BACKGROUND Bladder cancer is the ninth most common cancer in the world. It occurs in a 30% of cases in muscle-invasive form. Radical cystectomy (RC) and pelvic lymph node dissection are the gold standard treatment for localized muscle-invasive (MIBC) and high-risk non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC). Because of the high morbidity rate associated with open RC, many international centers have adopted minimally invasive surgical techniques, to reduce complications and optimize the recovery. PURPOSE This study aims to conduct a first review of the post-operative, functional and early oncologic outcomes reported in the patients undergoing robotic-assisted radical cystectomy (RARC) with totally intracorporeal urinary diversion for bladder cancer, in the urologic clinic of Padua. MATERIALS AND METHODS We retrospectively analyzed a cohort of the first 23 patients who underwent robotic radical cystectomy with intracorporeal urinary diversion in the urologic clinic of Padua. The enrolled patients had received indication to RC due to MIBC or high-risk NMIBC, that had failed previous treatments. Anamnestic, peri-operative, pathologic, and functional data were collected from patients’ electronic medical charts and through questionnaires that were administered for the purpose of the study. We performed a descriptive analysis of the short-term outcomes, in particular about postoperative morbidity, urinary continence, residual erectile function and early oncologic outcomes. RESULTS The study included 23 patients, 92% of whom were male. The median age at surgery was 65 years [IQR 62-71] and 70% of the cohort had smoked in the past or were still smoking. Median BMI was 25.8 kg/m2 [25-29.4], median Charlson Comorbidity Index was 0 [0-0]. 61% of patients had undergone some type of antitumoral treatment before RARC. The procedure had a median operative time of 360 minutes [330-405], blood loss of 300 ml [200-400], median length of stay of 8 days [6-14]. 65% of patient received orthotopic continent neobladder called “Ves.Pa.” and 35% received ileal conduit. The surgical margins were negative in 100% of cases, and the median number of lymph node yield was 23 [13-28]. 61% of patients developed early complications (13% were Clavien-Dindo ≥ 3), of which the majority were infectious (30%), gastrointestinal (23.4%) and genitourinary (23.4%). 13% of patients developed late complication (4% high-grade). Univariate analysis showed that neither pre-operative variables nor the type of derivation performed correlated with the occurrence of post-operative complications (p>0.05). In the short follow-up, no patient recovered full bladder continence, although 46% reported not using pads at day-time, and 15% at night-time. The majority of patients complained of mild-to-moderate urinary disorders (77%). 73% of male patients had severe erectile dysfunction. Concerning early oncologic outcome, the overall and cancer-specific survival was 100%, and disease-free survival was 96%, with 4% of recurrence rate. CONCLUSIONS The results from our cohort undergoing RARC with ICUD were in agreement or superior to the most significant literature on the topic. Complication rates appeared to be lower and early oncologic outcomes showed promising data concerning the radicality of the surgery, although the results might be affected by the stringent criteria for patients’ selection to robotic surgery.
PRESUPPOSTI DELLO STUDIO Il carcinoma vescicale è il nono tumore più comune al mondo. Esso si presenta in un 30% dei casi in forma muscolo invasiva (MIBC, muscle-invasive bladder cancer). Il trattamento oncologico di scelta per il tumore vescicale muscolo invasivo localizzato e non muscolo invasivo ad alto rischio è la cistectomia radicale (RC, radical cistectomy) associata a linfoadenectomia pelvica. Considerati gli alti tassi di morbidità connessi alla RC con tecnica open, numerosi centri nel mondo hanno adottato tecniche mini-invasive, per ridurre le complicanze e migliorare il ricovero del paziente. SCOPO DELLO STUDIO Questo lavoro si propone di svolgere una prima analisi dei risultati post-chirurgici, funzionali ed oncologici precoci riportati in tutti i pazienti operati di cistectomia radicale robotica con derivazione urinaria totalmente intracorporea, per causa di neoplasia vescicale, nella clinica urologica di Padova. MATERIALI E METODI Lo studio ha incluso una serie consecutiva di pazienti sottoposti a cistectomia radicale robotica (RARC, robot-assisted radical cystectomy) con derivazione intracorporea (ICUD, intracorporeal urinary diversion) nella clinica urologica di Padova, dall’inizio della sua pratica (aprile 2021) a maggio 2022. Sono stati raccolti e analizzati i dati anamnestici, peri-operatori, patologici e funzionali, acquisiti dalle cartelle cliniche elettroniche e mediante questionari sottoposti ai pazienti ai fini dello studio. Si è svolta un’analisi descrittiva dei risultati a breve termine, in riferimento a morbidità post-operatoria, funzione urinaria ed erettile e risultati oncologici precoci. RISULTATI La coorte si componeva di 23 pazienti, di cui il 92% di sesso maschile. L’età mediana all’intervento era di anni 65 [IQR 62-71] e il 70% aveva fumato in passato o fumava ancora. Il BMI mediano era di 25.8 kg/m2 [25-29.4], il Charlson Comorbidity Index mediano di 0 [0-0]. All’ultima biopsia prima dell’intervento si identificavano 6 cTis di alto grado (HG) (36%), 4 cTaHG (17%), 3 cT1HG (13%) e 10 cT2 (44%), nel 35% dei casi con CIS concomitante. Il 