theme in terms of communication and communicative competence, but also of intercultural sensitivity, and what could be the impact in primary school children. In the project were involved two fifth grades multicultural and multilingual classes of about twenty students each, in according to the purpose of research. The meetings were proposed to discover the characteristics of gestures in an intercultural communicative way, where children were able to experience authentic tasks of using the gesture, also with pairs activities. Thanks to the methods used, the pupils’ knowledge came from their active participation and involvement; moreover, every task has been preparatory to the subsequent ones, and therefore to the assumption of awareness and autonomy by the pupils. The research perspective was glottodidattica, which is the science that deals with the study of language teaching. In particular, the research has developed according to a Learning by discovery, which is very motivating for the students, and through the Method of Task based Teaching and Learning Approach. The latest approach is an inductive method that involves the learning of the language through three phases: pre task, the starting phase useful to develop the necessary preconceptions; during task, the phase of the task, which is carried out in independently and in pairs by the pupils; post task, phase of reflections and concluding insights. In this specific case, the method was used to know the non-verbal communicative component of gestures. The results obtained confirmed the value of the theme and the interest in the children, also for the concreteness and effective daily use of gestures too. Moreover, by comparing the answers obtained between the initial and final questionnaire, there were a qualitative and quantitative increase in: the knowledge of gestures; the awareness of their impact and communicative role; the intercultural sensitivity; the importance of using appropriately the gesture to not encounter to communication problems. A final reflection: at the end of the project, there was a meeting with the pupils’ parents about it, and they emphasized the value of non-verbal communication theme link to the empathy.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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