61% dei pazienti aveva eseguito qualche tipo di terapia prima di sottoporsi a RARC. L’intervento ha avuto durata mediana di 360 minuti [330-405], perdite ematiche di 300 ml [200-400], durata mediana dell’ospedalizzazione di 8 giorni [6-14]. Il 65% dei pazienti ha ricevuto derivazione ortotopica continente Ves.Pa. mentre il 35% condotto ileale. Il reperto operatorio aveva margini negativi nel 100% dei casi e il numero mediano di linfonodi asportati è stato 23 [13-28]. Il 61% dei pazienti ha sviluppato complicanze precoci (13% di alto grado), di cui la maggioranza erano infettive (30%), gastrointestinali (23.4%) e genitourinarie (23.4%), e il 13% di loro ha presentato complicanze tardive (4% di alto grado). Non si è evidenziata una relazione statisticamente significativa tra le variabili preoperatorie analizzate o il tipo di derivazione svolta con l’insorgenza di complicanze (p>0.05). Al follow-up analizzato nessun paziente ha recuperato la piena continenza vescicale, sebbene il 46% non utilizzasse pannolini di giorno, e il 15% di notte. La maggioranza dei pazienti lamentava disturbi minzionali di grado lieve-moderato (77%). Il 73% dei pazienti maschi presentava una disfunzione erettile grave. In merito all’outcome oncologico precoce, la sopravvivenza globale e cancro specifica era del 100%, mentre la sopravvivenza libera da malattia del 96% e i tassi di recidiva del 4%. CONCLUSIONI I risultati a seguito di RARC con ICUD emersi nella nostra coorte sono apparsi in linea, se non superiori, alla letteratura più autorevole a riguardo. I tassi di complicanze erano inferiori e l’outcome oncologico precoce ha mostrato dati incoraggianti riguardo la radicalità dell’intervento, anche se i risultati potrebbero essere inficiati dai stringenti criteri di selezione dei pazienti alla chirurgia robotica.
Analisi dei risultati peri-operatori, funzionali ed oncologici in una serie di pazienti sottoposti a cistectomia radicale robotica con derivazione intracorporea per neoplasia vescicale
BACKGROUND Bladder cancer is the ninth most common cancer in the world. It occurs in a 30% of cases in muscle-invasive form. Radical cystectomy (RC) and pelvic lymph node dissection are the gold standard treatment for localized muscle-invasive (MIBC) and high-risk non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC). Because of the high morbidity rate associated with open RC, many international centers have adopted minimally invasive surgical techniques, to reduce complications and optimize the recovery. PURPOSE This study aims to conduct a first review of the post-operative, functional and early oncologic outcomes reported in the patients undergoing robotic-assisted radical cystectomy (RARC) with totally intracorporeal urinary diversion for bladder cancer, in the urologic clinic of Padua. MATERIALS AND METHODS We retrospectively analyzed a cohort of the first 23 patients who underwent robotic radical cystectomy with intracorporeal urinary diversion in the urologic clinic of Padua. The enrolled patients had received indication to RC due to MIBC or high-risk NMIBC, that had failed previous treatments. Anamnestic, peri-operative, pathologic, and functional data were collected from patients’ electronic medical charts and through questionnaires that were administered for the purpose of the study. We performed a descriptive analysis of the short-term outcomes, in particular about postoperative morbidity, urinary continence, residual erectile function and early oncologic outcomes. RESULTS The study included 23 patients, 92% of whom were male. The median age at surgery was 65 years [IQR 62-71] and 70% of the cohort had smoked in the past or were still smoking. Median BMI was 25.8 kg/m2 [25-29.4], median Charlson Comorbidity Index was 0 [0-0]. 61% of patients had undergone some type of antitumoral treatment before RARC. The procedure had a median operative time of 360 minutes [330-405], blood loss of 300 ml [200-400], median length of stay of 8 days [6-14]. 65% of patient received orthotopic continent neobladder called “Ves.Pa.” and 35% received ileal conduit. The surgical margins were negative in 100% of cases, and the median number of lymph node yield was 23 [13-28]. 61% of patients developed early complications (13% were Clavien-Dindo ≥ 3), of which the majority were infectious (30%), gastrointestinal (23.4%) and genitourinary (23.4%). 13% of patients developed late complication (4% high-grade). Univariate analysis showed that neither pre-operative variables nor the type of derivation performed correlated with the occurrence of post-operative complications (p>0.05). In the short follow-up, no patient recovered full bladder continence, although 46% reported not using pads at day-time, and 15% at night-time. The majority of patients complained of mild-to-moderate urinary disorders (77%). 73% of male patients had severe erectile dysfunction. Concerning early oncologic outcome, the overall and cancer-specific survival was 100%, and disease-free survival was 96%, with 4% of recurrence rate. CONCLUSIONS The results from our cohort undergoing RARC with ICUD were in agreement or superior to the most significant literature on the topic. Complication rates appeared to be lower and early oncologic outcomes showed promising data concerning the radicality of the surgery, although the results might be affected by the stringent criteria for patients’ selection to robotic surgery.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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